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I feel too good to stop now!


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Everything they said about the Whole30 is true.  I feel energetic, my skin is better, my allergies are more manageable, my workouts are stronger and I lost 12lbs.  I finished the Whole30 a week ago and I am reluctant to reintroduce new foods.  I did introduce brown rice one day- I felt bloated for 2 days and didn't enjoy it.  I also had a few glasses of wine- which was fun, but I didn't miss as much as I wanted and had a terrible nights sleep.  


Next, i have to introduce dairy but I have a feeling I won't love it as much as I used to (I never trusted someone who didn't like cheese).  I'm still hoping to loose 8 lbs by late August so I would like to remain focused.  I would rather continue moving forward with the plan but I have a few vacations/holidays coming up and I want to enjoy myself a little.  Should I fully re-introduce everything even if I don't miss it?  I feel like I am forcing myself.

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First off, congratulations on completing your Whole30 and having so many terrific successes!

On whether to re-introduce, if it's food you're curious about or think you'll want to eat again, then go ahead and reintroduce. That way you won't be surprised somewhere down the road (or on your vacation) as to what your reaction might be.


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If you are going on holidays and you want to know what is off the island or on - then a re-intro on the foods that you think you would *like* to consume while on holidays would be a recommendation.


So let's say you want ice cream while on holidays - it is good idea to know how you will react to this to know if it is worth it or not. Especially if you intend on going away. For instance reactions to certain dairy will land me in a bathroom for a good day, other reactions will cause severe and painful skin reactions that will stay with me for 2 weeks.  So it's kind good to know what is on the worth it list, and what is off.  If that makes sense.

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