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Day 24 - why do I feel terrible?

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This is my 3rd Whole30 (but my 2nd one was a year and a half ago). I am on day 24, and not feeling great. My pants are tight, and for the past few days I’ve been in a terrible mood (and no, it’s not that time of the month). I had a Kill All The Things day way back on day 3, but the last couple days have been just as bad, if not worse. Here’s a typical day:


meal 1:

eggs (2) scrambled with spinach

palm-sized patty of turkey sausage

medium sized sweet potato generously drizzled with clarified butter

1-2 cups of coffee (black)


meal 2:

a large hunk of meatloaf

a large heap of coleslaw


meal 3:

grilled chicken leg and wings

carrots cooked in clarified butter

medium sized sweet potato generously drizzled with clarified butter


I exercise pretty regularly (about 4x a week) and depending on meal timing, I may have a pre and/or post workout meal (pre would be an egg or two, post would be some tuna and a potato).


I’ve tried to think of where I could be going wrong. I can't imagine that I'm not eating enough protein, fat, or starchy veggies. Is too much of any of those a possibility? Early on I was in the habit of not eating breakfast immediately after waking up (it was more like 2 hours after waking up), but I realize how important that is and I’ve been doing a lot better lately. I usually only drink about 2/3 or 3/4 of the amount of water I should be drinking, and I’m working on that as well.


I am currently experiencing a lot of stress in my life, and I’m sure that’s not helping. I recently left a job I was completely miserable at and haven’t found a new job yet, my husband has a fledgling business, we have a small child, and several months ago we relocated to a new city and are looking at moving again before the year is out.


Anyway, I’m frustrated because so far I don’t have anything good to report after 24 days. My husband is doing this too, and he’s feeling good, lost some weight, and (mostly) stopped snoring, which I’m super excited about. But it would be nice to see some results of my own.

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I am currently experiencing a lot of stress in my life, and I’m sure that’s not helping. I recently left a job I was completely miserable at and haven’t found a new job yet, my husband has a fledgling business, we have a small child, and several months ago we relocated to a new city and are looking at moving again before the year is out.


Your food looks pretty good to me, but holy MOLY you have a lot going on.  Stress will impact your life more than you might imagine.  Take it easy on yourself, keep eating healthy, whole foods packed with nutrients (I'd even go so far as to say you might not want to stray too far from the Whole30 path during this time of high stress) and take it easy on yourself!


Melissa just posted an article about living through stressful periods, check it out.




And remember that 24 days of eating protein, veggies and fat can do a lot...but it cannot undo monumental stresses, you just have to get through those and hopefully arrive on the other side in as good a shape as you can manage.

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