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Reintroduction Rash Fun


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My last Whole30 ended on August 30th and due to various circumstances (Labor Day weekend partytime), I reintroduced too many types of inflammatory foods at once. Now I have a bumpy/itchy/red skin rash on the sides of my mouth near my chin.

Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas what could've caused it? Grains? Sugar? Chocolate? Alcohol? Dairy? (YES I HAD ALL OF THOSE THINGS THIS PAST WEEKEND :unsure: ) I didn't have anything like this happen after my 1st Whole30 in April so I am stumped!

I'm headed to the dermatologist today because I'm tired of looking like a leper. Hopefully they can shed some light on it.

Definitely going to get back on the Whole30 wagon to see if it'll alleviate this awful rash.

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It's a reaction to an intolerance- eczema. I've been Whole30 for 6 months and am trying to figure out my intolerances, and eczema is still present, meaning it's in something I'm eating still (gluten and dairy for sure, not sure what else). Consider reintroducing specifically one thing at a time with plenty of time in between, eczema takes a while to go away. Once you know what food to avoid it gets easier, so when you indulge, you can make more educated and custoized decisions. Good luck!

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I get a red itchy rash around my mouth and lips when I have any cow dairy. My dermo referred me to an allergist and it was such a relief to get a definite answer. They put little pin prick samples of foods all up your arms and see which ones you react to. For me, the dairy one blew up immediately. If your dermo doesn't see anything, or only wants to prescribe cortosone, it may be worth suggesting. Good luck!

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