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Starting September 10!


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My husband and I are officially starting our Whole 30 journey tomorrow and I could not be more excited! We're in our late 20s-early 30s, and while he's in pretty good shape, I am in desperate need to lose weight and get my energy back. I also have a family history of arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and many other scary diseases. I want to get myself on track while I'm young so I have a better shot at living a long & healthy life. We've found some great farmers markets nearby, and although we're in the midwest, the weather should cooperate for the next month and we should have access to all of them for the entire 30 days.

I'm looking forward to finding lots of resources on the Whole9 Forums. Here's to a successful 30 days!


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Hi Noelle!

Me and my husband and another couple are also starting the Whole30 tomorrow! I'm 26, my husbo is 28, my friend is in her mid-40's and her husband is 57. I have been vegetarian/vegan for the last 3 years and lost about 70lbs through calorie counting but have gained about 30 of it back in the last year from emotional/stress eating (since I started an accelerated BSN program...coincidence? ;-P) My husband has also gained about 40lbs since we started dating in college and is wanting to lose a little weight. We both want to become fitter, healthier, happier people! My girlfriend and I are both nurses-in-training so we're very into health and nutrition - she and her husband introduced us to the paleo diet, and after a lot of research and ethical soul searching, I've decided that whole-food, paleo-centric eating is the most healthy thing I can do for myself and my husband and also the most responsible way to be part of and take care of our environment.

I live in New Jersey now but I'm also from the mid-west! Rural Ohio, represent! My husband is from India and is looking forward to going back to naturally raised meat, like his mom makes!

Tonight I am enjoying my last beer and bowl of mac and cheese before starting the Whole30 - I'm very excited as well! Tomorrow we're having eggs in coconut oil, heirloom tomatoes, shrimp sauteed in ghee over salad, and slow-roasted chicken with carrots and collard greens. I'm browsing some blogs and making our week menu right now, in fact!

I'm also thinking about joining the crossfit gym down the block from where we live...nursing school is extremely stressful which has led to lots of emotional eating and laziness, which makes me feel even more lousy and stressed. I'm really looking forward to 30 days of real eating and physical activity!

Good luck to you and your husband! I hope we're all success stories by October 10th. <3

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Hi, Noelle. How did you do on your first day? I did fine. I have been eating low carb, as a rule, for several years. But I didn't always stay on plan - especially on the weekends. I'm doing some batch cooking so that I'm prepared for this weekend. This morning my breakfast consisted of some ground turkey, a little chopped granny smith apple, seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg. Best breakfast ever!

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Hello. I started September 10th. I am fifty years old and started the year with not feeling well. Some of my symptoms included joint pain ,tiredness and brain fog. I am excited to be a part of this program and would love a buddy. I am a mother of three children and wish to continue to be active and enjoy my family.

I would love a buddy to share this 30 day experience!

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Hello! I also started on September 10. I just turned 40 last month and had some medical issues this year that have gone a bit unexplained. I have tried to eat "healthy" over the years and exercised regularly and really have been healthy all my life. Earlier this year I had some medical issues that surfaced and went relatively unexplained. When I heard about the Whole 30, I thought it might be worth giving it a shot. I read the book "It starts with food" last week on vacation and was sold. Although I really enjoyed my sugar (in what I thought were "helathy" forms like splenda, etc.), I really haven't missed it the last 2 days. Yes, my coffee tastes different and I am drinking plain water instead of crystal lite, but that has not caused issues. I did wake up during the first night with a tremendous leg cramp. I also woke up every few hours last night to use the restroom. I have read other posts in here that lead me to believe these are normal, so I will just plan to keep telling myself that I can do this!

My hardest thing is going to be having the right foods handy. I am a single mom with two boys. We have a very active life and I mainly ate lean cuisine type meals for lunch/dinner so I had more time to focus on everything else that needs to be done. It is only day 3 and I am already struggling with trying to find the time to cook. I realize I am going to have to do a lot on the weekends, but the weekends are also quite busy.

Hope you all are doing well on day 3!!!

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So far, so good! Two days down for me, and it's going really well. I subscribe to the Whole 30 daily and it's funny how accurate they are with their predictions of what I might be feeling at this point: tiredness, irritability, etc along with acne and other physical yuckiness. I was blaming those things on other factors, but now that I think about it, I'm perfectly in line with the things they say will be happening on day 2-3. It's been hot here, which ratchets up my irritability factor, so I caved and turned on the air. I work from home, so anything to keep my sanity intact is worth it! How's everyone else doing with day 2-3?

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Hi everybody!

i started Monday also!

I'm 46, married with three growing boys so life is busy and I'm up to my highest and unhealthiest weight ever!

Eight or nine years ago (when the boys were younger) i started doing short triathlons but haven't done any in the past two years and although I have worked out over that time, i have not been as dedicated either with diet or exercise as I was when i was racing.

In the past I've had success with low and limited carb diets, so I'm excited to start this Whole 30 "lifestyle" change!

Mind if I join in with this group? You all seem very supportive and friendly!

Anybody having splitting headaches??? Mine started last night and does not want to go away!

Good luck!


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Hey everyone, I too would be interested in joining. Any support is appreciated and I started on 9/10/12, so day three for me. Greg, I have had some mild headaches, but not bad. My biggest issue is just feeling foggy. I am sleeping better. I do feel more energy at times, and once in a while, the fog lifts.

About me...I am 48, have two great kids and wife. I used to be in very good shape but due to tons of excuses, I have stopped taking care of my body. This year, a few wierd ailments started to come up and the doctors litterally gave me a bag of pills, sprays, and inhalers to remedy the problems. I basically am taking this challenge to see if I can eliminate all or most of the issues and lose some weight. I just joined a cross-fit gym as well and walk/run 2x a week along with 3x a week of cross fit workouts.

Happy to encourage everyone and God knows, I need it too!


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@ Greg, I like X fit a lot. This is my second week, but I am a social exerciser. It is steep, but....I am finding there is some ways to get some reduced pricing. My gym is $150/month, that is a lot (wife is already skeptical combined with the Whole30) but, the barber I go to negotiated a discount for all his clients. So, that is the route I will go.

I belong to a large gym and used to ride road bikes a lot, but without the motivation and structure, I just don't do it as much. The Xfit forces me to do a workout, even if I don't want to as I register for each class. And, they are very much into getting to know people you work out with, so there is accountability and encouragement.

Hope that helps.

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Hi All,

I too started on Sept 10. My intent was to start on the 9th but after eating dinner, I looked at the package of pancetta that we had bought at the deli and had in our dinner. Ingredients included a couple of unpronounceable words and sodium nitrate and nitrites. Well, that blew day one! So I had a glass of wine and decided to start on the 10th! today is day 3 and I'm doing well, even though I had a rough start to today...LATE breakfast and am still hungry!

About me, I'm 47 (old) and have a wonderful stepson (16), daughter (4) and husband (51). I've been eating paleo, for the most part, for the last year and a half and love it. It's the first meal plan that I feel i can live with for the rest of my life! I cut out sugar almost completely (okay, I'm a chocoholic and will have my treats and I'm a definite Wino--three wine club memberships!). I'm being very strict about it per the Whole30 rules and so far am okay with it. The hard thing for me on this is giving up the wine. I love my wine in the evening. But I'm determined to do it.

I LOVE crossfit and trust me when I say, I have NEVER used the word Love and workout in the same thought before. Greg, go to crossfit.com. Do some searches on their forum (I think they call it message board). Anyway, they have a list of workouts that you can do without much equipment. I do a workout with a friend in her garage and we have some weights, a dip and pullup device that we hang rings from and jump ropes. You can get started with that and see what you think.

Right now, I can't do much as I had knee surgery in June and my doc said no lunges or squats for another 3 months. So, a little bummed there. But I am swimming and doing a few other exercises to remind my body it needs muscles.

Good luck to us all!

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I started on the 9th so today is day 4. For the past few years I have been mostly eating paleo but with lots of potato chips, wine, martinis and lots of cheat weekends and entire summers. I am committed to completing the whole30 and am doing it primarily for weight loss ( I know this isn't PC around the paleo community but it's the truth). I'm 49 and recently divorced with one teen at home. In the past 10 years I've put on 20 pounds and would like to see it gone. Exercise is not my thing but I have a treadmill and use it sporadically, running and walking.

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Looks like we have a great group of people who all started on Monday. Hopefully we can stay connected and support each other through this experience! Looking forward to hearing from everyone on Day 4!

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Hey everyone!

Day 3 of Whole30 is pretty okay! I've busted out the slow-cooker and have made a couple of big meals that we've turned into leftovers, which has been a quick way to get some pretty stellar dinners on the table without sacrificing too much time. Also, I think I'm actually eating MORE vegetables now than I did when I was a vegetarian! Go figure.

For the most part I've been feeling pretty great! My energy level has been good (not quadruple espresso high, but pleasant!) but more importantly I feel that my energy has been steady - no high energy feelings after eating then getting tired, rinse, repeat throughout the day like before. Just a steady, nice, awake feeling from rise until bed.

I did have one moment where the thought of eating any more fat made me feel a little nauseous, but that has passed. I figure that's probably just from eating such low fat for so many years. No headaches or anything so far!

I've been too busy between classes and the hospital to make it to the crossfit gym, but I'm planning on going this weekend.

Hope everyone else is feeling good and doing well!

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Thanks to you Quinn, I stuck to my guns!

It was not easy at all... I love beer and I love Diet Pepsi

Not sure what I'm going to do about the beer for the next 30 days or so except abstain and bite the bullet every time I see one...

... but I had unsweetened iced tea last night instead of the DP and it wasn't that bad.

I gotta find a good recipe for making good unsweetened tea.

Thanks for the support!

I was really thinking about cheating until I got the email with your post!

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Yea Day 4!!! I had the most delicious burger last night! After years of "low fat" diets, I haven't had a true burger in forever! I bought the good ground beef from Whole Foods, used iceburg lettuce on either side as my "bread", sliced and salted a bunch of tomato, and went to town. I brought the same for my lunch today :)

So what is everyone eating for breakfast? I am getting kind of tired of my eggs and the thought of eating vegetables any other way (other than stirred in with my scrambled eggs) makes me gag. I brought 2 hard boiled eggs to work today and a banana, but I am currently missing my veggie.

Hope you all are off to a great start!

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Hi Lins432 - I have not felt shaky or nauseous but certainly can't speak for others. Did you also give up caffeine at the same time? There is a stomach bug going around here (both of my kids have had it). I hope you feel better soon and don't give up! From what I have read, it appears that people get through the symptoms and have wonderful outcomes by suffering through. I have had leg cramps / overall pain in my legs and slight headaches but I am combatting those by drinking more water and adding in a banana every day. Hopefully others will post if they have had similar problems.

Good luck!

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Thanks to you Quinn, I stuck to my guns!

It was not easy at all... I love beer and I love Diet Pepsi

Not sure what I'm going to do about the beer for the next 30 days or so except abstain and bite the bullet every time I see one...

... but I had unsweetened iced tea last night instead of the DP and it wasn't that bad.

I gotta find a good recipe for making good unsweetened tea.

Thanks for the support!

I was really thinking about cheating until I got the email with your post!

Rock on Greg! I knew you could do it. I am amazed at how many things we eat/drink are more of a social and mental thing than anything else. I do understand about the drinks. My addiction I think I mentioned was energy drinks. I used to ride/race road bikes, and I was always looking for the extra push.

So, now that you have slayed the first dragon, you know you can do it. Now is the time to get some arrows in your camp and make sure you are better prepared to battle the beast. Good iced teas are a good thing. I love Tazo teas. Yesterday, made their passion tea with green tea, and iced it. Yea, no sweetner, but it tasted pretty good. Try something like that....Also, club soda (make sure it is compliant, there are so many friggin chemicals in the crap at the grocery store) and add in lime or lemon. Hell, I bet you could puree a few berries and add it to club soda.

Glad to hear you prevailed! Keep it up!

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Thanks for your reply LJG! I didn't cut caffeine. After suffering for 2 hours I decided to eat half a banana with almond butter and felt nearly instantly better. I honesty couldn't take care I my four-month-!old and I needed to drive to get my 3-year-old from preschool. I was so nauseous that I couldn't do anything!

So, I went off whole30 already. Now what? I think maybe my diet was so SAD that this detox is rough!!!

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