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Starting July 1st!


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This is my first Whole 30! I have done detox cleanses before, but I can't right now because I am a nursing mommy. I'm a little nervous about it being 30 days. Although we recently cut out a LOT of precessed foods anyways. I think it will be toughest when we go away for the weekend with family. Thank goodness I can have coffee. Who's with me? And how "worth it" is it? (if you have already done it.) My book should be in my mailbox soon :)

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Hi, Tiffany! 


There's a whole bunch of people starting July 1 -- I think there are three or four threads with people starting then, you can look for them and join in if you want. Or you may get people responding here.


I do want to stress that as a nursing mom, the "only three meals a day" recommendation doesn't apply to you. Go ahead and plan on eating four full meals, include lots of starchy vegetables (as well as other vegetables), make sure you don't skimp on the fat servings (go for the upper end of the meal template recommendation or more if you need it. Many nursing moms sip on compliant canned coconut milk or eat olives throughout the day to make sure they get enough fat.


You can also google Whole30 nursing mom for more past discussions on this topic.

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