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Fruit? How much is too much?


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I'm posting a bunch today, but want to be sure I'm doing this right. Background, I'm on Day 12 (maybe too late to be checking on the rules) and am also training for a half-marathon so trying to maintain a high level of energy to support my running. Race on 10/7. Question is: How much fruit is too much? I typically eat an apple, a banana, and a bowl of mixed berries a day. Spread across the day. Is that too much?

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There is no hard and fast rule about eating fruit. Two servings per day is a common rule of thumb, but if you are active and also eating plenty of veggies, three servings per day is not a problem. However, all bets are off if you are having trouble with sugar cravings. Eating fruit tends to make sugar cravings worse, so it is best to eliminate fruit altogether if that is an issue for you.

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