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Day 22 and Really Feeling that Tiger Blood Feeling


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I am coming down the home stretch of my first whole30 and I am super happy with how I feel. I had energy lulls about a week ago, but I turned the corner around day 20. I've increased my protein and veggie consumption and started exercising again. My biggest non-scale victory is that I am learning that food is energy for my body and not always just a way to reward myself or treat myself. I have also kicked my snacking to the curb which was a HUGE problem for me. My skin is clearer and I feel just better. I feel like I am drinking the kool-aid to some extent, but I cannot deny how I feel  :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank youf for the encouragement!


So, I completed my first Whole30 and I actually miss it! I visited my sister in Maine this weekend and enjoyed a lot of non-compliant foods, but I found that I actually didn't crave the foods I did before Whole30, despite the fact that I could have them all if I wanted. My sweet tooth has dimisished considerably which is amazing. I went to a donut shop and just had a small bite of one donut to get the flavor and didn't want any more. I am going to stick to a lot of the meals I had on Whole30 just because it is easier to have "limits" on what I can eat as far as meal-planning is concerned.


Some of the food take-aways that I have are: breakfast is mandatory, food is energy, huge servings of veggies will make me full and satisfied, protein will help me when I am feeling lethargic, candy/sweets are very unnecessary and I don't need them to make me less stress, rewarding myself with non-food treats (shopping, running, spending time with friends) after a hard day's work brings me more happiness than I thought possible. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for sharing lindsmass. I am now on Day 7, and although my energy level has come up substantially from before I started I still don't have the tiger blood. For the past 3 months I have been EXHAUSTED and I literally wanted to take a nap every 3 or 4 hours....never felt really clear and connected with life, and since all the medical tests and blood draws were fine - I knew something simple must be out of whack, and my doctor turned me on to Whole30. I am glad to read that you have gotten to that tiger blood point and it inspires me to keep going. 


Thanks for sharing some of your tiger blood this morning. :)

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