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May 20th reintro starts


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hey y'all! so interesting to read about everyone's off-roading. we were in rural louisiana all weekend, and let me just say it's impossible to do whole30 in louisiana and/or to be structured and strategic about reintro. sigh. i shouldn't say it's impossible - probably people with a higher tolerance for disrupted social interactions would have made it worked, or packed food more strategically, or whatever...but i didn't because we were visiting DH's dad who we haven't seen in over two years. so. eat what they serve, no access to grocery stores (45 minute drive) etc. so i was all off road, all weekend long. and i don't feel THAT badly, honestly. i think gluten makes me gassy and i wasn't as stoked to eat cheese again as i thought i'd be. potato chips are still delicious and definitely a problem for me mentally. 


so the plan is...back on plan for 10 days and then a more concerted effort at reintro. does that sound like enough time?

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I've had a smattering of dairy here and there. Back to drinking my coffee black, it's too tempting to add sugar when I add milk. Haha. I have loosened up with added sugars, like in my super yummy bison hot dogs, but otherwise taking reintro slow. I did add some stevia to iced tea today. It tasted better than I'd hoped.

I think I'm going to try some beans later this week. The hubby loves chili.

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Had to go to the cafeteria upstairs today to get lunch -- DH just have not had time to cook.  Ended up with deli meat (so added sugar and carrageenan, probably) on top of an iceberg lettuce and tomato salad.  They did chop up a bunch of (probably noncompliant) bacon to top it with.  I enjoyed it.


Something that I ate over the weekend made me pretty gassy today.  I ate quite a few meals out and could have gotten an unknown ingredient anywhere, making a day like today frustrating.  I'm willing to be gassy in the name of figuring things out, but random gassiness when it could've been any of a dozen things really doesn't help much.  It feels like I had some dairy, but I really have no idea where I would have encountered it.  More and more, though, these experiences convince me to stick with compliant eating as much as I can.  I feel better, have to think about what i eat less, and enjoy life more.


ThyPeace, which is a good thing today.

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Dropped another pound. It's exciting to see numbers I haven't seen in YEARS! Put on a sports bra this morning and it was really loose. Ugh.



WOW!  That's awesome!!!!!   I have been totally on track with the reintroduction program.  Today I did dairy.   No obvious reactions but I will still do the 2 full days compliant.  My dilemma is that I'm going to a wedding on Saturday and it's an informal wedding at my husband's friends house.  I don't really know the people and I'm dying ot ask them what they will be serving.  I could wait to introduce gluten on Saturday instead of Sunday but I don't know what protein they will have.  I may just put some hard boiled eggs in my purse just in case I end up starving!

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super impressed with all of you! for those of you who are on a second/third/etc whole30, has it been easier to stay on plan/reintro strategically this time than it was your first? 


i have a wicked headache today and feel lethargic. had a hard time staying awake through the afternoon yesterday, even though i was back on plan. i guess my weekend really did have consequences...? 

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For me, yes, significantly easier after the first time.  I did not understand how important the reintroduction process was the first time.  And time of year plays a role.  Ending a whole 30 and then going into the holidays, it was particularly difficult to try to reintroduce things.  I still learned a lot about what tasted good to me and what didn't though, so I think it was a very worthwhile time.  


Wild-caught and well-cooked muskrat shanks, for example, taste far better than store-bought pie.  Yes, I really did learn that.


ThyPeace, at her family's Thanksgiving reunion.

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I need to get back in plan. I have been doing some rough off roading. Over all I don't feel too bad so no major reactions to it but I don't feel as good as whole30. Trying to get back and then have a party June 1 I will go off. I still am not sleeping well which started while we were in the w30. That is getting old.

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I put a little butter on my spaghetti squash last night and seem OK today. Have a friend who suggested sushi Friday night. I *love* sushi. Haven't done rice yet or soy. Maybe take my coconut aminos? And, sushi rice has sugar in it. . . . May try it though. . . . .

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Surprising to even myself, I haven't yet started back with the wine or beer.  The gluten reintroduction, however, has gone from one day to three and I am having a hard time getting back to eating clean for a few days because I've been experiencing the ease of eating out and not worrying too much about what I'm ordering. Having some neck pain with the gluten and today felt extremely lethargic so I think it is getting to me. 

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Reintroducing legumes today, mostly by happenstance.  Had half of a tofu dog at lunch.  Had never had one before and had to force myself to keep chewing instead of spit it out.  Yuck.  And then had peanuts and peanut oil by going to 5 Guys at supper time.  I don't expect much in the way of body reaction based on previous reintroductions, but I've not really had the chance to do a legume reintro that focused on these two items, so it should tell me something.  Something other than "Tofu dogs are terrible," that is.


ThyPeace, agrees with DD, who tried that and a beef hot dog and chose the beef one.  And then ate 4 of them.  She may be trying to be a vegetarian, but her body is protein hungry...

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Was that weird pain right when you were eating the popcorn, or later?  I have noticed that if I don't drink enough liquid with popcorn, I get a ball or knot of it that struggles to make it through my system. 


ThyPeace, grew up on popcorn and has been known to eat quite a lot of it.  Hasn't had it in a few months though.

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Well, I have fallen off the Whole30 re-intro wagon HARD :( Started slowly over the holiday weekend, but since I've been back from my camping trip, I just crave all sorts of crap. I feel terrible today after eating a breakfast burrito and having some candy this afternoon. I really hope the past few days haven't "undone" all of the good things I accomplished while on the program. I plan on going back to being compliant so I can get rid of this icky feeling. I'm just disappointed in myself for not taking things slower and more cautiously.

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Angie: it is hard to get back on. I don't feel too bad which makes it worse! But I know it will add up. I think on June 2 I am going w30 until at least June 10 and then might try something again.

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So about legumes.  We are post Whole30, so it's not a matter of elimination any more.  And reintroduction seems to indicate that most legumes are fine for me, though excessive amounts of peanuts may make my tummy hurt.  Other beans, from black bean to kidney to green beans, seem to be fine.


But let's talk nutritional content.  Are beans nutritionally dense foods or not?  I don't trust most of the indexed ratings of nutritional density because of their bias toward water-soluble vitamins (thereby tilting things away from the fat-soluble vitamins in animal sources).  And the other lists I see tend not to mention beans.


And yet there are many diets and analyses, including both the Mediterranean diet and the Blue Zones work, that say that beans are a key component of a healthy diet.


Any thoughts?  Better yet, has anyone read anything they really thought was good science?


ThyPeace, likes science.

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So I think, by having two things at once more often than not, I don't seem to be having any reactions to the original non-permitted foods? I did feel a little bloated from the popcorn (but I DID have 1 and a half large buckets worth -_-), but cheese and flour and honey and legumes seems to be OK. I'm sure there's more concentrated things I could add, like actual milk/yogurt, chocolaes/candies, or white bread/cereals but I'm not really craving any of those right now. I kinda want a soda, but after the one at the theater last week, not that badly surprisingly. I walk by all the boxes I have on a daily basis and they aren't calling my name, which is nice. Neither is most fast food, which was always my usual crutch (MAYBE Taco Bell, but it's too much effort to go haha). Gonna try to stick hard back to whole30 because I know since I'm not feeling bad eating 'semi-bad' food, it'll be a slippery slope if I start adding it regularly. But I know I finished enough that if I want a cookie, i can have one ;)

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I had a few strange days and am back on the program today. I was okay adding back in legumes, and I've eased up on eliminating foods that have tiny amounts of sugar. I'm also doing stevia in my coffee. I had tortilla chips two days ago and wish I hadn't. They were sitting there yelling at me to eat them! Then I had a colonoscopy yesterday, so I had to go through Wednesday on a liquid diet, drinking that nasty prep stuff. It was so hard on my system I could barely take it. I feel better already, just after having a mostly-compliant breakfast and knowing what I'll be doing for lunch.

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So things aren't going as well as they could be here. I don't seem to have a problem with dairy. So that's nice but I don't miss it much. I think I'll have it whenever my sil brings over a good cheese. My grandmother passed this week so that has been very stressful. I couldn't decide if I was going to travel to the funeral... 900 miles, do I fly? Do I drive? Do I take children? Etc. this went on for a few days and I ALMOST packed up last night and stove with my mil there. But decided to stay home and proceeded to drink a couple beers. Then my neighbor says "want some spaghetti?" Oh yes, I do want a big steaming plate of sweet delicious white carbs covered in sauce and that green bottle of Parmesan cheese. Today I feel awful but I'm betting it's the beers.

I kinda want to restart my 30 and do the reintro as prescribed in the book.

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hey y'all! so interesting to read about everyone's off-roading. we were in rural louisiana all weekend, and let me just say it's impossible to do whole30 in louisiana and/or to be structured and strategic about reintro. sigh. i shouldn't say it's impossible - probably people with a higher tolerance for disrupted social interactions would have made it worked, or packed food more strategically, or whatever...but i didn't because we were visiting DH's dad who we haven't seen in over two years. so. eat what they serve, no access to grocery stores (45 minute drive) etc. so i was all off road, all weekend long. and i don't feel THAT badly, honestly. i think gluten makes me gassy and i wasn't as stoked to eat cheese again as i thought i'd be. potato chips are still delicious and definitely a problem for me mentally.

so the plan is...back on plan for 10 days and then a more concerted effort at reintro. does that sound like enough time?

Is 10 days enough time? I'm trying to decide what to do with myself.

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Was that weird pain right when you were eating the popcorn, or later?  I have noticed that if I don't drink enough liquid with popcorn, I get a ball or knot of it that struggles to make it through my system. 


ThyPeace, grew up on popcorn and has been known to eat quite a lot of it.  Hasn't had it in a few months though.


It's a weird pain in the very lower right abdomen. It was right when I was eating it. Been trying to figure out what's causing it. . . .

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Hey all -- I've been mostly staying on the W30 plan although last weekend I had some wine, which I enjoyed and had no dramatic aftereffects.  I also had some beans with no side effects -- but I'm not a huge bean person, so I didn't eat alot of them.


Last night though I ate a compliant dinner with a glass of wine (I guess that makes it non-compliant) and then was making cookies for my mom -- its a monthly ritual.  I made the cookies without tasting anything, but then decided to try a cookie once they were warm and gooey looking on the tray.  I woke up at 5am and couldn't go back to sleep, feeling my stomach rumble and heart burn.  In the moment of eating the cookie, I was just thinking I was reintroducing sugar and chocolate, but now I realize that there was flour in those things too.  So I don't know what is causing the stomach irritation.  A very non-scientific reentry attempt! 


I think I'm going to go with a few compliant days and when I feel better, try reintroducing some of the non gluten grains.

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