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Desperately Seeking Tiger Blood


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My official start date is tomorrow, July 4th and to be honest I am scared. I am not particularly excited about doing this, I am scared crapless. I am scared of not being able to stick to it. I am scared of all the prep that will go into it. I am scared of not being prepared enough. I am scared of eating meat (Vegetarian for 5 years). I am scared of eating out in a restaurant and being ‘that girl’. I am scared of not tracking and logging all of my food. I am scared of not knowing how many calories I will be eating. I am scared of the ‘mean girl’ in my head telling me to give up. I am scared of not weighing myself. I am scared of eating too much. Ultimately, I am scared of failing. But the thing that I am most scared about is… continuing on the way I have been. That terrifies me to no end. I go from severe dieting to severe over eating. My weight fluctuates all the time. It is terrible. I achieved a good weight about 2 years ago and was able to maintain it, but I achieved this in not really the healthiest way. About 6 months ago I quit smoking. One of the best things I could have done for myself and I don’t look back. I love being a non smoker. Along with that though came the want to shove everything in my face… especially sugar. A significant weight gain followed. Not to mention my overall health. I am tired all the time, have horrible skin and generally just feel awful. The hard part is that I know the cause of it…… food. But I still can’t seem to stop. I have researched the Whole30. Devoured the website top to bottom and read the book.. twice. Gone grocery shopping, and read all the labels. I don’t think that I could be more prepared. But I am still scared. I am committed to doing this and for the next 30 days I am going to take it one day at a time. I am on a journey to changing my entire relationship with food. One that has been years of bad habits in the making. I know that this is not a diet, this is my new lifestyle. 30 days may turn into 60 or 90… I am accepting of that if that is what is needed to change my relationship. Tomorrow is the beginning of a healthier, happier me. The one thing I am excited about is looking back 30 days from now and reading this and saying to myself, “what were you so scared about yah Big Baby.. . get over yourself.. you got this” (that will be the new found Tiger Blood speaking).

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Hi! I'm Kelly. Just wanted to say don't be scared! I'm on my first Whole30, day 12 and already feel like a new person.

Just make sure you meal prep for a few days out, get what you need, and then take the time mid week to prep the second half of your week. That's what has helped me the most. I also love reading through this forum for motivation as well. The community helps!

The first few days for me followed the book pretty accurately, if not a little accelerated. So mentally prepare to feel like crap, but it will pass!!!!

You've got this!!!

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Thanks Kelly. I am definitely going to take your advice on the meal prep. I know that will be a big one for me. Congrats on your day 12 and thanks so much for the encouragement. It has helped me a lot. :).

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Day 1 and the support I have received has been amazing. Thanks so much for that.

Day 1 has gone great so far besides a headache. But that I can handle. Spent most of the day cooking and tomorrow I'll be cooking as well. I put on some music and had fun with it. Food for the day was:

Meal 1: 2 eggs, ground pork, sweet potato hash.

Meal2: salad with chicken breast, sunflower seeds, almonds and whole30 approved dressing

Meal 3: spinach, tuna w/ mayo, pickle and green onion, and 1 avocado.

Some observations today that I loved are that I made Mayo for the first time ever. Ummmmm amazing!!!! Why have I never made it before. It was delicious. Way better than store bought. Also, I haven't had meat in years and when I ate the ground pork today I swear my body said "Oh hell yah!!!!" It was sorta delicious I am not going to lie. Another thing was that I was full all day. I swear that never happens. I planned on adding in some fruit today because I thought my body would be looking for the sugar ( it prob was from the headache I had) but I didn't feel like eating it.

I have been going through the forum posts and it is really encouraging and motivating. I can say that my fear has turned to nervous excitement today.

One day down.....

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Day 2 down. Did good, but felt really tired today. Not sure if it's the food change or the day 5 heatwave we are having. I learned a crucial thing today. Make sure you eat. I didn't eT breakfast until about 11:00M and i was so hungry. Ate dinner at 5:00 and was really hungry then and ate quite a big meal. I feel really bloated tonight. I need to make sure I get my breakfast in and my 3 meals. So next time I will make sure I eat something an hour upon waking.

I am thinking about tomorrow at work and how I am going to do with just eating two meals. I usually have breakfast, lunch and at least 2 snacks at work. Just having the two meals worries me. I am going to bring a mini meal as well just in case and eat it if the sugar dragon shows up. I have prepped all of my meals for the week so I have absolutely no excuses to not stick to the plan. I can do this.

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Day 3 in the can.....

The headache was gone today which was a good thing. Felt pretty tired and foggy mostly in the afternoon. I ate my breakfast when I got to work and was pretty hungry by the time lunch rolled around. I had a banana with breakfats and after reading some of the forum posts I will probably leave that out going forward. Managed to wait until lunch to eat and didn't wolf it down like I normally would when hungry. I managed to take my time and savour it. I was abe to go 5 hours before eating dinner so I am thinking that my lunch was right on point. Though I worried about the fat content. I had a whole avocado and had tuna salad (had mayo in it). I was not active today like I normally would have been so I dont think that I needed the extra fat. My meals today were:

Meal 1: Frittata (ground pork, eggs, carmelized onions and broccoli) with cubed sweet potato and Tblsp of mayo and salsa. One banana.

Meal 2: Tuna salad (pickle, mayo and green onion) one avocado over 3 cups of spinach

Meal 3: Chicken salad (curry mayo and green onion) and brusells sprouts slaw (recipe from Nom Nom Paleo)

Overall feeling today was pretty good. Not bloated. Drank lots of water/caffeine free tea and limited myself to one coffee. I didn't feel any real cravings today which was great. Hopefully tomorrow doesn't turn into eat all the things/ kill all the things.

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Day 4 midday rant: Holy Guacamole! So today has turned into Kill all the things/ Hug all the things/ cry at all the things/ laugh at all the things. The morning started out fine. Felt good, no headache, energy was good, Husband didn't piss me off on our commute. Got to work and my neighbour turned on her radio in her office (she does this everyday and it never bothers me ) and I wanted to strangle her. The noise was driving me crazy. So I turned on my radio to drown out the hip hop coming from hers. Then my radio bugged me. Then another co worked mentioned something to me and I wanted to cry. Went for a walk to calm myself down. Later another co worker said the top I was wearing was pretty and I had an overwhelming sensation to hug her... like really hard. Then I was joking and laughing with my boss having a great time. An hour later my other coworker in the office across from mine went for a cigarette and came back and smelled like cigarettes ( I quit 6 months ago) and the smell drove me crazy. It stunk so bad. Normally I can tolerate it but today I wanted to strangle her. (she is a lovely person by the way) I am typically a stable person and a very calm person... I promise. These ranges of emotion today have been nuts and something that is highly unusual for me. People call me Steady Eddie because I am always the rational and calm one. (On the outside) The great thing about this day so far: I have had absolutely no cravings. My meals 1 & 2 have so far kept me satisfied and I haven't been hungry. ( I still think I'm eating too much fat but we'll tweak that one tomorrow) Here's hoping I can get through the rest of this day without hurting someone either by punching them too hard or hugging them too hard.

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Great quote at the bottom of your posts - it's one of my favorites!


Reading yours made me reflect on my own day.  I've been annoyed at my child in my lap.  I've just finished crying with my child when she started to talk about love and death.  I've been laughing, crying, annoyed, and grumpy all in the span of minutes.  I quickly googled the Whole30 timeline and :) yep, I'm right in the thick of things too!  I'm also nursing my third coffee and still not moving off my arse.  It's good to be reminded that this is part of the process!


Congrats on getting through the day ;)

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Lol Emma! Yup sounds like you are right on schedule as well. This to shall pass though and thanks for sharing your experience. It's encouraging to know that I am not the only one having a roller coaster kind of day today. Congrats to you as well for getting through it. If I could I would hug you cause that's what I am feeling right now. 5 minutes from now I can't guarantee the same emotion Lol.

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Okay Day 5. Better than yesterday emotionally, but really tired this morning. My energy got better as the day went on. I've pretty much eaten the same meals all week for breakfast and lunch and have been doing well on it. Not hungry between meals. I cut back the fat and protein at lunch today to 1/2 avocado and 1/2 can of tuna. A bit hingrier in the afternoon than I was yesterday but was still able to make it through. If I am hungry tomorrow I may put the fat back in. So I'll see how it goes. Going home to make dinner now and prep for the rest of the week. Looking forward to trying some new recipes. I ordered Well Fed and Well Fed 2 so hopefully they will come soon. Overall day 5 was good. I've had no cravings yet and I kind of expected that I would. But I am still only 5 days in so maybe the sugar dragon is sleeping and just hasn't woken up and gotten angry yet. I have had no fruit besides the Banana on Monday at breakfast and I have no desire to eat fruit which is weird for me so I am still going to leave it out. No need to snack between meals either so that's good. Taking it one day at a time.

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