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Work Lunch at Thai Restaurant


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I work on a very small team (5 people, including me), and our boss has planned a team lunch to a Thai restaurant for next week (menu here: http://www.thaiessence.net/menu.html). Because I'm part of such a small group, it would be awkward and conspicuous if I decided not to go/not to eat while I'm there.

I'm currently on Day 12 of my first Whole30. I'm very committed to seeing this through with 100% compliance, so if sitting it out is my only option, then I'll comply. However, I'd like to find a way to make this work.


I'm tentatively thinking Yum Nuer salad, no dressing; Mango salad, no dressing or toasted coconut; or one of the "rice plates" with no sauce and no rice (and of course, with meat, not tofu). If possible, I'd also like to avoid being "that person" in front of my boss, but that might have to be a compromise between being non-compliant and not eating. : )


Any thoughts or words of advice? I'm loving my Whole30, and enjoy the challenge of finding Whole30-compliant meals when eating out, because it gives me hope for what life after these 30 days will be like.



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You might try calling them at a time when they won't be busy to ask about things like what the chicken or other meat is marinated in. Since you have a few days (unless you're going there on Monday), you might even email them, since you can outline your needs more clearly, and ask about the dishes you're thinking about, or ask what you can order that will be compliant -- not every place really uses their email, but since they list one, it's worth trying, and if you haven't heard back by Monday, you can call them then.


Plus, if you talk to them beforehand, you can come up with a thing you can order without sounding like "that person."

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Guest Andria

You need to call ahead to the restaurant.  Ordering sans sauce and salad dressing and other non compliant items is a start, but that does not cover cooking oils and marinades.  The salad looks to be fairly safe as the meat is grilled, but you still want to ask if it is marinaded and what they coat the grill with.


If you want to complete the Whole30, you may have to come across as "that person," since there would be no way to safely dine in this establishment without asking for omissions and substitutions to your meal. 

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