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June 20 start date (tomorrow). Anyone interested in accountability partner?


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Thanks Shannon!  I am very hopeful that if I just press on the energy will return.  I am totally on top of the fats and big enough servings to keep me going from one meal to the next, with just one day a lunch not being substantial enough and needing a snack.


I just got the daily email today that said

"In addition, days 7-11 are generally when people report feeling some of “the magic” kicking in. You might start experiencing these positive side effects:

  • Your energy is ramping up, and becoming more consistent over the course of your day.
  • You’re falling asleep easier, and sleeping longer and more soundly.
  • You’re recovering from your exercise or sport faster.
  • Symptoms like allergies, skin issues, digestive distress, and stress are gradually improving.. I'm still waiting on my energy jump as well.
  • Mood swings, a short attention span, and crankiness are starting to be a thing of the past.
  • You’re strangely…happy."
and that is what I was referring to.  I'm read for the extra boost!  :)  The brain fog has cleared up though and that is a huge blessing as I thought I was going to forget a kid somewhere there for a while.  lol.

I'm still waiting on the boost also. Tonight completed day 9 for me.

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I felt good after starting, and felt like I was getting thinner. Yesterday and today though, I feel very "big" and since I have a ton of weight to lose I would think it would come off a little faster. Don't get me wrong, I know this isn't a quick fix, and since I've started to get the hang of it I think I'm going to go for a whole60 since I'm not dying over here. Lol. I do miss cheese though, that is definitely my weak spot. Anyway, anyone else feel like this at this point in the game?

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I have a friend that I started the first attempt with (June 1) so she is almost done.  Said based on her first two attempts in Jan and March, days 10-12 are the hardest and we need to be the most prepared for them.  After that it's tiger blood all the way.  Even the timeline suggests that we are still in the "danger zone" so the email was perhaps a bit misleading, though it is certainly different for everyone. 

Press on JV, press on!

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Omg, that is so me! Yes, I was just going to mention the lack of BM yesterday and today! Is there anything I can eat to try and help this process along? I even had two cups of coffee today with coconut milk and still nothing. And I hate coffee without sweeter, that's how desperate I am, lol! And I'm so glad I'm not alone! We need to start a Facebook group for this, I'm on there much more, lol. And I can't help but laugh at the cheese remarks, because that is totally what I miss the most! I will say though, since my family still eats their normal food around me, I don't think days 10-12 will be any more difficult than any other day. Example, last night we went bowling here on our compound and my husband and kids were snacking on chips and I'm sitting there sipping on my water. It's in my face constantly. Oh, and I made them chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (from scratch) tonight per hubby's request and all of that gooey cheese. Yeah. It's in my face, constantly.

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Yes, I hear you.  I am around it all constantly too.  I am on facebook, so if you start a group send me a friend request  Rachel Freeman.  Profile pic is me in a blue shirt with hubby.  If you can't find me just let me know what you called the group. 


More greens?  Hot water, I love hot water in the am with a slice of lemon in it.  It's so hot here right now (high was 108 today) that even in the am I don't want hot.  I'm the opposite of you on bm though, lose and several  a day.  Hope that stops soon too.  guts healing, right?


congrats on making in this far!

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Hey Rachel, I wasn't sure which one was you. Look me up on Facebook by Vanessa Hataway. I have the same profile picture on there as I do in here. It is my husband and kids in front of the sagrada de familia. The banner is of the coliseum in Rome. If anyone wants to add me send me a friend request and tell me where I know you from (I don't add random people)

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