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June 20 start date (tomorrow). Anyone interested in accountability partner?


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I am also on day 1 again.  I started June 1st, but then ended up staying with my mom last week and didn't want to "impose" my food choices.  So I shopped on the way home yesterday and am back at it today.  Here we go!!!


Got my hash browns, turkey/zucchini meatballs and eggs now!  I struggle with morning fats.  I have some clarified butter in the hash browns, what else do you all do?

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So happy to have some partners in crime!! I did my last one in April and caved in Day 28, if you can believe it.

As for healthy morning fats, I eat LOTS of eggs on this (nearly every day,) sometimes frying them in a bit of coconut oil, which adds a peculiar sweetness to them that I like. My other morning fat is through an avocado or a bit of cashew or almond butter on celery. My other bit of advice is to abandon traditional "times of day" meals. I got so tired of eggs last time that I started eating chicken breasts for breakfast!! :-)

Best of luck Team 620!!

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Hollydare I make them!  they are fabulous!  I actually made them into little patties this time so they defrost quicker because I make a ton and freeze them.


This is my recipe.


1 1/2 pound ground turkey (or you could use chicken or beef even!)

1 zucchini grated, peel on (approx. 2 cups)

2-3 green onions sliced (or 1/2 tsp onion powder)

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

3/4 tsp cumin


Mix all ingredients.  Heat a bit of olive oil in a pan over medium heat.  Form patties or meatballs and fry for a few minutes on each side.

Lightly oil a baking pan and baked at 400 degrees for patties ~ 15 minutes, balls ~ 20-25 minutes.


I love these hot or cold.  On salad, in sauce, plain.  The cumin gives them a bit of a Mexican flare and they are perfect with avocado or a guacamole type dressing/sauce!

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I am also on day 1 again.  I started June 1st, but then ended up staying with my mom last week and didn't want to "impose" my food choices.  So I shopped on the way home yesterday and am back at it today.  Here we go!!!


Got my hash browns, turkey/zucchini meatballs and eggs now!  I struggle with morning fats.  I have some clarified butter in the hash browns, what else do you all do?


Mayo is good on just about everything. Guacamole is good on eggs, or to dip the meatballs in. Or just add a handful of olives or some toasted coconut flakes on the side. Or there are all kinds of sauces and dressings that can be used to dip food in or that could be drizzled over stuff, most of which are based on either oil or mayo or nut butters, so they have a fair amount of fat. Try the Dressings & Sauces section of The Clothes Make The Girl website, or google Whole30 sauces for more options. 

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Last time I did this I didn't make any mayo (only did 7 1/2 days).  I had only EVOO and was waiting to pick up some light tasting olive oil.  I just made mayo today and am working on finding an avocado dip/dressing right now to take to a taco feed at the in-laws tomorrow for my taco salad - non-compliant components.  I know this will make a HUGE difference!

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Started on Wednesday, June 17th, but I'd love to stay in touch.

So far, so good.  The challenge right now is my husband had surgery yesterday and is home and wants comfort foods.  I was scooping sorbet for him (his throat is really sore - neck surgery) and mindlessly started to insert the spoon I was scooping with into my mouth - I caught myself, but it shook me up!  How often do I do this?  Probably a lot (I used to eat all of my kids' leftovers, too).

I love the food I've been eating and haven't had headaches or anything.  I wonder about all of the high-density foods, though - avocados, macadamia nuts, meatballs, clarified butter - and then snacking on fruit a lot.  Am I really going to lose weight?  I wonder.

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RachelMaria - thank you for the recipe.  It sounds great and easy.


I made meatballs and they were fine and an easy quick meal.  

Breakfast:  2 eggs scrambled and a sauté of greens and zucchini with chopped shallots, plus some roasted baby potatoes.  I made some clarified butter, but also use EVOO a lot.

Lunch today was a half avocado with a can of line-caught tuna over salad greens with lemon juice and EVOO dressing that I mixed up with just some salt and pepper.  It was really good and satisfying.  But I needed some nuts to snack on about an hour later and now I'm feeling like I "need something" again!  Going after some almond butter and celery, I think!

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Started on Wednesday, June 17th, but I'd love to stay in touch.

So far, so good.  The challenge right now is my husband had surgery yesterday and is home and wants comfort foods.  I was scooping sorbet for him (his throat is really sore - neck surgery) and mindlessly started to insert the spoon I was scooping with into my mouth - I caught myself, but it shook me up!  How often do I do this?  Probably a lot (I used to eat all of my kids' leftovers, too).

I love the food I've been eating and haven't had headaches or anything.  I wonder about all of the high-density foods, though - avocados, macadamia nuts, meatballs, clarified butter - and then snacking on fruit a lot.  Am I really going to lose weight?  I wonder.

We aren't supposed to snack on fruit.  At least the way I understand it.  Fruit can be part of a meal, but because the sugars can cause cravings and be a "reward" to the cravings we have they are a no-no.  Snacks should be mini meals, balanced.    Otherwise, the more I read about how we are teaching our bodies to burn fats instead of carbs makes me believe we will lose if we stick with it.  Go read some success stories on the web site or facebook page or anywhere else they are posted.  That'll be a huge encouragement!


I totally know what you mean about absent-mindedly tasting!  Back when I was in weight watchers we would call those BLT's Bites, Licks and Tastes.  They totally add up.  really have to be on guard!

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I lost 15 pounds last time, & it felt totally undeserved. I ate SO MUCH FOOD. I "calorie counted" on fitness pal a few random days, just to see where I really was in those familiar numbers, and was always between 1600-1800 calories - higher than most dieters shoot for. Still, the weight came off like magic...

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Started on Wednesday, June 17th, but I'd love to stay in touch.

So far, so good.  The challenge right now is my husband had surgery yesterday and is home and wants comfort foods.  I was scooping sorbet for him (his throat is really sore - neck surgery) and mindlessly started to insert the spoon I was scooping with into my mouth - I caught myself, but it shook me up!  How often do I do this?  Probably a lot (I used to eat all of my kids' leftovers, too).

I love the food I've been eating and haven't had headaches or anything.  I wonder about all of the high-density foods, though - avocados, macadamia nuts, meatballs, clarified butter - and then snacking on fruit a lot.  Am I really going to lose weight?  I wonder.

If you find yourself snacking a lot, that typically means your earlier meals aren't large enough.


Use the recommended meal template to build meals of protein, veg and fat that satiate you for 4-5 hours.


Until you get to a place where you're able to play with your portions in a way that keeps you satisfied for this amount of time, if you're genuinely hungry between meals (litmus test: you could eat something bland like steamed fish and broccoli), the recommendation is to have a mini-meal of protein, veg and fat.  Nuts and nut butters are a fat source on a Whole30, and are advised to be used in limited amounts.

For best results, reserve any fruit to have with or immediately after your main meals only, not as a snack. (Fruit is optional on a Whole30.)


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Anyone else still on track?  

I felt weary mid day and ended up with a snack this afternoon. 

Ended the day with a hour walk with a friend.  Not sure how far, but it was oh-so enjoyable.  cooler evening hours, lots of chatter....


Going to have to bulk up lunch tomorrow, but I have a lot of pack-able foods ready so I will be fine. 

Maybe I'll make up some deviled eggs tomorrow too.  That sounds yummy!


Night team 620!  keep fighting!

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Still at it. Foods are compliant, but have not been following the meal guidelines GFChris forwarded. I've got two vegetarians in my family, so lunch and dinners are often w/out meat. I end up w/ chicken as my snack very often. Am really craving cheese this time??!!

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Still at it. Foods are compliant, but have not been following the meal guidelines GFChris forwarded. I've got two vegetarians in my family, so lunch and dinners are often w/out meat. I end up w/ chicken as my snack very often. Am really craving cheese this time??!!

Instead of chicken as a snack, could you just add chicken to your meals? You could just have it on the side with your vegetables, or if you're having soup or salad, just chop it up and add it to your serving.

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