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June 20 start date (tomorrow). Anyone interested in accountability partner?


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Just came across this thread today! I'd love to join you guys if you let me! I started my second Whole30 on 6/22, so I'm only a couple days behind you...but, it looks like quite a few of you are doing this for your second time around and have an awesome support system going!

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Just came across this thread today! I'd love to join you guys if you let me! I started my second Whole30 on 6/22, so I'm only a couple days behind you...but, it looks like quite a few of you are doing this for your second time around and have an awesome support system going!

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Just came across this thread today! I'd love to join you guys if you let me! I started my second Whole30 on 6/22, so I'm only a couple days behind you...but, it looks like quite a few of you are doing this for your second time around and have an awesome support system going!

Sorry. I got "send happy" last time! Welcome to the group!!!

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Instead of chicken as a snack, could you just add chicken to your meals? You could just have it on the side with your vegetables, or if you're having soup or salad, just chop it up and add it to your serving.

Shannonm816, thanks for the input. My family is Hindu, so even though they know I eat meat (and even tolerate me cooking it,) I try not to eat it at the table. This makes whole30 a bit complicated but still doable. I've started snarfing a chicken breast right before dinner at the table!! :-)

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Holly, I'm glad that you are able to make your w30 work with your families preferences, and to be a bit discrete about it too.  Good for you! 


I'm still plugging away.  Yesterday was my first day back at work after being gone to my mom's last week, so it was pretty insane, but I was glad to feel committed enough to not even be tempted by the "snack drawer."  Fortunately for me it IS a drawer and not all over the lunch room counters, though I typically end up eating at my desk anyway - so I don't have to run for the phone all the time. 


I did drink a second cup of black coffee and paid for it with restless legs last night. 


I need to plan out a few more meals.  I have emergency foods in place, but I certainly don't want to use those when I don't have to. 


chicken and veggie shis-ka-bob's tonight with new potatoes.  Taco's/ lettuce taco wraps tomorrow dinner, but beyond that I don't have a plan and no plan on the weekend isn't good!  :) 


What challenges or successes are you having?  Any favorite new foods?  I tried adding some vinegar to my sautéed spinach a few nights ago and loved it!  Not a new food, but a tasty addition!

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Planning is the only way this works!!! I grill up about 20 chicken breasts in the beginning and then freeze them in individual baggies. This means I can have chicken breast ANYTME, which is very helpful. We do a lot of Indian food for dinner, so that's all vegetables (just have to steer clear of beans and lentils.) I also make a batch of mayo every week that becomes tuna salad (costco) and salad dressing (esp. Caesar, which then becomes chicken Caesar salad.) these are standbys for me. And I REALLY like steak, so I eat one w/ cauli mash every Friday night - a weekend treat I look forward to, and the only treat that will offset my family eating PIZZA without me!!

Pinterest has TONS of recipes that I've found helpful.

And cheese and chocolate are still my biggest struggles. I could seriously throw down on some brownies right about now!! I keep thinking that today will be the day my sugar cravings die!!! :-)

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I totally had an instant craving for chocolate today. I don't typically crave it. I have 2 kids and a husband, none of which are interested in doing the whole30. So I'm having to cook two different meals constantly. It's a pain. Anyway, my house is definitely not without temptation. Fortunately, I'm very strong willed, but I hate that I'm constantly having to shy away from everything. I've also realized how much I eat while I'm cooking. I've been drinking multiple cups of pure green tea a day, is this okay?

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I totally had an instant craving for chocolate today. I don't typically crave it. I have 2 kids and a husband, none of which are interested in doing the whole30. So I'm having to cook two different meals constantly. It's a pain. Anyway, my house is definitely not without temptation. Fortunately, I'm very strong willed, but I hate that I'm constantly having to shy away from everything. I've also realized how much I eat while I'm cooking. I've been drinking multiple cups of pure green tea a day, is this okay?

Green tea is fine, but make sure you get plenty of plain water as well. Also keep in mind that green tea does have caffeine, so if you find yourself not sleeping at night, you may want to look at limiting consumption of it to before noon.


Cravings may just be random, but if they happen repeatedly, you may need to look at your meals and make sure you're eating enough, especially enough fats and enough starchy vegetables. Bonus -- eating nice, big meals that keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours is a huge help in avoiding eating tempting non-W30 foods.


For the cooking, many people find ways to make meals that satisfy everyone. Maybe you can cook meat and vegetables that everyone will eat, and add bread or rice or cheese for the non-W30ers. Or you can do things like burgers, and let them have theirs on a bun, while you have yours on top of a salad, or in a lettuce or collard green wrap, or even using sweet potato slices or Portobello mushrooms for buns. Or you could do tacos, and let them have theirs in tortillas or taco shells with cheese and sour cream, while you have a taco salad. Find ways to make your meals overlap.

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Green tea is fine, but make sure you get plenty of plain water as well. Also keep in mind that green tea does have caffeine, so if you find yourself not sleeping at night, you may want to look at limiting consumption of it to before noon.


Cravings may just be random, but if they happen repeatedly, you may need to look at your meals and make sure you're eating enough, especially enough fats and enough starchy vegetables. Bonus -- eating nice, big meals that keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours is a huge help in avoiding eating tempting non-W30 foods.


For the cooking, many people find ways to make meals that satisfy everyone. Maybe you can cook meat and vegetables that everyone will eat, and add bread or rice or cheese for the non-W30ers. Or you can do things like burgers, and let them have theirs on a bun, while you have yours on top of a salad, or in a lettuce or collard green wrap, or even using sweet potato slices or Portobello mushrooms for buns. Or you could do tacos, and let them have theirs in tortillas or taco shells with cheese and sour cream, while you have a taco salad. Find ways to make your meals overlap.

We've done the burger thing already this week, and I made tacos also. The problem with the tacos is the added ingredients in the pack, I couldn't eat them. I'm trying a from scratch taco seasoning next time, I've been on the hunt for the correct seasonings and just found my second to the last one. Unfortunately we are American expats living in Saudi Arabia, so all I have here are bare essentials I can even get at the store. Cauliflower is a rarity here. So many of the others things I NEED to make recipes aren't available here in our town either. I can't even get fresh spinach for salads. It's crazy! My veggies are so limited here! Mushrooms are another rarity, I haven't seen them in months. I drink plenty of water with a slice of lemon a day, so there is definitely no problem with my water intake. The problem is my husband. He eats worse than a 2 year old. It make the cooking healthy very, very, very hard and non existent. H pretty much doesn't eat vegetables, or onions, or tomatoes or anything of the sort. But he will eat pizza...but not spaghetti. Man drives me nuts and makes my life so much harder when it comes to cooking! I made my dinner tonight , I got my son to try it (it was delicious btw) but he didn't like it, and my daughter wouldn't even try it. Neither would my husband.
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JV~  since your foods are so restricted probably the best thing that you can do is to make larger batches of foods for freezing for later, lunches and left-overs.  I'm sure you already have done a lot of that, but if you can either rotate cooking fresh meals for you or them, using left overs for the other, or have a night off of making new foods ever couple of days that should help you not to get so weary of cooking. 


I make as many things as I can overlap for my family, but am not forcing anything on anyone.  We eat pretty health-fully already, so it's not an immediate need to really shake up our eating/lifestyle.  I do keep putting new dishes out there and they like some and don't care for others, but are more willing to try them when I'm more relaxed about it. 


I love that I found this in summer as we grill a lot more meats and veggies as opposed to casseroles which often have cheese or flours. 


As far as the tacos I personally think cumin is the spice that really makes a difference.  Cumin and Chili Powder, garlic and onion, salt and pepper do just fine.  ~ if you can get cumin and something spicy like chili powder.... 


You definitely are going to have to really work at this!  Kudo's for going after good health despite the work!

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My meatloaf thaws well, but I haven't made meatloaf the w30 way.  What did you use along with your meat and spices to bind it?  I read a recipe that calls for ground mushrooms, but that is the only one I've seen (have't specifically looked).


Planning to get the family a pizza tonight.  We typically do 2 pizza nights a month and I decided that despite trying to get them to eat as close as possible to w30 I don't want them to feel cheated out of their special pizza night.  Balance, right?  Gotta ease the teens (and hubby) in.  ;)


I had some thawed "chocolate chili" with 1/2 a spaghetti squash stirred in yesterday for lunch.  I really liked the chili so much better that way. I made it according to the recipe, but next time I'll add in a ton more veggies, squash and carrots mostly.  It's just too meaty for me.  I like it over a baked potato too though.


My 3 miles felt much stronger last night that on Monday.  Still didn't time myself, so I didn't push too hard, but my body just felt more capable and upright?  Easier not to hunch maybe.  Not sure if that has to do with me working more on my form this year or w30, but those are the things I have noticed.  Also, no headaches for the past 2-3 days.  I have been waking up with headaches about 5 times a week for months, so this is really nice!


Cannot wait for my mind to clear though.  Had so much trouble getting thoughts put together yesterday!  ugh.  So far today is better, but we'll see as the day wears on.  


We are doing fantastic!  Keep it up team 620!!!

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Day 7!   We are rocking this!


Heading into the weekend will perhaps be the most challenging thing for us all.  There is something about a weekend right?  But we can do this .  We want to do this.  Look back at your goals.  They ARE valid! 


I don't know about you all, but I'm not feeling amazing yet.  A little better, but not amazing.  But I keep reading that about day 12-13 it hits.  That tiger blood we are all waiting for!  We'll never know if we give in. 


Do you have your plans made, a few foods to prep for next week?


I'm heading off to search out a few new recipes for the crock pot for next weeks HOT weather!  Even if it's just meat that will be cooked and great to top a salad.   Grilling makes this easier too.  Shish-ka-bobs were a huge success ~ as always.  I can't wait to see what I get in my bountiful basket tomorrow to add to the mix!

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Celebrated the end of week one with a family movie night in the park.  A great non-food way to end the day/week.  I have been reading a few articles and testimonies this morning as I'm still not feeling that energy and motivation that I would like.  I wonder if it stems from the fact that this is "the day" you know, the day I stopped w30 on my last attempt.  Or maybe I just need a few more days to feel the results.  :)  I am pressing on.  Gaining perspective and motivation from the stories I am reading.  I will finish today well. 


How is every one else doing?  I miss hearing from you all!

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Celebrated the end of week one with a family movie night in the park.  A great non-food way to end the day/week.  I have been reading a few articles and testimonies this morning as I'm still not feeling that energy and motivation that I would like.  I wonder if it stems from the fact that this is "the day" you know, the day I stopped w30 on my last attempt.  Or maybe I just need a few more days to feel the results.  :)  I am pressing on.  Gaining perspective and motivation from the stories I am reading.  I will finish today well. 


How is every one else doing?  I miss hearing from you all!


Hi, Rachel -- have you seen the Whole30 timeline? Unfortunately, the first week or two can be hard, but it really does get better. Hang in there!


If you're really having problems with energy, it might be worth starting a post over in the troubleshooting section listing a few days' of food, exercise, sleep, and water intake, and see if there's anything you might be able to tweak to help you feel better. 


In general, make sure you're eating enough and following the meal template. That's 1-2 palm-size portions of protein (that's the length, width, and depth of your palm), 1-2 thumb-sized servings of fat (or heaping handfuls of olives or coconut flakes, 1/2 to a whole avocado, or a small handful of nuts or seeds), and 2-3 cups of vegetables. Do that three times a day, with the first meal within an hour of waking up. At least once a day have a fist-sized serving of starchy vegetables like sweet potato, winter squash, or root vegetables, and have more than that if you're very active, prone to depression or anxiety, pregnant, nursing, or during the week leading up to your period. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day (so if you weigh 120 lbs, drink at least 60 oz of water). Salt your food to taste -- without processed food in your diet, your salt consumption goes way down unless you actively add salt, and we do need some salt in our diets. And if you work out, follow the guidelines on the template for pre- and post-workout meals as needed.

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Thanks Shannon!  I am very hopeful that if I just press on the energy will return.  I am totally on top of the fats and big enough servings to keep me going from one meal to the next, with just one day a lunch not being substantial enough and needing a snack.


I just got the daily email today that said

"In addition, days 7-11 are generally when people report feeling some of “the magic” kicking in. You might start experiencing these positive side effects:

  • Your energy is ramping up, and becoming more consistent over the course of your day.
  • You’re falling asleep easier, and sleeping longer and more soundly.
  • You’re recovering from your exercise or sport faster.
  • Symptoms like allergies, skin issues, digestive distress, and stress are gradually improving.
  • Mood swings, a short attention span, and crankiness are starting to be a thing of the past.
  • You’re strangely…happy."

and that is what I was referring to.  I'm read for the extra boost!  :)  The brain fog has cleared up though and that is a huge blessing as I thought I was going to forget a kid somewhere there for a while.  lol.

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I woke up today glad to have pushed though yesterday!  I will have to remember that as I again feel a bit "thick" just as the timeline predicted.  It was so much easier when I was feeling lighter, but I have hopes that this too shall pass.  :)


The timeline says that days 10-11 are the hardest. boo.  I had hoped that the hardest were over with already.  At least it won't be the weekend and the hardest all at once if they do end up being the hardest for me.  After that though there are some great things on the horizon and there is a huge part of me that cannot wait to see if I feel all the benefits predicted.  I know that wanting to "find out for myself" will go a long ways in keeping me motivated!


I need to bake some more potatoes/sweet potatoes as they are such a great addition to my morning eggs, but it is so hot here!  Perhaps late this evening when the air finally starts to cool!  I got some cherries in my bountiful basket yesterday along with some great looking veggies and I'm looking forward to having a few of those with lunch!  I will also grill up a lot of extra chicken tonight to have in my lunches this coming week. 


Things are definitely starting to feel more comfortable and routine. 


I made ice cream for the family last night, following the advice in an article that Melissa wrote about making sure your family doesn't feel their way of eating is threatened ~ in keeping them on board for supporting you while you go alone.  They are eating a lot of compliant foods, but they definitely appreciated the treat today (froze overnight) and they HAVE been so supportive!


I am pretty confident that dairy will be a no-no for me, so it's one of the easier things to not be tempted with.  Just don't ask me to make anything with peanut butter right now!  lol!  That is what I miss the most!  I'll have to look for some sunflower butter one day, but I fear it's going to be a borderline FWOB for me so I haven't picked any up yet. 

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I just saw this post and, as it happens, I started my Whole 30 on June 30. Today is day 8 and I feel great so far. Cravings haven't been an issue, I'm eating (a) less and (B) healthier.


I've roasted a whopping amount of veggies to have on hand and found that I'm becoming addicted to them. I toss them in coconut oil with some Chinese 5 spice, salt, and pepper, then roast at 425 til tender and starting to brown. I toss several kinds in when roasting so that there are a variety of colors: sweet potato, beets, eggplant, summer squash, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers... whatever. The result so tasty.


I've also browned diced onion in ghee or coconut oil until transluscent/starting to brown, then browned ground meat. This is something you can eat as a main course (with perhaps some salsa & guacamole on top?) or you can vary it in a ton of ways. I find for breakfast I put some of the ground meat in the center of my dish, surround it with some roasted veggies, warm it in the microwave, andd top it with a runny fried egg, guacamole, and perhaps some salsa. It's very satisfying, which is good... often I don't get the opportunity to eat lunch until mid-afternoon or later, and I find I can "last" much better without feeling cranky and hungry.


I'm loving Whole30 so far!

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My meatloaf thaws well, but I haven't made meatloaf the w30 way.  What did you use along with your meat and spices to bind it?  I read a recipe that calls for ground mushrooms, but that is the only one I've seen (have't specifically looked).


Planning to get the family a pizza tonight.  We typically do 2 pizza nights a month and I decided that despite trying to get them to eat as close as possible to w30 I don't want them to feel cheated out of their special pizza night.  Balance, right?  Gotta ease the teens (and hubby) in.  ;)


I had some thawed "chocolate chili" with 1/2 a spaghetti squash stirred in yesterday for lunch.  I really liked the chili so much better that way. I made it according to the recipe, but next time I'll add in a ton more veggies, squash and carrots mostly.  It's just too meaty for me.  I like it over a baked potato too though.


My 3 miles felt much stronger last night that on Monday.  Still didn't time myself, so I didn't push too hard, but my body just felt more capable and upright?  Easier not to hunch maybe.  Not sure if that has to do with me working more on my form this year or w30, but those are the things I have noticed.  Also, no headaches for the past 2-3 days.  I have been waking up with headaches about 5 times a week for months, so this is really nice!


Cannot wait for my mind to clear though.  Had so much trouble getting thoughts put together yesterday!  ugh.  So far today is better, but we'll see as the day wears on.  


We are doing fantastic!  Keep it up team 620!!!

Sorry! I don't get notifications in here so I only check it when I remember to. Day9 here and going strong! This is the meatloaf recipe I used (I originally found it on Pinterest) http://paleonewbie.com/not-your-ordinary-meatloaf/ I modified it some. I have no almond flour so I didn't use any, just the eggs. I was worried it wouldn't work correctly but it turned out great! Anyway, I also did not use any tomato sauce or BBQ sauce on mine, and truly I wouldn't add it even after the whole 30 is over it was so good as is. This is coming from the girl who normally eats meatloaf with a ton of ketchup. I changed the chili powder to half the amount, because the chili powder here in Saudi is Indian and super spicy. I left out the cayenne. And I have not been able to find any thyme here either, but I have some Italian seasonings so I just used the group instead(thyme was one of them in it) Those are the changes I made and it was truly the best meatloaf I've ever had. And I was worried because of all the spinach. It didn't look very appetizing while raw, lol!

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