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Third Time is the Charm


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I like to joke about my food intolerences because it makes it easier to cope.I joke that every other thing bothers my stomach and it changes from day to day. My husband and I have dabbled in Paleo but when we fall off its way off. 15 years of gaining weighttogether. We have tried other programs like MRC which is nonsustainable.

Forward to May 2. 2015. DH hears about ISWF. I read the book and we start May 2. Then my daughter has a baby on May 8 and we step in happily to help with our 2 year old grandson. I find I am not as prepared as I need to be. Perhaps more mental then actually food wise. My daughter also had some post C Section complications.

May 16- restart. Going well until trip to Panera. I asked the server if there was gluten in the vegetable soup.She answered with certaintly none.Started eating and guess what the soup had pasta.

May 22 - broke the news to hubby that I needed to eat at home for a couple of weeks. Really think for the whole month. He loves to eat out so I wanted to take it in small steps.

So....here. I go again

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