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Started Today - Desperate for Tips


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I have the MOST unhealthy relationship with food.  I have been bulimic and unhealthy, fat and unhealthy...always unhealthy.  I have 7 young children and also 5 miscarriages.  My body is worn out and worn down and it shows in my body, hair, and skin.


I'm doing this to take back my body and my health.  I have begun and crashed on every program I have tried.  I want to succeed at this.  I NEED to succeed at this. 

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I have the MOST unhealthy relationship with food.  I have been bulimic and unhealthy, fat and unhealthy...always unhealthy.  I have 7 young children and also 5 miscarriages.  My body is worn out and worn down and it shows in my body, hair, and skin.


I'm doing this to take back my body and my health.  I have begun and crashed on every program I have tried.  I want to succeed at this.  I NEED to succeed at this. 

What kind of tips are you looking for JJM?


I will say that if you let it, the Whole30 can change your relationship with food.  This is achieved by doing the hard emotional and mental work (that sometimes hurts quite a bit) while also following our recommendations for best practices.


Three meals a day, no snacking: (starting within an hour of waking, btw) This one is critical to balancing your hormones and really teaching you about all the ways you use food outside of fuel and nutrition.  You may feel emotions more strongly when you cannot numb them with food, don't be worried that you are more emotional or more intensely angry, sad, anxious etc.  You may feel like your cravings or the overwhelming need to put something in your mouth are crushing you.  Stay strong, changing these patterns is one of the huge ways in which Whole30 changes your mind about food.


Planning is key: this takes work.  It takes cooking and planning and prepping and always, ALWAYS having compliant food available.  It involves discovering how to plan proper meals that will keep you satiated for 4-5 hours.  It involves looking at your day and planning for what you'll need.  If there is one thing Whole30 isn't, that's "quick and easy" in the way that our culture feels they are entitled to.  This takes work.


Eat enough food! A mistake many people make is assuming that this is a weight loss plan or a restrictive diet.  It's not. Full stop.  We want you to eat.  Plates full of protein, fat and vegetables.  And if you work out? You get to eat pre and post workout too!  Often when we have people who are faltering or experiencing exhaustion etc, it's because they are not eating enough food.  Take a look through our Troubleshooting forum and you'll see many, many instances of us telling people to eat more.  Take a look at what we're suggesting and make sure that you're on the right track.  


This is not low carb.  The other common mistake people make is going too low carb resulting in intense sugar cravings, headaches, exhaustion, low mood, anxiety etc.  Start with one fist sized serving of starchy veggies per day and go from there.  Bump up as needed until you are feeling good.


Being that you've struggled with food disorders in the past, tread carefully.  Make sure that you are in touch with yourself as you go and if you feel that the restrictiveness of the Whole30 is triggering you, you might need to back off.  Check out this article in case things go sideways. http://whole30.com/2014/06/dear-melissa-eating-disorders/


We're here, the moderator team and all the wonderful and experienced members that we have on this forum. We want you to win the gold nugget that is a successful Whole30.  Feel free to reach out if you need any assistance.

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Hi there and welcome. I am new as well but on day 22 and want to say I passed the rough beginnings even though I have quit things in the past and today I am feeling great!!!!! After day 11 I started feeling good. I'm waking up happy each day thinking or what WHOLE day I made it to and then seeing a difference in the mirror!

Read people logs. Read troubleshooting posts...it is all so encouraging and knowing there is a start day and end as well as many people on board is so encouraging!!

In 22 days my bra went from fitting right after being too tight to closed on the smallest hooks and almost too big, I went down a pa ts size...I was at work and very uncomfortable needing to keep pulling the old ones up...caught sight of myself in the mirror and I reminded myself of tom hanks in the end of "Big" where be is 13,and still wearing the mans suit LOL. My skin is nicer. My hair seems to be growing faster. I am peaceful. Oh I had a period when I thought I was starting menopause! (Read about that in woman's issues on the board). I am not deprived. I do not go hungry. I am not a good cook but sure have enjoyed experimenting.

I hope this encourages you! Get thru the first few days. Do it just for you. Don't worry about the whole family yet- YOU matter. You can do it. Pop over to my log anytime !!!

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I have the MOST unhealthy relationship with food.  I have been bulimic and unhealthy, fat and unhealthy...always unhealthy.  I have 7 young children and also 5 miscarriages.  My body is worn out and worn down and it shows in my body, hair, and skin.


I'm doing this to take back my body and my health.  I have begun and crashed on every program I have tried.  I want to succeed at this.  I NEED to succeed at this. 



Give yourself the permission to do this! For someone who has struggled with eating disorders, eating fats can be a terrifying thing and NOT limiting yourself to mini portion sizes can be seemingly counter-intuitive. Make a list of why you want to do this and hang it up everywhere you think you need to see it. The bathroom, the kitchen, the bedroom, on every mirror in your house etc. Have faith in the process and take baby steps. If you haven't been adventurous with food in the past then start slow. However, experimenting with the recipes and seeing all of the colors of fresh food can be very fun! :) Don't be afraid to post on the forums - there is no such thing as a stupid question! Create an emergency plan for any time you feel like quitting or if you start to freak out or feel overwhelmed. This could be taking a walk, reviewing your list of "Whys", posting your thoughts on the forum, listening to some great music - whichever works for you! Don't hesitate to reach out for help!

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