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Starting September 10!


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Anyone having totally weird cravings? Today I woke up wanting a bowl of sugar-frosted corn flakes, and I don't even LIKE them. :huh:

Week two is officially underway! Leftover chicken/cabbage/apple fry for breakfast, leftover bone-broth/egg/veggie soup, salad, and berries with coconut flakes for lunch! The husbo and I are grilling some chicken thighs on the cast-iron stove grill tonight, so that should be fun!

Right now I'm studying for my OB exam tomorrow and, while I have lots of energy and don't feel tired at all (nice!), I sure would love to have a beer to take the anxiety edge off. That's probably my biggest struggle at this point - recreational drinking! Which was actually my biggest problem before my Whole30 began...I don't even want to think about how much pudge I put on just from my weekend/post-exam beers. No serious grain or dairy cravings thus far, and aside from my strange corn flake craving this morning, no sugar lust either.

I was pretty cranky and lethargic yesterday and this morning, but feel fine now. I'm thinking my second week might be more of a challenge...

Monica, I'm with you on the scale thing! I'd really love to see some numbers go down every day, but I know it will either 1.) discourage me if I don't see the drastic results that I dream of or 2.) make me more obsessed with losing weight than with feeling good or being healthy. However, I did do a little modeling in the mirror this morning, and I think I might just look a little slimmer! Might just be wishful thinking, but it was a nice feeling nonetheless.

Have a great Day 8 everyone! Keep it up!

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Hey Sept. 10 starters! Day 8, we are 1/4 complete! Woo Hoo!!! I also continue to have sleep issues - it doesn't help I have some increased stress of late. I do think it's getting a little better. Only woke up once last night. I have yet to wake "refreshed" - that would be amazing as I have never been a "morning person". I thought the allergies were at bay but on Friday I had a major attack, had to take 2 Allegra before it finally calmed toward end of day. Then the next day I was fine. My energy levels a low to moderate. Still having sugar cravings but they are waning. Digestion issues seem to be improving.

Monica I know what you mean about sugar! It's amazing how it's all over the place and I agree, not needed in so many things it shows up in. I know this experience has at the very least committed me to label reading forever!

Stay with it everyone and keep posting, I know it's helping me to read about your experiences on this journey.


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Anyone having totally weird cravings? Today I woke up wanting a bowl of sugar-frosted corn flakes, and I don't even LIKE them. :huh:

Week two is officially underway! Leftover chicken/cabbage/apple fry for breakfast, leftover bone-broth/egg/veggie soup, salad, and berries with coconut flakes for lunch! The husbo and I are grilling some chicken thighs on the cast-iron stove grill tonight, so that should be fun!

Right now I'm studying for my OB exam tomorrow and, while I have lots of energy and don't feel tired at all (nice!), I sure would love to have a beer to take the anxiety edge off. That's probably my biggest struggle at this point - recreational drinking! Which was actually my biggest problem before my Whole30 began...I don't even want to think about how much pudge I put on just from my weekend/post-exam beers. No serious grain or dairy cravings thus far, and aside from my strange corn flake craving this morning, no sugar lust either.

I was pretty cranky and lethargic yesterday and this morning, but feel fine now. I'm thinking my second week might be more of a challenge...

Monica, I'm with you on the scale thing! I'd really love to see some numbers go down every day, but I know it will either 1.) discourage me if I don't see the drastic results that I dream of or 2.) make me more obsessed with losing weight than with feeling good or being healthy. However, I did do a little modeling in the mirror this morning, and I think I might just look a little slimmer! Might just be wishful thinking, but it was a nice feeling nonetheless.

Have a great Day 8 everyone! Keep it up!

I have had wierd cravings too. Tacos, pizza, and protein shakes. And, of course energy drinks! LOL

Nice work on your progress!


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Day 9 for me. I haven't had any weird cravings for foods but I do crave beef, even though I eat it almost every day. Last night I ate an entire NY strip, it must have been 10-12 oz and it went right down the hatch with a giant side of caesar salad and then I wanted a snack but didn't. Crazy.

Speaking of beef. I don't know how anyone can afford Grass fed meat. It's 13.99 lb here! I just get good quality meats at Costco. How much are you spending on GF meat and where do you buy it? If you don't mind me asking.

If I didn't weigh myself and see the numbers going down I don't think I'd make it. My clothes are not fitting better or looser at all but I'm down 5lbs. Haven't lost weight in a few days but haven't gained either, it's exactly the same since Friday right down to the 10th of a pound.

Last night I was craving alcohol so bad that I wrote it on my grocery list. Then I woke up at 2:30am and talked myself out of it. I was going to have a cheat this weekend but I know if I have a martini it's only a matter of time before I'm popping popcorn in the microwave and melting butter. I crossed it off my list this morning. :unsure:

Meals today:

3 scrambled eggs, handful spinach fried in lamb fat, 2 Morning Thunder tea, 1 coffee w coconut oil

can tuna in oil, raspberries, regular black cheapo Trader Joe's Irish tea

shredded chili beef, guacamole, lettuce, homemade salsa

Possibly a lara bar. I haven't had one in a few days. Just a tiny one not the big'uns.

I feel totally normal today and even "good"! It sure is nice to have energy and good mood back. Little "old injury" pain and as soon as it's gone completely I'm going to finish the C25K I started a while ago. hopefully, maybe

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karabel, that's awesome that you resisted the martini! I've been wanting a beer soooo badly so I've been trying to stay very busy so as to not even think about it. Which, between all the cooking and grocery shopping and cleaning and studying and working, turns out not to be too hard to manage!

I get our meat here at the Whole Foods, which is a little pricey, but less than what you're quoting - I think last I went it was $8.99 per pound. I also just put in an order to US Wellness Meats (www.uswellnessmeats.com) because I really wanted bacon and it's the only place I can find it without any sugar! They have decent prices for really good quality stuff, but the catch is that the order has to be at least $75 and 7 lbs. I bought a tongue, a roast, and some chops along with the bacon, so I'll freeze those and they'll make multiple meals each.

Just finished our grilled chicken and coconut kale. Now I gotta put away the laundry and get in bed and dream about all the OB pharmacology facts that I memorized tonight!

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Hi, all.

I'm still going strong. No real cravings - amazing! Shopped after work today for lots of produce. Yesterday, I made mayonnaise with avocado oil. Never made mayo before, and it was surprisingly easy - and yummy!

Greg - hop back on plan.

Monica - your burgers sound wonderful! I will definitely try your breakfast idea. I love rutabagas.

amw - I actually had a dream that I ate a pretzel - or half a pretzel - before feeling extremely guilty. And pretzels are not something I normally would crave.

karabel - I don't buy GF meat either. Can't afford it, but I make sure I have good quality meat - always checking for additives. I had some ground turkey in the freezer. The ingredients included "natural flavorings". I emailed the company to ask what exactly that was. I had to send them the UPC symbol. Today, I an email with this message: "The flavoring is Rosemary". Funny - I don't taste rosemary in my turkey. LOL.

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I'll check WF and see what price it is there, thanks awpillai. Have you had the US Wellness Meats before? Is it decent? Tender enough to cook whole cuts? Last time (the only time, actually) I bought grassfed beef through the mail it was so tough that I ended up grinding the entire batch. It was very tasty though. Lots of burgers, meatballs, meat loaf, etc. that month.

I never thought there would be so many people with alcohol cravings. Did anyone with alcohol cravings eat a lot of sugar before going paleo? I've never been a sweets lover, more of a salty craver.

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karabel, this is my first time ordering from Wellness - I'll report back on the quality once I get a chance to cook with it. I also prefer savory and salty snacks - even the sweet things I like I prefer to have a bitter or acidic quality to it.

Day 9, oh snap. Having leftover grilled chicken for lunch and have to pick up something from the store - I'm thinking something like the Chocolate Chili from Well Fed - I've heard good reports and I need to use up the extra zucchinis in my fridge - noodles!

This was my first exam after having an actual breakfast, and I must say I felt MUCH calmer and focused running on an actual meal than just coffee. Breakfast has helped me get through clinicals without feeling so exhausted or shakey. Love it!

Have a great day, everyone!

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Hi, everyone. Thought I'd sneak in here while my dinner is cooking - ground turkey mixed with mushrooms and cabbage, sauted in olive oil.

karabel - I love my wine, but I don't crave it. Never craved it before, either. I guess that's a good thing.

amwpillai - I need to go through Well Fed and find some recipes to try. Right now, I'm in love with Nom Nom Paleo's iPad app. It's amazing!

Well, dinner is calling. I'm hoping I'll be able to cope tomorrow, as I'm working from home.

Have a good evening, all.

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amwipillal, I felt a great sense of calm and focus yesterday, such a nice feeling! I love your avatar by the way, I feel like I'm doing the Whole 30 with Amy Poehler. Gibster, I can't believe I haven't bought an ipad yet...I am a gadget lover. I keep thinking that when I buy one, they will announce the new / better /more awesome one a week later...however I am very tempted to get that app, as I love the nom nom website. Sounds like everyone is making great progress. Go team Sept. 10!

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Last night I was wishing for a glass of wine. I don't think it's really the alcohol so much as the habit. I'm used to having a glass of wine--or 2--at dinner. But I stuck with it.

Karabel, for grassfed beef, try going to eatwild.com and look in your area. It is more expensive generally than non gf beef but the taste is better and there are no pesticides/chemicals added. That's a big one for me as I do believe there are side effects to them. Anyway, you can typically buy cheaper in bulk. I wish I could get some folks near me interested in buying a cow...we could buy a whole cow and then split and it's much cheaper that way. But no go. As for toughness, yeah I've had some that were incredibly tough. Not sure why. I do know that when cooking gf beef you cook it for shorter times because there is less water in it..

susanm--how does one live without an iPad? Just kidding! and if you want to know if they will announce a new one, ask me if I bought it. They wait till I do and then announce the new one with the BIG feature that I just said I wish it had X.

Last night had salmon with cherry tomato salsa and asparagus and a salad. My 4 yo ate it all without a fight and before Christmas got here! Small victory...she really eats anything. just a power struggle coz she can.

I honestly think the thing I crave the most is the scale. I know I've lost some (probably just the vacation gain) but WANT to know. My daughter and I keep singing You can't always get what you want!

I'm rambling now. Good luck to everyone on day 10!

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Day 11 for me and I'm down 7 pounds. SEVEN! I don't think I look different and my clothes don't fit any different yet but I'm happy anyway. This way of eating is getting easier and easier and less and less expensive because I'm eating less overall. A couple of days ago my appetite just about cut in half and has stayed down. However, I did crave a snack last night very late so I had a tiny lara bar, apple pie, yum, and I ate it IN BED. I knew I was sabotaging myself but since I had eaten pretty light all day I went ahead and ate it. They I woke up 1.9 lbs lighter. Whowouldathunk?

Susanne, I have been feeling calm and focussed to and my Scramble scores are going through the roof! Oh, that's an ipad game. Just go get one. You NEED one and you know it. jk I was thinking the other day that the most significant changes are in my emotional life so far. I am even keeled and very happy lately. Content is the closest word to my attitude.

Monica I have looked at Eatwild but the last time was about a year ago. I live in the desert and I don't wanna eat cows that eat what grows here. There is no grass! I actually looked at a map of where the cows graze and it's brown, empty desert with an occasional scrub tree or bush. I should visit the site again though. Thanks for the reminder. I can't buy bulk I'm a renter right now and the freezer is miniscule. I've been wanting to buy an upright freezer, though, so it's a pretty good idea. Since I am eating less, I maybe could afford it too. We'll see.

My energy level is absolutely fantastic lately. I was busy as a bee yesterday and I came home, made dinner and then cleaned my entire kitchen and it wasn't even very dirty. It's real clean now and tidy. Got a flat tire yesterday and normally that would have sent me into a tizzy of WTF! What do I do! My life sucks! Everything always happens to me! Of course this had to happen on such a busy f-ing day! Oh me oh my! But what did I do? Drove to the nearest gas station, got my son out of the car and showed him how to fill a tire with air. It lasted until we got home and this morning I topped it off and it seems fine now. No panic, no lost sleep, no arrhythmias. A first for me.

Food today is

shredded chili beef with a fried egg on top, 2 morning thunder tea, coffee black with coconut oil

2 hb eggs, carrot sticks, greek olives (I like this kind of lunch because its all snacky stuff and I miss snacking)

Double bacon chicken Caesar salad (I think this recipe is from Healthbent) I ate the bacon. an orange

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How's everybody doing on Day 11??

i'm doing pretty well and want to jump on the scale so bad! Anybody else have scale cravings???

Clothes are fitting better, energy level keeps rising, sleeping well!

All of your recipes and meals sound awesome!!

I'm married to an Italian so it's making it a little tougher to keep to the menu but my wife has been very understanding and is trying her hardest to accomodate the WHOLE 30 requirements!

Everybody have a nice Thursday!


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Greg, I'm so with you on the scale! It's probably my biggest craving! Especially as I bought some new shorts and they came yesterday. I tried them on and let's just say I'll need some new breathing techniques to wear them! I know most of that is different company, different sizings but it just really made me want to go jump on the scale!

I'm hungrier now than I used to be. A bit surprised by this as I really had already omitted most sugar from my diet, only sugar was in the wine (major) and in places I didn't think to look, like bottled sauces (minor) and I guess the half and half I used to drink. I do miss my wine still. Especially when talking to the husband on the phone and he had wine and mixed drinks (at a hotel, no driving!).

I did have weird dreams last night that I had eaten a bite of some unknown type of snack but before I ate it, I remembered W30 and spit it out. My husband brought me paleo snacks (in the dream, I was being kidnapped. They paused the kidnapping for the snack to arrive). Weird.

Have a great Thursday! It's almost Friday!


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I am with everyone else on the scale. I didn't previously think I needed to ban it so I didn't. It was keeping me motivated without altering what I was eating one bit UP UNTIL THIS MORNING. This morning when I hopped on, I had gained 1/2 lb. from yesterday. Immediately my mind starting playing back everything I ate yesterday and my mood has been very down all day. I am sure this is exactly why we are supposed to not weigh ourself. I made the decision at that very moment to not step on it again until the end of my Whole 30. It was clear to me that I am in fact completely addicted to the numbers game and to let 1/2 lb. influence my day is insane!

I still am not sleeping well and having very vivid dreams similar to the ones everyone posts about. It is never that I am intentionally eating something off Plan, but rather I am accidentally eating something and then trying to spit it out in time...

I am also a bit down because one of the major reasons I am doing this is to try to get rid of the pain in my hips. I think I mentioned before, but I had some medical issues back in the spring that have led to the pain in my hips (doctor suspects arthritis but haven't had that confirmed). I enjoyed running and would go out 3-5 times a week and run 3-5 miles per run. I decided not to run at all week one of my Whole 30 and went for a run on Sunday and again last night. My pain is still very present (and I am in a lot of pain today) and my stamina and run times are definitely down. I know the stamina/run time thing is normal given some of the other forums I read on runners and the Whole 30, but I am discouraged about the pain. I realize it may still take time, but I was really hoping to see some improvement.

I am definitely not giving up but am just a bit discouraged today between the 1/2 lb and the pain from my run.

Hope everyone else is having a great day! Here's to day 11 :)

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Happy Day 11! B)

I had a successful day yesterday, working from home. Anything that disrupts the routine can spell disaster, but I was busy enough that it didn't matter. But....this morning, I was heating up my breakfast while I was preparing my salad to take for lunch, and completely forgot about it until I was halfway to work. I toughed it out, even though I could have gotten something downstairs in the cafe. I also forgot my book to read at lunchtime. Grrrrrr.... I have scale cravings too. I did sneak a peak on Monday, but I'm vowing to not mention or look at it again. (down 4 lbs) - okay, starting now.

LJG - I starting having pain in one hip several years ago. X-rays confirmed osteoarthritis. The pain was horrible, but has subsided. I take pain meds when it flairs up, and try to walk as much as possible, as that was the one thing that really helped. I'm sure that eating the Whole30 way will help, to some degree, but I'm not counting on it to cure all my ills.

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Hi Everyone!

I just came across this thread and I started September 10th as well. Crazy! Can I join in on the fun too???

I'm 41, single and am an American currently living in the middle of nowhere Hungary. I've struggled with my weight since college but a few years ago lost around 40 pounds on WW...only to gain it almost all back. About a month ago I was just really soul searching for some kind of plan. And the next morning when a friend mentioned Whole30 on Facebook, I took it as a sign and decided to do it myself! (I was a bit nervous as this was totally foreign for me while it seemed like everyone else was saying "I've been eating Paleo for years but just wanted to clean it up a bit...")

It hasn't been straightforward for me as there are no easy ways for me to access organic where I live. I get all my vegetables and fruits locally but they aren't organic per say and who knows what they spray on them. Knowing all that I thought it through and decided that even if I can't go as healthy as I'd like to, it still has to be better than what I would have otherwise put into my body this month! That is for certain!

So...my first few days were rough, headaches, fogginess but day 9 for me was like a miracle. It felt like I woke up. I kept on telling my friend it was the strangest feeling. All I could equate it to was when you get new glasses or contacts...everything just seemed so clear and in focus. Since then I've been a bit more sleepy but still quite clear. It's been great and I'm getting a ton of work done which is a nice bonus. I'm sleeping well and some initial leg cramps have calmed down a bit after I started drinking more water and taking magnesium.

As far as weight goes I have no idea. Didn't weight myself before and won't afterwards. Trying to fight the demons and learn a new way here. I'm still feeling a bit bloated and today I feel like I maybe ate a bit too much but I'm hoping it all comes together by the end. I'd like to keep this up past 30 days but as soon as I am done I will be in Germany doing some training for a week with only access to hotel food. I'm anxious to see how that goes but trying not to get too ahead of myself worrying.

Hope you are all having a great day. It was encouraging to read your posts and not feel so alone on this journey. Thanks for that.

Well it's the end of day 11 here. Night All!


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I love your avatar by the way, I feel like I'm doing the Whole 30 with Amy Poehler.

Heck yeah! I'm pretty sure that Whole30 diet is Ron Swanson approved.

Day 11 is ovahhh! My friend brought us sausage and kale for a pre-clinical breakfast, then we went to Chipotle after for lunch! We got the only Whole30 safe meal - lettuce, carnita, salsa, and guac. It was sooo good - even better than I remember Chipotle being before we started this. Tonight I made pork chops simmered in onions and ghee, green beans cooked in ghee and fire-roasted tomatoes, and oven-roasted red peppers. Very yum! The chops were from US Wellness Meats, and they were very good.

We've been having a handful of berries after dinner lately, which has been refreshing. Cravings have almost entirely disappeared (besides for beer!).

I can't believe how fast 11 days went. We're almost half-way done! Also, I aced my OB exam! I didn't have hardly any pre-exam anxiety...I actually think I feel just generally calmer. I bought myself a new chapstick today to celebrate. It's grapefruit flavored!

Got a day off tomorrow, and of course I'll be studying like crazy for my Pediatrics exam next week. Hubby has a long day tomorrow too...rolling out a new project at work. I think tomorrow we'll make the roast in the crock pot!

Have a great night and Day 12, all!

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I am definitely not giving up but am just a bit discouraged today between the 1/2 lb and the pain from my run.

I'm so glad that you're sticking with it, LJG! I'm actually really glad that the Whole30 mentions not weighing yourself during the process. I think that if the goal is to change your relationship with food and your body, you can't be held to what the scale says. I feel your frustration though - I've had many, many days that were needlessly ruined by what the scale read in the morning. I hope Day 12 goes better for you. :)

P.S. - My husband and I are from Cincinnati! (Well, we went to school and lived there for several years, anyway). High five!

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Hello! I also started on September 10. I just turned 40 last month and had some medical issues this year that have gone a bit unexplained. I have tried to eat "healthy" over the years and exercised regularly and really have been healthy all my life. Earlier this year I had some medical issues that surfaced and went relatively unexplained. When I heard about the Whole 30, I thought it might be worth giving it a shot. I read the book "It starts with food" last week on vacation and was sold. Although I really enjoyed my sugar (in what I thought were "helathy" forms like splenda, etc.), I really haven't missed it the last 2 days. Yes, my coffee tastes different and I am drinking plain water instead of crystal lite, but that has not caused issues. I did wake up during the first night with a tremendous leg cramp. I also woke up every few hours last night to use the restroom. I have read other posts in here that lead me to believe these are normal, so I will just plan to keep telling myself that I can do this!

My hardest thing is going to be having the right foods handy. I am a single mom with two boys. We have a very active life and I mainly ate lean cuisine type meals for lunch/dinner so I had more time to focus on everything else that needs to be done. It is only day 3 and I am already struggling with trying to find the time to cook. I realize I am going to have to do a lot on the weekends, but the weekends are also quite busy.

Hope you all are doing well on day 3!!!

The good news is that simply replacing your lean cuisine meals with real food with have a tremendous impact on your life!

Keep it simple the first time through the whole30. Just remember the meal template - grab a quality protein, LOTS of veggies and a healthy fat and you're good to go!

Best wishes for much success.

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Gibster, ever try Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements... I use the ones that contain MSM...

my knees ache sometimes because I'ma bigger guy and the day after I get home from a nice run, they're killing me so much that it's tough to go up stairs!!!

When i take this supplement daily, the stiffness and pain disappear!

I've never read anything unhealthy about it!

Give it a try!! I just get the CVS brand Triple Strength

Good luck!


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Welcome to the club Brenda :) Thanks for the feedback Jeanye and the support amwpallai! I am very confident I will complete this journey. I can't tell you how badly I wanted to check the scale yesterday and this morning, but I withheld. I hope I can break that habit too! At least with the scale I could see something changing. I really don't feel anything different anymore. At first with the leg cramps, the multiple trips to the restroom at night, the slight headache, etc (and the decreasing weight...) it was a constant reminder that what I was doing was making some changes in my body. The last few days I haven't really noticed anything different - even my dreams have seemed to become less vivid than they were there for a while. I can't say that I feel extremely clear headed as some have said, I still get up my old normal 2-3 times per night (no fabulous sleeping like others have), and my joints still ache. I am still quite hopeful that my magic will happen, along with everyone else, it was just easier to be patient when I could at least feel things changing. I have read some people say they don't notice a drastic improvement until near the end so again, I am confident I will stick this out.

How is everyone else doing now? Has anyone else noticed a "plateau" of sorts in their "symptoms"?

Happy day 12 to all!

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Welcome Brenda! Hang in the LJG. I find I feel different every day. I think some of us are still "normalizing" to this. I had another really bad allergy attack 2 days ago that forced me to medicate, then yesterday I felt fine. In fact had a lot of energy in the afternoon. I'm still not sleeping great and getting up groggy. But I do think overall there is good benefit, and I too am looking forward to more consistent windfall of energy (and blissful sleep!). I am definitely less grumpy (except when craving sugar). I think there are always ups and downs to some degree and that is one reason to stay away from the scale - I can be 2 pounds heavier (or lighter) on a given day for no seeming reason. Anyway props to all you fellow days twelvers :)

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