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Starting September 10!


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LJG, Here's a delivery service for your area. Home Delivery of Organic & Local Produce – Green BEAN Ohio, I'm sure there are lots of them. Use google. The service I use lets you choose what you don't want in your basket and of course you can add extra stuff too for an additional charge.

susanm, I definitely had a burst of energy this morning. On a whim I cleaned out and organized 3 cabinets and a catchall basket in my living room. I have a couple of boxes filled with stuff for resale and a bag of trash out of the house. I also cleaned my kitchen but I do that often. Now I'm getting ready to go out to shop a little (I'm just on here waiting for the coconut oil to sink into my skin so I can put my makeup on).

gibster and monica, I'm thinking of sticking with W30 too and just having a cheat meal and a cocktail every couple of weeks or something like that.

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Good morning, all!

Made it through my dinner out last night. No real problem, except that one of my well-meaning friends thought it helpful to inform the waitress about my "special diet" and started to go into detail, even though she doesn't really know the details. I gave her the "cut-off" sign (with a smile). Hmmmm ..."special diet" sounds like I'm some sort of invalid or something. Geezzz.....

susan - that breakfast is one of my all-time favorites.

Okay, I've got to get some housework done. It's calling to me.

Have great day, everyone!

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Wow! Day 1 of week FOUR!!!! Yipee! We rock!!! Yesterday I spent hours at the grocery and in the kitchen. I did some major cooking for the week so I can dish up leftovers and go every morning. I made a chicken dish in the crock pot (made so much, I even froze some), a breakfast casserole, and some fried green tomatoes. I still haven't been able to convert my 9 and 11 year old boys to even trying anything I am cooking (they need their food to look very plain...) so I also made them some little boy treats like brownies and muffins. I had to be very focused to make sure I didn't lick my fingers or the beaters! Cooking on the weekend has really made all the difference for me. I need to have handy food for our busy schedule. I also went for a "run" yesterday and am still discouraged about the lack of stamina and endurance. In the spring, I could do 6 miles and average around 9:30 a mile. I logged a full 2.4 "running" yesterday at an average pace of around 11:00. I had to fast walk the other .4. I really miss running and need to find a solution to get rid of the pain. My hips didn't hurt during the run, but they ached after and are aching today.

On a side note, I had a very egrigous discovery this weekend. Turns out one of my Rx has SOY and/or peanuts in in (the container says to not take if allergic to peanuts or SOY), as well as my multi-vitamin (says at the end of the ingredient list that it contains SOY) . I don't know if it is significant enough to have caused any issues during this process, but if I don't see results soon, I am going to call my doctor to see if they can replace the Rx with one that does not include SOY and then sign myself up for another W30! I don't miss grains in the least and don't miss sugar as much as I feared. The timing will be critical, however, as I will need to be able to get a good 30 days more in before Thanksgiving!

Well, I hope everyone is off to a great start this week!

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Still going strong on Whole30! Feeling pretty good and sleeping well consistently. I got tired of cooking for a couple of days and grazed throughout dinner, which was a nice break. Yesterday I got the cooking bug back and stocked up for the week, just like you, LJG. I made red chili beef, which I also added to the recipe forum here and a rich, delicious stock from leftover turkey and chicken bones.

I am on day 23 and this is just a cakewalk now. I thought I would really miss cheese but I don't any more. One thing that I've been thinking about is a flour-less chocolate cake with raspberry sauce. I'm going to make one next Wednesday and freeze half for Thanksgiving. It's not too bad, even for paleo.

LJG, how did you find out about the soy in your Rx? I'd like to get another whole30 in before Thanksgiving too, what a great idea! I've been thinking about getting a pastured, organic turkey, if I can find one.

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Day 23 - YIPPEE!!!

Karabel - thanks for the link for the delivery service. I will definitely need to check it out. Also, my multi vitamin clearly states it includes SOY. My Rx says "Do not take if allergic to peanuts or SOY". I posted a question yesterday on the troubleshooting your whole 30 forum yesterday to see if I could get one of the moderators to chime in and Tom did. He said the amount of SOY in these items is likely not contributing to my joint pain. However, I am still going to discuss with my doctor next Monday. I did read through research on the internet that some people with arthritis experience flare ups when they eat "nightshades" (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes). I also researched every post on here with "joint pain" listed and found out that while many people were relieved from joint pain by just elilminating grains and sugars, others had to also eliminate nightshades for some relief. Unfortunately I love those foods and all the stuff I cooked over the weekend to eat all week is full of peppers and tomatoes! I also have some sweet potatoes at home calling to me :) So... my plan is to eliminate night shades as soon as my current cooked food runs out and see if I can get rid of the pain. In the meantime, I will see my doctor on Monday and I am sure she will give me yet another Rx. So I will just hold it until I can determine if nightshade elimination helps. If not, I will just add another pill in the morning and move on... But the joint pain was my #1 reason for doing my whole 30. I have reaped other benefits, though, so I think I will stay relatively clean. Only time will tell. But one thing I know is that my Whole 30 just turned into at least a Whole 45 or Whole 60, depending on how the nightshade elimination goes for me....

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Almost there!

Doing well today - it was kind of a rough weekend, I have to admit. Against my own advice, I stepped on the scale. I have no idea how much I weighed before I started, but the weight I read on Saturday was not what I wanted or expected (silly, I know), which sent me into a downward slope of defeat and self-hatred. It was sort of good though - I didn't end up binging (score!) and it inspired me to finally sign up for Crossfit! I start my intro classes today! I'm pretty nervous but also excited. I'm also thinking of doing yoga once a week - so Crossfit 2x a week and one yoga class. We'll see how it goes!

Last night I made beef tongue in the slow cooker, then shredded it and cooked it with chipotle pepper sauce. We piled it into endive leaves and topped it with sauteed mushrooms and peppers, tomato salsa, radishes, avocado, and lime juice. It was so good - but I made it wayyy too spicy! My husbo is Indian so he didn't care at all, but it took me all night to finish my plate! Today I'm making a paleo Shepard's Pie.

LJG, good luck with the nightshade elimination! You're a braver woman than me...I'm pretty sure almost every meal I eat has tomatoes in it. :unsure: I hope it helps!

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1 week to go! LJG, that is interesting about nightshades. I'll be curious to hear how that goes. Amwpillai, good luck with cross fit! I'm a yoga person, I love my classes but should do some cardio. I'll get there eventually. For now I am really happy about the changes in my diet and I plan to keep going. Happy day 23 all!

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amwpallai - speaking of brave... shredded beef tongue? wow! I have not branched out past every day meats. No liver, tongue, or anything like that for me!! I too eat tomatoes and peppers at almost every meal, and I consider a sweet potato to be among the most decadent of foods so it will be interesting. Another moderator also suggested eliminating eggs along with the nightshades, so basically it sounds like I will be eating meat and lettuce at every meal :) But, just like when I started this, I can do anything for 30 days! It will also be good to know definitively if those foods are causing the problems. If so, I would certainly trade off eggs/my beloved veggies for a pain-free day...

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LGJ, I have a problem with nightshades and there are a couple of foods that really affect me terribly and after eliminating those my joints are fine. Regular potato chips are the WORST as well as green peppers. Next is all other color peppers so I don't eat any peppers at all any more. Eggplant, potato (except for chips) and tomato don't seem to bother me so much so I'll eat those but not every day. I do use spicy peppers occasionally but I think it's such a small amount that it doesn't seem to bother me. It's also worse if I eat the offending food over and over for days.

I'm beginning to feel the fear of the 30 days being up and having to decide what and how to eat afterward. I really don't see or feel a difference in the way my clothes fit but my skin is getting looser. My upper arms have wings, how lovely.

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Thanks for the feedback Karabel... It is very interesting how things impact people so differently :) As I have confided, I have broken the rules a bit and stepped on the dreaded scale. I have lost some weight and can absolutely see a difference in my body (more so than the scale reflects), so all in all, this has been a very educational and beneficial journey. I am still very hopeful that the next 35 days will prove even more beneficial if eggs and/or nightshades have been causing me issues.

Have a great night!

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Ohhh the dreaded arm wings, how I hate them.

LJG, I totally get what you mean about how you look reflecting a more drastic change than what the scale says. That seems to be something a lot of other people experience also. I put mine up on a very high shelf - no more weigh-ins for a while!

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Hi everybody!

Looks like everybody's doing well...

I've been sticking to it - Week Four!

Yesterday after swimming I wanted a POWERADE so bad and instead went with the unsweetened tea right next to it! Big step! I seem to be getting used to the bland taste and it was even a little thirst quenching!

Amazing all the changes you feel from this "cleansing"! More energy, sleeping better, feeling healthier all around

I'm definitely going to go again starting next week!

Good luck and keep up the good work!


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I was wondering what happened to you, Greg. Glad to hear that you're still on board!

My sleep is so much improved, it miraculous. I wear a fitbit and last night my sleep was 100% efficient. I went to bed at 10:15, it took 5 minutes to fall asleep, I woke once at 10:37 and then slept until 6:30am. 8 hours of completely uninterrupted sleep! As a comparison, I used to wake up between 10 and 20 times per night. I don't use anything to get to sleep any more, radio, tv, nothing. Just lay down and I'm out.

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that's funny.. i thought you guys were getting a girls club going there...

do all of you girls (ladies?) make your family's meals? i would assume that would help in our food battles... like I said, I'm married to an Italian and dinner is the toughest fight for me.

she's pretty understanding but trying to make her normal meals for our three boys and then trying to make something for me that fits the WHOLE30 requirements is sometimes tough and leaves me almost "plateless" or "plate empty"

Karabel - the sleeps have been great AND I don't have so much trouble getting up! I also find that my late day and early evening energy level is so much higher. i used to do nothing once I got home (except workout) but now I'm actually looking for things to do!

Good luck to all of you this last week!

Any interest in keeping this group together for another 30 days???

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karabel, that is awesome. I'm sleeping well too which is a lovely thing.

Greg, my live in family is 4 legged and furry, and thus I can't really speak to your question. Of course you could try making something paleo and see if the rest of your brood likes it :) Getting enough calories means lots of food, especially if you are doing Cross fit! One of the big benefits of this past 24 days has been seriously sharpening my cooking and food shopping skills.

Anyone else loving Kombucha? I am really loving the gingerade flavor.


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Glad to see you are still with us too Greg! I am definitely going to keep going, but I will be trying to eliminate other foods. I am sleeping more soundly when I sleep, but still waking typically 1-2 times to use the restroom. I don't feel like I have additional energy in the evening and am wondering if I still need to add more veggies. I feel totally full after my meals, never snack, and don't crave anything. But, I am just not that hungry at meal time either so I think my serving sizes are at the very low end (if that) of the charts. Hopefully that will stabilize more and I will have more energy.

Susan I just read about Kombucha this week and will probably be picking up some this weekend. I will let you know how I like it!

Karabel glad to hear your sleep has improved! I don't ever remember sleeping 6 hours without waking. I think I would fear something was terribly wrong with me :)

Good night all!

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Greg, I'd love to stay in the group after the 30 days is up. I'm going to take a few days off and then jump right back in. I want to eat chocolate, an italian sub, brie and crackers and some wine.

I cook for myself and my son and he eats paleo when I do but has no idea. I don't talk about it to him, just offer food and he eats it. He has requested spaghetti and meatballs, though, so add that to the list above. I agree with Susan that you should cook occasionally for your family. It's a good skill to have and your wife and boys should eat healthy too!

Susan, my stomach couldn't take kombucha. I tried it and liked it but it bothered me. Does that to some people, I've heard.

LJG, I was pretty shocked to wake up this morning to sunlight. I don't think I can remember ever sleeping that long all at once. Unfortunately, you'd think that I would have felt pretty good today but I had a headache all day. Just awful. I was also sneezing, feeling run down and when I laid down to meditate I fell asleep for a 1 1/2 hour nap! I'm going to add in a starchy sweet potato tomorrow and see if that helps with the energy level. I've been very anxious about some personal stuff lately and don't think I've been eating enough.

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Good Morning, all.

Yes, I'm still here. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to post here for a couple of days.

LJG - I don't miss grains or sugars either. Interesting about the nightshades. I had never heard that before. For others who want to read about nightshades: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=george&dbid=62

amwpillai - good for you on starting Crossfit. I'm not at that point - can't afford it time- or money-wise right now. And the yoga studio that I was looking at near work is closing next month! Grrrrr....

Greg - Kudos on choosing the iced tea! I'd be interested in sticking with the group - although I'm going to Vegas on the 21st for a few days - not sure how "good" I can be while I'm there. But once I get back, I'll be right on track. We can start a new thread once we "graduate".

karabel - My sleep was getting much better, but the last couple of nights I've been waking at 2 a.m. and finding it hard to get back to sleep. I do find that I'm thinking about work and can't seem to shut if off. Well, things should be slowing down a bit now that the October 15 deadline for my tax returns is looming. All my state returns are finished, but are now being reviewed and there are always some simple changes that end up being difficult.

Got to get going and get to the office. Here's hoping I can solve all the problems today and be done with it.

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Funny how we have kind of all stopped talking about the number of days we have done this. I guess that is because it is more normal now and none of us are focused on having 3 or 9 or 15 days behind us. I see this as a very good sign! I am enjoying the liberating feeling of not having food control me and adding guilt to my every day life. No more constant battles with my inner self on whether or not I should eat that donut, or cookie, etc. Just silence in my head on the food front. I absolutely LOVE it! I put on a pair of jeans today that I have never worn (bought them last year with the hopes that they would incent me to lose 10 lbs) and they fit wonderfully. I also got told today that it looks like I have lost weight which (probably as 99% of females can relate), put a smile on my face :) I think when I give up nightshades and eggs for my next W30, I will also focus on giving up the scale. I would love to be liberated from that beast as well!

Happy Day "Whatever" All!!!!

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Nice LJG!! Loose fitting clothes and new "smaller" clothes are a great feeling!

I'm experiencing the same thing!

You do look like you've lost weight! ;)

It really has become second nature and when I think about what I've NOT EATEN it amazes me... bread, potatoes, rice, cheese, alcohol, diet pepsi...

Stick to it everybody!

Have a great day! Tomorrow's FRIDAY!!


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Hi all,

I'm mostly interested in staying with the group. But like Karabel, I'm going to have some pizza (my husband is going to the city with the only good pizza in the state the day after my W30 officially ends!) and some wine. I will also be hosting practice Thanksgiving on November 3rd and since everyone brings something, it probably won't come close. So I'll keep on the thread. Other than the special meals/treats, I plan on still eating W30. I didn't find it that difficult as I'd been paleo for 1 1/2 years. The hardest part was the wine and still is the scale.

On the side of what we have and haven't eaten, I actually ate riced cauliflower and LIKED it. (For those of you old enough, I feel like Mikey in the Life cereal commercials). I detest cauliflower with every fiber of my being and I couldn't even tell it was cauliflower!!! So that was liberating! I also had beets on Saturday night for date night with the hubby. Never used to like beets.

I know I've lost some weight. Unfortunately, most of it in my fingers!! Like I needed to lose weight there! Getting to the point that I'll have to have my wedding rings resized! My clothes are easier to get on as well, which is very nice.

Guess I should go work!


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Good Morning, all.

I had a rough night last night. I had a craving for "something" - don't know what. I made it, but it was tough. I think part of the problem is that I've not been feeling very well the last couple of days. Maybe a cold coming on, or just my sinuses acting up. I've had to drag my self out of bed, and my sleep has been less than stellar. Funny thing is, the thought of eating some sort of "comfort" food reminds me that that's what will definitely make me feel groggy, so I back off.

Okay - I'll say it - Happy Day 26!

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Only three and a half days left! I just can't believe how easy it's been!

I'm so glad I finally gave up the potato chips! They sucked anyway and every time I ate them they were too thin, tasted stale, not salty enough, etc. In fact I began this whole30 with 1/2 bag of bbq potato chips in my cupboard and it's still there! I think it's time to throw them away.

Over and over I keep thinking of when this is over should I really eat crackers with my brie? Should I have that sub or just get the meat and veggies and have roll-ups? Will that be just as good? Should I really muck up my system with anything not whole30? Is anyone else driving themselves crazy with these thoughts? I know the book addressed this and I have to go back and read it again.

LJG, it must be nice to hear that you look different! I'm so short that a 5lb loss or gain used to look like a lot and people would remark on it. Since I had around 30 extra pounds on me, it's more difficult to see such a small difference.

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