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Starting July 6th


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7-6ers! I am new and started yesterday too! Glad I found y'all. So far, so good. Though the hardest thing I have encountered is the dissatisfaction I feel first thing in the morning with no cream in my coffee. I'm thinking its a tough reminder everyday and maybe the time has come to loose the coffee too? Cheers to day two!

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I too struggle without no cream in my coffee, so I just decided to for go it. Once I complete this, I'll make my own creamer from canned coconut milk sweetened with dates and cinnamon. but for now, on with day 2! So far so good!

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I am also starting July 6th!  This will be my first Whole30 and I am a bit nervous because I love pasta and wine  :D

My husband (who hates pasta and wine) is going along for the ride, but won't fully commit to all of the rules (peanut butter and ice cream are his weaknesses).

My husband is the same way - he's modifying and allowing himself SmarterBalance butter instead of ghee - he just couldn't stomach the stuff!  I figure it's still better than what he/we were doing before!

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I started on the 6th as well. On day 2 and really excited about the whole30 program. Love seeing all the different recipes as I'm just starting off very simple with foods.


My sister in law just finished this program and looks and feels amazing! It was time for a reset for me, so I'm really looking forward to the increase in energy, overall nutritional advancement and simplifying my eating habits.


Look forward to all the updates and discussions over the next 30 days.

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Day 5 now - how's everyone doing?  I have been challenged to find foods I like to eat (unfortunately I'm not much of a veggie lover).  We have had canned green beans or frozen peas for every supper meal this week! Sometimes it seems easier to not eat at all!  But I think I'm moving past that stage. Found a meat loaf recipe my family really liked and a tuna patty recipe that I do.  Grilled chicken breasts from the weekend serve as the emergency back-up plan when other recipes fail (pumpkin n'oatmeal is a no-go!!) Last night I survived a bachelorette party and found I like fajitas meat and veggies - leftovers enough for 3 more meals!  Had the Food Hangover this morning (I'm a late bloomer) but after a couple of Tylenol and a quick run I'm feeling pretty good.  My husband has been cranky all week (not a huge change from his normal demeanor! ;) )  My kids decided to forgo the Whole30 options entirely - no big surprise there.  All in all it has definitely been a challenge but I'm proud I've stuck with it and I am even more committed to the program now!

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Day 5 now - how's everyone doing?  I have been challenged to find foods I like to eat (unfortunately I'm not much of a veggie lover).  We have had canned green beans or frozen peas for every supper meal this week! Sometimes it seems easier to not eat at all!  But I think I'm moving past that stage. Found a meat loaf recipe my family really liked and a tuna patty recipe that I do.  Grilled chicken breasts from the weekend serve as the emergency back-up plan when other recipes fail (pumpkin n'oatmeal is a no-go!!) Last night I survived a bachelorette party and found I like fajitas meat and veggies - leftovers enough for 3 more meals!  Had the Food Hangover this morning (I'm a late bloomer) but after a couple of Tylenol and a quick run I'm feeling pretty good.  My husband has been cranky all week (not a huge change from his normal demeanor! ;) )  My kids decided to forgo the Whole30 options entirely - no big surprise there.  All in all it has definitely been a challenge but I'm proud I've stuck with it and I am even more committed to the program now!

I'm sorry to tell you that peas are not compliant with the Whole30 rules as they are a legume.  Snow or snap peas where you eat the pod are but just plain green peas are not. 

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Help ! I am having a struggle with my desire for fruit.  I have been psychoanalyzing myself for a few days now :) and I really believe that it's not totally a sugar craving but partially because it is sooo hot.  I am craving cold watermelon, grapes, blueberries.....and eating some chicken, veggies or such is just not cutting it.  Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do when the heat is rising and fruit is not on the menu.  Or could it be? 

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Hi 7-6ers.  Day 7 and all is well for me except some digestive distress over the course so far. I have a lifetime of gut issues to heal and about 120 lbs or excess fat to process so the distress is to be expected, though not fun. I love the meals so far and have made quite a few.  I am challenged with getting my bone broth to congeal.  I think maybe my crock pot is too hot.  I use it in the garage as I can't stand the lingering smell of cooked or cooking meat in the house.  It keeps me awake at night.  Odd, I know.   I am thinking of getting an electric pressure cooker.    My benefits have been minimal so far but noticeable.  I used to wake up in the morning with sinus inflammation and phlegm.  I still have a little phlegm in the mornings but it is lessening and I can breathe. It is awesome.  I am also happy with calmness I am feeling.  We are eating meals at the dining room table instead of in front of the tv.  I am no longer "winging" it for meal time and reaching for what is easiest and usually unhealthy, then falling asleep shortly after.  My husband loves the food we have been eating but still not excited about all the prep.  I am finding ways to cut that by chopping more onions than I need and freezing for later, buying pre-prepped items like bagged cabbage, pre-cooked butternut squash, minced garlic, etc.  I have been ok for the most part on cravings and I am finding it is the habit more than an actual craving.  I used to weigh every morning and I find myself going through my routine with muscle memory expecting to get on the scale.  Thank goodness I tucked the scale away so I didn't accidentally do it out of habit.  The other is walking past the available chocolates at work.  Habit was to take a few bite sized in the morning with my coffee and cream, and then a few after lunch.  I no longer have the coffee and cream and have found it easier to resist the chocolates.  I also avoid them.  No slips so far.  For me, being prepared has been key.  Good luck everyone.  


ammajean - I have some suggestions to your fruit cravings request for help.  Try drinking water that has been infused with some of the berries or perhaps some cucumber and mint.  Also try making some of the delicious recipes listed in the Whole30 so you are having some really tasty and satisfying meals that are more than just chicken and veggies.  I know I get tired of chicken and veggies.  Maybe, you aren't eating enough so your body is craving the fruits for the additional energy.  Just a few suggestions and thoughts.  I hope it helps.  If you find something that does help, be sure to post.  ...good luck.  

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Hi all,


I wanted to update on my progress.  I feel great.  I think that I didn't have as many withdrawal symptoms as my husband did, but I definitely did have some.  I realized today that I can take off my wedding for the 1st time since I've gained my current weight.  We've been married 3 yrs and I gained this weight rather quickly after that.  This is very exciting for me.  It's a wonderful reminder of how much my body is improving.

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Hi all.  I was wondering if everyone in our group fell out or what?   RachelReeser - congratulations on the changes you are experiencing. 


I am still going strong.  I made several dishes this weekend and my husband has been a great help in the kitchen.  I made some bacon wrapped pears which were heavenly.  I took a pear and cut it into 6ths, then took bacon strips cut in half, wrapped each pear slice with a strip and secured it with a toothpick.  I dusted them with cinnamon and popped them in the oven for about 40 minutes.  I think the oven was set to 350.  I got the recipe from Mickey Trescott's Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook.  Highly recommend the book, though some of the recipes need to be adjusted to make them fully Whole 30 compliant.  Anyway, these were delicious!  I added them to breakfast sausage and greens one morning for breakfast.


I have a little more energy and I am sleeping a little better.  I bought a Fitbit Charge HR which has been fun.  It gives me something to track since weight tracking is not an option.  Plus, it is motivational.  I am starting to fall into more of a routine and the habits I am forming are positive. 


So, here are some positives

1. my tinnitus is almost non existent

2. My energy is stable through the day

3. I feel pretty good / happy / calm.

4. My sleep is so much better, and more sound than before.

5. I am starting to see an actual figure and my belly isn't protruding further than my boobs...they are about even now.  :P

6.  My Dunlop is not as big.  (For those who don't know what that is, it is the fleshy, fatty part of the belly that has done lopped over your waistband)  Sad, but true.

7.  Cravings are really minimal and rare.  I notice when I don't eat enough they tend to make themselves known.  But only briefly.

8.  Physical Activity exists where none existed before. (and...I actually want to get it worked into my day)

9. I am really enjoying the recipes I have made, some more than others, and it has been enjoyable spending time with my husband making them.

10  My clothes are slightly better fitting.  It is hard to say on the pants since I wear a lot of stretchy pants or elastic banded pants.  :mellow:


So, there you have it.  It is a lot of work sometimes but in general, probably the easiest and most tasty of diets I have tried...and it is even better since this is truly a lifestyle jump start and not a "diet". 


Hope there is still life in this group.  Congratulations on the halfway mark for those that are still hanging in here with me. 

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Hello All,

I started my first Whole30 on July 6th as well. I had been haphazardly trying to "diet" the month prior to this and, as a result, I have not had a bad experience with cravings, etc. in fact, I'm loving it. I've cooked foods that I've never eaten before. My biggest hurdle is trying to convert my family (healthy food averse, they are). Small steps.

It's nice to have fellow sojourners to bounce around thoughts, recipes, etc. Wishing you all great success!

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Summers - so many positives in your post - way to go! :D  I am happy that I made it through a 3 day trip to Huron SD and stayed compliant amongst day long horse showing and going out to eat ALL THE TIME!  I packed supplies to make tuna salad and would head back to the hotel when I got a break and whip it up in the bathroom! (PS Diced onion in a baggie will make the ENTIRE cooler smell like onion!)  The group I was with was very supportive of my goals and helped me out.  It was great and not nearly as hard to do as I had imagined  (larabars in the purse are great in a pinch!) Some of my positives:  I'm finding that I'm starting to like the taste of more vegetables.  I've been feeling more consistent energy levels throughout the day.  I  I still have cravings but they are much more manageable.


Keep on posting everyone!

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