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Starting September 10!


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Glad you are feeling better Lins432! I think you can always start again tomorrow. It appears to be pretty common for people to have to start over. I wonder how you would have felt if you skipped the almond butter and just ate the whole banana? I know it can be very difficult with kids. I have an 11 and 9 year old and it is going to be VERY hard to not pick off their plates. I used to do it all the time! I never let myself indulge in my own pop tarts, but a bite off one of their plates did the trick for me... I am often a short order cook after school, before practices so I never have time to make myself anything - I just eat their leftovers (SO SAD BUT TRUE). I accidentally took a swig of crystal lite the other night but before swallowing I spit it in the sink. It was just a habit! That is my greatest fear that I am going to get to day 27 or something and accidentally take a bit/drink of something on the naughty list! So for me the hardest part is going to be finding the time to cook for myself!

Good luck!


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I hear you on the alcohol! I'm a dedicated wino or beer snob (Porter or Stout being the best!). It is hard to give up but when I'm whining for a glass, I take my wine glass and put some lemon juice in it, fill it with crushed ice and water and put a few slices of lemon on top! I then just close my eyes a little and I'm all good. Great job not cheating!

Day 4 is just about over. have had my usual breakfast, omelet with bell peppers, mushrooms and jalapenos cooked in a little bit of ghee. 3 cups of coffee, black Lunch was grass fed/finished t-bone (leftover) and grilled eggplant and dinner is spaghetti squash with paleo meatballs (beef with some herbs) and homemade marinara sauce.

Hopefully, my 4 yo and I will get to go swimming tonight!

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Hi, all. I posted earlier, but didn't tell you anything about myself. I'm 63, live alone, and have two grown children, 2 beautiful granddaughters (who live far away in TX), and one old cat.

I've trying to eat low-carb for years, staying away from grain, mostly, but I was not always successful, hence my need to lose some weight. But, more importantly, I've was diagnosed with macular degeneration in my right eye (the wet variety) about 16 months ago, and one of the things I've learned is that it can be caused/aggravated by systemic inflammation. The doc says I should eat more vegetables - things with anti-oxidants, but that's as far as the advice goes. "Eat better" - I wonder what exactly he meant. If that isn't enough motivation, I also have been feeling tired, achy, have tendonitis (again) in one shoulder. I felt like a mess.

Enter Whole30! This will be Day 5, and probably my most challenging. Fridays, for some reason, seem to be my downfall. I've already eaten my breakfast and will be off to work in a little while, so I will come back later to "get personal" with all of you.

Welcome to all you "Sept 10-ers"!

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Hi Gibster2! The more I read on this site and in the book "It starts with Food", the more I wonder how many problems could be solved just by eating "clean". It doesn't mean it's an easy transition to do, it just logically seems to be the right thing to do! I am giving this a shot also to see if it can assist with some medical issues that surfaced in the spring. I have eaten low fat / low calorie for most of my adult life and have been very active in sports / exercise since childhood. I rarely even catch a cold but in the spring for some reason my girlie insides decided to stop funcitoning and I was a complete medical mess! My BP (which is normally at 100/79) soared to 160 about 50-60 times a day and I felt like I was having a heart attach. After about a month of doctor visits, blood work, and numerous tests, they ruled out many things but never determined what "caused" my issues. Instead I have gone from taking 0 pills a day to 6 a day in a heartbeat. I also went from running with no issues to being very slow and in pain. Over that short time I lost 25% bone density and now have arthritis in my hips! So... I know the wonderful doctors did their best to give me meds to help with the symptoms, but I am not just ok with living like this! I want to have my pain-free existence back, run again, and not have to remember to swallow 6 pills each morning (speaking of which, that reminds me, I forgot to take my medicine...). So I am very hopeful that if I stick to this plan, I will see a difference. I really hope that it provides you with the results you are looking for as well! You mentioned Friday as a challenging day for you... I have always found the weekends to be challenging so I will probably visit this site a lot this weekend for inspiration.

Best of luck to you and here's to a great DAY 5!


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was tempted to get on scale but held back... definitely dropped some pounds

more energy in my workout yesterday afternoon

overall feeling pretty good but...

... here comes the weekend!

should be a challenge but I can handle it!

I've kind of reached the point of 100% commitment to this especially that I can feel the changes happening - all good changes!

Hope everybody else is doing well!

Good luck this weekend!

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I too started Sep 10th, there seem to be quite a few of us. I had a headache on the first evening but it's been ok since. I have a ton of health issues, but i posted them in my own intro so I'm not going to bore everyone with them again :) My biggest problem has been getting used to eating breakfast since i haven't done that since i was about 10 but I'm getting used to it. I too have found the daily emails really helpful. i'm in the UK so they hit my inbox at about 9.00am and i find myself really looking forward to them. I've also been posting my food log for the day in the Whole 30 log and i find that really helps keep me on track. My only regret is that at 61, I didn't start sooner. Here's to us all

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Nice work Greg. You too Kirsteen.

Greg, I bet you come out with more than you think when it comes to weight. I sense my body changing, and I don't know if you can relate, but I can tell when my body is burning fat, and I have felt that way for that past week. My clothes are way loser and my workouts are easier....

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Yeah.. you definitely don't feel as bloated... like my skin is a little tighter?

Totally. I don't feel like I am carrying around a ton of lard in my gutt. I am looking forward to the weekend and more exercise! I am not sure, but I think I may see 10lbs loss after this is done. Funny thing is, I have not been able to get below 190 for over a year. I started this program at 193, betting I am already sub 190. And, yea, the wife hid the scale! LMAO

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Hi everyone, guess I'm ready to join the Sept. 10 start party. It's day 5 for me and so far I'm doing ok, still have pastry/sugar cravings pretty bad in the AM. I ate pretty un-healthily until very recent. Not (quite) a junk food junkie but lots of grains, sugar/treats, and few veggies. I started eating mostly paleo after reading the ISWF book (about 3 weeks ago), and decided to take the Whole 30 plunge. I hope to feel better as I've had increasingly bad seasonal allergies (which I never had before 1 year ago) and sleep issues.

So far the book Paleo Comfort Foods, nom nom paleo website, and Well Fed have been very helpful to me. Also all the posts on this website!

lins432, how is eating 1/2 banana with almond butter off the whole 30 plan? both are approved on the food list, unless your almond butter had additives in it? A banana saved me yesterday when I felt what I think was a blood sugar nose dive mid day.

Best to all of you


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Hi, everyone. Day 5 - done! I managed to make it through my Friday unscathed. Went to a friend's house in the evening. I usually bring a bottle of wine and some crackers & cheese, but last night it was iced tea and water the whole evening - and I was fine!

Greg - I can't speak from personal experience, but my daughter goes to Crossfit and she loves the non-intimidation factor, the encouragement, and the personal attention. Ha! I have been tempted to hop on the scale, too. I was always a daily weigher, so this is difficult for me.

Quinn - I hear ya about doctors simply dispensing drugs. When I tell a new doctor that I only take one medication (for occasional arthritis pain), they seem surprised. All my friends seem to talk about is what medications they are on and for what conditions. Thankfully, my doc is one of the rare ones that uses drugs only when absolutely necessary. Good for you going the Whole30 route. We all should pay attention to our own bodies.

Monica - I feel your pain. I love my wine, too. My last 2 vacations were to the Finger Lakes region - tasting wine every day. And I had over 3 cases shipped home. But I rarely open a bottle at home just for myself, so as long as I can handle social situations during the WHole30, I'll be fine. Yes, a little lemon juice in my water never tasted so good!

karabel - Good luck to you on the whole30! Truth be told, weight loss is a major factor for me, too. But I tell myself that it's a side-benefit. I know how I feel when I'm not eating well and it has nothing to do with how I feel about being overweight. Hang in there!

Lins432 - Are you feeling better. If you were a big carb-consumer, what you were feeling on Day 3 is perfectly normal. Hang in there. It gets better - much better.

Laurie - I can imagine that coming from a low-cal/low-fat background, this is very difficult for you. I've been off that idea for many years, done a lot of reading about nutrition (the best at explaining the bad science/bad politics of nutrition research is Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes). You know, last night at my friend's house, I listened to a discussion on acid reflux and what drugs work best. If I had known the people better, I would have pointed out that once I stopped eating starchy foods, I had no acid reflux at all. But here were 2 extremely obese people talking about drugs, and if they only did some research on the subject.......ah, well, I can't save the world. Maybe later.

Kirsteen - Welcome! I've mostly been a breakfast-skipper, too. But, I have to admit that I felt much better this week and seemed to have more resolve to see this thing through. My favorite breakfast on weekends is a veggie omelet, but during the week I usually don't have time to be creative. My favorite breakfast this week was heating up pre-browned ground turkey, adding 1/4 cup of chopped apple, sprinkling with a little nutmeg and cinnamon - Mmmmmm. I'll be browning some more meat this weekend to have on hand for next week. Hey, you're younger that me, so, never too late!

Susan - Welcome! I love "Well Fed" and "Nom Nom Paleo" Have you used the NNP iPad app? It is the best cookbook app I have ever seen!

Well, today is house-cleaning day, so I better get to it. I hope to get some batch cooking in later, since I think I may have to go into the office tomorrow (ugh!). Have a great Day 6, everyone!

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Did CROSSFIT yesterday afternoon! Awesome workout but my legs are gonna be damn sore today!

I'm doing my free week - but after yesterday, I think I'm definitely signing up!

Great atmosphere, evrybody was very welcoming and great workouts!

Should go well with this WHOLE30!

My Friday was good and still feeling great!

Wife and I usually would ahve a glass of wine on the back porch and just catch upa nd talk but last night wnet with some unsweetened iced tea which I'm developing a taste for...

Today will be another challenge - my youngest has a few baseball games and then after, some of the team will head to local bar for wings and beers... something me and a few of the other dads enjoy and do often enough.

I'll have to take a photo of their reactions when I pass on the beers!

Have a nice rest of the weekend everybody! Keep up the good work!


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Hi Linda

Yeah I'm definitely getting used to the breakfasts. It's been easier than I thought it would be. I'm finding I don't want lunch for at least 5 hours after it and I've stopped feeling hungry in the evenings. I have my dinner and that's it, whereas previously I could have grazed all night :rolleyes:.

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I'm still going strong on my Whole30. Day 7 today! Had a rough time day 3-4, terrible headaches and felt absolutely awful. Haven't been sleeping well until last night. It was great to finally have a night of decent sleep with tons of dreams and only one time up to go pee (TMI?). For the past few nights I was up 4-5 times and it was driving me crazy. Yesterday I had some old injuries flare up and it was very painful and strange but went away during the night.

I love my food and am almost never hungry because I'm eating pretty big meals. Not much in the mood for snacks in between though. Yesterday I only ate twice and then last night I wanted to snack. I made myself a plate of hard boiled egg, cut into 4ths, carrot sticks and some olives and it was delicious and felt like such a treat.

Tonight for dinner I'm making zucchini noodles with home made meat/tomato sauce, which I ate before whole30 but with parm or Romano. No cheese tonight.

Anyone else eat the tiny Lara bars? I'm having one a day after lunch.

Oh, the most important news, for me anyway, I LOST 5 pounds this week! Just confirms that this is great and makes me want to go forever.

I commiserate with those that have alcohol cravings. I would love a glass of wine or a cold beer, and I don't even usually drink beer. A martini would be great too.

I love reading how every one is doing I hope you all keep posting.

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Day 6 in the bag! The first part of the weekend wasn't as bad as I feared. I made my boys popcorn last night before we watched a movie and while it smelled yummy I didn't even seriously consider it. My mild headaches seem to be slipping away and I am sleeping for a bit longer between trips to the bathroom (similar to you karabel - the first few nights I woke up almost every single hour!) I had a serious fog/crash on Friday where I was so tired I thought I was going to have to go to the car to sleep at lunch but after about an hour, it got better. Not sure of the cause - I had a normal eggs / veggies/ fruit for breakfast and my coffee.

Looking forward to getting a full week under my belt. Shopping and looking at ingredients are getting easier. If anything pushes me over the edge with this, it will be the cooking. I really dislike cooking and have so little time. It is very hard Tuesday-Thursday with so little time between getting home from work and needing to get the boys dinner and get out to soccer practice. I plan to cook a lot tomorrow to hopefully have enough "plan approved" foods to eat all week.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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Wow, awesome job to everyone! It's so fun to log on after a few days and see how everyone is progressing along with me.

Day 7 is today! Yay! It's my day off from the hospital, so we're having...wait for it...LEFTOVERS! Ground chicken with purple cabbage and apple for breakfast, chicken-bone broth soup with veggies and egg and a salad for lunch, and paleo meatloaf and cauliflower mash for supper. I'm looking forward to a day of pajamas and no scrubs or alcohol swabs in sight!

No negative side effects so far! I'm not giving up caffeine, and I always took my coffee black before, so that helps. But I do miss being able to wind down the evening with a cold beer - the worst part is that my coffee shop is right next to my beer store! Noooooo!

I don't know if I've lost any weight. I decided not to weigh myself even before starting the Whole30 since I've had some past issues with disordered eating. I don't feel any thinner, but I know that I feel way better all around, and that's the most important part to me.

For those having problems cooking every day, do you have a slow-cooker? I know that it's helpful for me to throw something into the crock pot in the morning, come home to a fully cooked dinner in the evening, and have leftovers for the next day. I also make big main dishes so that we have leftovers for a few days and I only have to worry about extra side veggies. I sympathize with how hard it is to cook for three meals a day though - getting up extra early in the morning for breakfast (I never ate it before!), working my hospital shift all day on my feet, then coming home and spending another couple of hours on my feet in the kitchen is so exhausting.

Have a good Day 7 everyone! One whole week is almost done!

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Yes, Day 7 is here. I'm confident that I'll be abe to finish the week in a stellar manner!

I know that I don't get enough sleep, getting up at 5:15 am during the week. It's usually "lights out" at 10:30 which should give me almost 7 hours, but I do tend to wake up several times and then find it hard to get back to sleep. Part of the problem is that the tendonitis in my shoulder seems to really bother me at those times. I wear a fitbit regularly, and from that I can monitor my sleep patterns. Last night, I woke up twice, but managed to get in almost 8 hours of sleep! That's amazing to me. We'll see if this carries through past the weekend.

LJG - I'll be cooking today for the rest of the week. Since I'm only cooking for myself, it's pretty easy, but I hate having to cook when I get home from work, so having some choices ready in the fridge is mandatory for me. And, if all else fails, I can whip up an omelet for dinner.

karabel - good for you on the weight loss! I, for one, am still resisting getting on the scale. I'm trying to make this about my health, not my weight. Don't know if I can resist the entire 30 days, tho.

amw - I love my crockpot! I'm with you - I always drank my coffee black, so no problem there. I do still have to remind myself to eat breakfast, but if I'm really pressed for time, I know I can grab a couple of HB eggs as I run out the door. Haven't had to do that yet! Enjoy your day off!

I have to go to the office in a little bit. Being a tax accountant, in charge of state income tax, I have several returns that are due tomorrow, and since I didn't get the signed copies back until late Friday, I need to get them prepared for mailing, along with other work that has piled up because of this deadline. So.....breakfast done, off I go.

Have a great day, everyone! rockon.gif

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I hear you with the cooking. Although I love to cook, this is a cooking-intensive month on the Whole30. When I run out of ideas I look at Nomnompaleo and see what she's making. Most of my ideas are beef-centered, I eat little pork and a moderate amount of chicken and lamb but beef is my fav. This week I'm making tacos in lettuce cups (I grind my own seasonings), steaks with caesar salad (make the dressing) mini burgers (nomnompaleo style), chicken bacon caesar salad and shredded beef with avocado. I'll put my shredded beef recipe under the recipe topic.

I use a crockpot/slowcooker occasionally too and I eat a lot of leftovers, mostly for breakfast and lunch.

It's so interesting that a lot of us have has sleep issues. I've been sleeping a little bit better but still get up 2-3 times to pee. In the morning I've been feeling a little more awake in the past few days but still not totally normal. I have a fitbit too but haven't used it in a while. I'm going to clip it on tonight and see what it says. Funny thing about my dreams. I am working out issues in my dreams the past couple of nights. Money issues, feelings surrounding my divorce that was finalized a few weeks ago, relationship issues with my troubled, drug addicted teen son. It's a little disturbing but also enlightening at the same time and I'm actually beginning to feel less stressed and more rational about all of these things.

The old injury pain comes and goes and right now my left knee is killing me. It was dislocated during my very first tennis lesson 5 years ago but didn't need any surgery, doc said xray showed no damage that need to be repaired. I hope it resolves fast because it's a real deep constant pain and I don't want to take any drugs.

Thoughts of having an alcoholic drink are more and more frequent. I thought they would be less and less frequent but it's a pretty strong craving lately. I need to find a good substitute for relaxing with a glass of wine or martini. Either that or just have shock therapy for alcohol addiction. jk!

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Congratulations to us September 10th starters who now have one week under our belts!

I am surprised at how easy it has been for me. I really expected cravings but haven't had any (I think I read they sneak up on us after the 2nd week). Yesterday I made a delicous chicken curry dish and some tuna salad that I can use as leftovers all week. I also hard boiled about a dozen eggs and found some plan-friendly deli turkey and pre-cooked chicken pieces at Whole Foods yesterday so I can have stuff handy after work and before soccer Tues - Thurs when I am so short on time.

Yesterday I was in church and without thinking, took the bread and wine when the plate came past. Just before I took it, I remembered. Wow! That was a close one. I decided that God knew my heart and my intentions so it was ok to pass during the month. I also went for my first run on to see if the pain in my hips was better. My stamina was a bit low and had to walk off and on during the 3rd mile, but overall it was ok. Not a lot of pain during the run and maybe less after, but the pain is still there. I wasn't expecting it to be gone yet, but just thought I would give it a shot. I am still hopefull that this is going to cure my joint pain so I can run again pain-free. I am excited (and very hopeful) to see what happens!

By the way, I broke the rules and weighed myself and even though I feel like I am gorging myself (and have a constant chapstick-like feel on my lips from all the oil and fat...), I lost 4 lbs. last week. Wow! I am going to try to put the scale away for the next 3 weeks but that is the hardest part for me.

Happy Day 8 to all!

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Don't get online much during weekends... no time

So, I think I need to start over... even though I'm feeling great! Clothes feel even looser today, higher energy, sleeping great!

Had a Diet Pepsi or two over the weekend with foods that over time I've pared up with DP and just can't have one without the other! I also went out with a few other families after my youngest boys baseball games saturday night and had ONE beer which is a huge accomplishment within itself! I also had a small glass of wine on the back porch with the wife on Friday night!

Even though these things are forcing me to start over, the low low volume of alcohol, compared to what i would normally drink was a small victory!

Everything else going well!

Hope everybody else did well and had a nice weekend!!


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I wasn't online over the weekend as my 4 year old thinks playing is much more fun! Go figure! This was a real test for me as mentally Friday night simply equals have a drink and relax night. Didn't help that said 4 yo wanted to "discuss" the merits of actually eating dinner instead of just singing. Saturday was college football night--always a cause for beer! and Sunday was pro-football! Fortunately, both my teams were on regular television (I don't have cable or satellite) so i didn't have to consider going to a bar! That might have been the end of me.

Food wise I'm doing well. Sometimes amazed at how many things have sugar in them. Or how many recipes have sugar in them. Most don't need it. Cleaned out the fridge and gave away a number of sauces etc, that don't meat the plan. Yes I'm not doing W30 the rest of my life, but I like to choose where I cheat and the bar-b-q sauces weren't in the list!

We made Mexican burgers (husband found them on a paleo site) with grass fed/finished beef and salad. The burgers had onions, guac and mushrooms on them so lots of veggies. They were awesome. Stepson declared them the best burgers he's ever had, with the exception of Rotiers in Nashville.

Saturday night we had a chicken curry with curried cauliflower. It was okay. Much better as leftovers on Sunday and with a bit of salt. Breakfasts we had shredded Rutabaga and onions with poached eggs. If you like eggs, shred some rutabaga using a food processor (recommended) or box grater (workout) and finely chop the onions. Saute each in your fat of choice in separate pans. After about 10 minutes mix them together and let them finish cooking. Meanwhile poach or fry in your fat of choice (bacon grease rocks) one or two eggs. Serve. It's kind of like hash browns and eggs. Honestly, if you had asked me 5 years ago if I wanted rutabaga, I would have looked at you like you had 3 heads!

Anyway, I'm betting that someone at my company thinks I should be working! Gotta run! Good luck to everyone on day 8

PS the HARDEST part of this for me is NOT getting on a scale! I'm a numbers person. I like numbers. Not seeing a number is HARD. I get though I really do. I have done something as my shorts are fitting again. May be back to pre-vacation weight

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