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Day 2 headache


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I started Whole30 yesterday and this morning woke up with a raging headache.  I'm guessing it's from a lack of caffiene yesterday.  Did you experience this?  How did you deal with it? I keep thinking if I just drank 1/2 a cup of Coke I'd feel much better, but I don't want to cheat like that.  I can't stand black coffee so that option is out.  Any other ideas?

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Hey! We have the same start date. How are you feeling now that you're in Day 5? I remember getting a bit of a headache and needing a super long nap on Day 2 (and I'm not a "headache person," so it was really odd for me, but I tried to just listen to my body by getting some mid-day sleep). Now in Day 5, I actually have a weird head-y sensation that I can't quite equate to light-headedness, but maybe it's just my brain being more alert/nourished because the inside of my skull feels way brighter/lighter and less foggy/dense than usual...? (And on Days 3-4 I felt "hyper-aware" which was a little scary during some stressful office moments!)

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