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Just finished my first 30!


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Yesterday was my last day of my first Whole30.

I was pretty skeptical when I started. I always assume testimonials I read online are not real.

Happy to say this time I was wrong!


In the 30 days... not only did I loose 26 lbs... but there have been many other great outcomes


My entire life I have had tiny bumps on my skin.. not a rash.. just bumpy skin.

Happy to say that my skin head to toe is now completely smooth!...its amazing.. I cant help but keep running my finger tips over my arms now and then just to be sure Im not imagining it!


My constant, daily diverticulitis problems have all but vanished.  I have not had a single cramp, stomach ache or one day of diarrhea in 30 days!.. it is such a life changing thing for me it is unbelievable!


My knee... which I have had problems with since a high school injury(30 years ago) is getting stronger day by day!

It has made a full circle

Ive lost weight.. and its lightened the pressure on my knee..and reducing the inflammation... which makes it feel better and allows me to get up and exercise more which is helping me loose weight 

My doctor, who was already making plans for me to have a knee replacement at the end of this years, says that if I keep going the way I may be able to post pone that surgery for possibly another 10-12 years.


All this has made sleeping a new experience as well.

Before my Whole30.. I was lucky if I slept 3 hours .. was awake for an hour.. then I might get another 2 or 3 hours.

The day I woke up after a night of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I could have cried!..  the first few times I felt almost hung over.. but after 4 straight nights of that.. I felt amazing.

and the sunday morning I got to sleep in.. and woke up realizing I had slept for almost 11 hours I was blown away!


Now I am taking 5 days "off-plan" (because I reallllly miss having a little blue cheese on my salads).. then I will be starting my next Whole30

My plan is to do 2 months on... 2 months off but keeping it as close to it as I can and still just have occasional cheese!

Afterall.. I still have another 80lbs to go... and I joined my first 5K happening in 3 months!!


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Congratulations on your Whole30! I am on day 5 and you have given me hope I can do this. I am not missing anything too bad yet but I'm sure I will be soon.


Anyways, I just wanted to say Congrats, You did it!



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You can do it Mdelesde... I actually had a great time with it... specially the menu planning ... as an obsessive list

and chart maker it worked out perfectly.

I just made a game of it each week... see if I can make a menu, but just what I need for that menu..

and keep it at or below budget.

Don't be shy...ask lots of questions... the support is out there!

and for the record.. my day 31 off plan blue cheese... was AWESOME!! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can do it KPate.... once you get the hang of it it come second nature


and that feta will taste great on day 31... but you will probably find.. you didn't miss it as much as you thought.... I had alittle blue cheese on two salads... then completely forgot about it and had to throw away the rest.... I figured since I let it go bad... it wasn't as important a part of my meals as I thought it would be


However.. I will be having it from time to time between my Whole30s

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