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Erica's Whole30


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You have a solid plan! That is all it takes I am learning :) You are going to do great off roading and I look forward to hearing how it went and how you felt as well. 


So tell me more about this spinach and garlic chicken sausage? Did you make it or find it somewhere? All I see people posting about are the apple sausages which just don't sound good to me, and I have yet to see them anywhere around me anyway. 

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I have pics of the packaging of the chicken sausages but I can't figure out how to post the pics here!! Hahaha 


I bought them at Whole Foods, but they were labeled a "New Item!" and my friend who went later in the SAME DAY didn't find them .... So I think I was just either lucky, or experienced a hallucination  :lol:


Anyway - the brand is Bilinski's Spinach and Garlic Chicken Sausage - http://www.bilinski.com/see their website for pics of the packaging!

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Oh of course they were at Whole Foods (pouting....as we have no whole foods around here). Thanks for sharing maybe I will luck out and find them somewhere else!


Ooh it says the brand is available at the health store near me! I know where I am popping after work :)

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Day 27 - June 13, 2015


M1 @ 9:00 AM: mashed sweet potato, tuna salad (green apple, orange bell pepper, pickle, homemade mayo), black coffee


M2 @ 1:30 PM: w30 ratatouille, turkey meatballs


3:30 PM: yoga class - I got up into crow pose for the first time in over a year and a half ... I am just feeling so good about myself right now - these non scale victories are really top notch


M3 @ 7:30 PM: ground beef, spaghetti squash in red pepper & coconut sauce, zucchini

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Day 29 - June 15, 2015


I am apparently pretty bad at logging on the weekends, even when I am doing absolutely nothing. Yesterday I was just tired all day. I did some pretty hardcore cleaning, and packed for my travels this week. One big change in behavior I noticed, was even though I was tired and not motivated to cook good food for dinner last night, the thought never crossed my mind that it'd be so easy to just order a pizza (this was very common behavior before w30). Instead, my thoughts were consumed with the good food I did have in the fridge and how all I needed to do was get up off the couch and eat something.


When I'm tired all day, I can never seem to fall asleep at night, and that is what happened last night as well. So I'm hoping I can really get to bed early tonight because I am flying out at 7 AM tomorrow morning.


M1 @ 7:30 AM: sweet potato and ground beef fritatta


M2 @ 12:30 PM: leftover fajitas (beef, chicken, peppers, onions), sweet potato, guac


M3 @ 7:00 PM: ground beef, green beans, red potatoes

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I found the sausages! Scared to try them as haven't been a sausage fan in the past really....they are in the fridge just waiting LOL....maybe tomorrow night for dinner!


Safe travels and hope you get that sleep! My weekend did not include enough sleep and I am paying for it today....coffee coffee chug chug chug.

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Try them! If you like spinach & garlic you will be fine :)


I have also realized (many many times, apparently I just never get the hint) that maybe I was dehydrated/didn't eat enough fat yesterday. After lunch today with my guac and over 60 oz of water downed (over the course of 4-5 hours) and I still can't stop drinking .... I definitely need to remember to keep hydrated & keep eating the fat!!


Tomorrow night I will be in Florida next to the beautiful water, celebrating the close of my w30 with a very nice steak dinner  ^_^

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Day 30 - June 16, 2015


M1: sweet potato and ground beef frittata


M2: homemade chicken salad


M3: salmon with asparagus


Last night I walked on the beach and just contemplated the past 30 days and how ... easy ... it actually seemed. I want to write a full "after action report" as detailed in the Whole30 Daily. I'll do that, then update this post to link to it.


Day 31 - June 17, 2015


Over the next week & a half or so, I will try to stick to whole30 foods; however, since I will be away from my own kitchen, at a wedding, on business trips (and since I'm officially "graduated") I will not be strict with condiments or preparation at restaurants.


Of course, the wedding is completely off limits ....


M1 @ 9:00 AM: two eggs, over easy, 3 breakfast sausage links, roasted red potatoes

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New people should read the logs. Erica- what a thrill to read your ups after downs!!!!!!

You are doing great!!!!!

I'm day 21 and can see my own good stuff after the bad.

I am so encouraged today.

Have a fabulous day !

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