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5 days in and I'm on the road


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I travel for my job so I knew I'd come up against HUGE obstacles but the hunger monster is going to be the death of me! I brought as much food as I could pack for 4 days but it doesn't feel enough and the hotel restaurant can only be so accommodating! Yes, the struggle is real today! I'll go workout and distract but I'm sure I'm not the only one in this journey that feels the same.

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Ouch! Yes, while that would be a perfect and simple sounding solution I don't have wheels to just pop into a grocery store. I do have food with me so I'll dig into more of that. It would just be nice to sit down at a restaurant and not feel completely restricted. Sorry not forgoing the workouts.

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Me too LadyP!!!! I am on Day6 and spending the day in NYC- I feel for you on a 4 day jaunt!!!!! I travel a good deal for work too and even pre-W30 my first MO was always to try and find SOMEplace close by to stock up on a few healthy snacks. I totally get that this is not always feasable though.

I'm still early on myself so I don't have a lot of wisdom to impart, but I am sending you lots of support as I sit on this Acela surrounded by beer, breakfast sammices and peanut M&Ms eating my kale chips and celery w th W30 ranch!!! You've got this!!!!!


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I just left JFK!!! I'm able to bring lunch and dinner and some snacks but left myself open for breakfast…mostly because I simply didn't have the room to pack it.  I'll be in Seattle tonight and am really excited to go get some fresh produce from Pike Place Market! I've started a mantra, "just keep breathing, drink some water, and go do something else!" BTW - I just ate some W30 ranch with my chicken and salad at lunch today! Love it! Thank you! 

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Oh yay! You've got a plan! That's more than half the battle, no? (Autocorrect just tried to change "battle" to "batter". Oy. Is it too early to be having crazy food fantasies?

Have a great time-I may borrow your mantra! Though you should see my snack bag- and I'm only going a few states over! I wasn't leaving ANYTHING to chance.

Have a blast and let us know how your do (and maybe post Pike Place pics- my friends love that place!


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