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Whole30 and Crossfit for Christ - looking for partners!


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(Hoping this doesn't offend anyone who is not Christian out there...none intended.)

So. I've tried this about six times and each time around days 10-15, I choose to give into temptation. So after the last one, I spent a lot of time reflecting on whats and whys. I think part of it is a sense that focusing so much on what I'm eating and my exercise feels very self-centered, rather than doing something for the glory of God.

One day last week, while I was driving home feeling quite depressed because I would be away from my husband (and yes, I had ice cream that night...probably not a coincidence), I decided to listen to my audiobook Bible. This is not something I do frequently, but I had a hankering, and I know that when I read my BIble, verses that help me are more apt to pop up in times of trouble.

It's a New Testament Bible, so it began with Matthew, and shortly into the reading was the story of Jesus going into the wilderness to fast for 40 days, after being baptized by John in the River Jordan.

And it dawned on me...that was how I could make this for God.

I had a couple of false starts. And I think it was because I was relying on me and not God for help and strength. I think it also was because my physical therapist put his foot down and said I HAD to take a week off from Crossfit, which made me depressed and nuts.

So here I am today...on day 3 of 40...trying to find a verse a day that fits what I need to get through the day with my focus on others and on becoming a better person, spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

If anyone wants to join me, please comment!! Would love to share verses and other bits of inspiration for those who would like!

Day 1/40, September 7

Breakfast hash and turkey "sausage"



Tuna salad with mayo and nuts

Hardboiled egg


Lettuce and tomatoes with mayo

Pre-workout: hardboiled egg

Workout: Return to Crossfit. Hooray!!! 400m run for warmup. Everett warmup (if you've never done this, it's a treat...NOT, LOL). Skill: snatch balances. WOD: Team WOD of four: Fran, Diane, Elizabeth, and Karen. Total of 15 thrusters at 25#, 15 jumping pullups, 15 deadlifts at 65, 15 box handstand pushups, 15 cleans (I think at 35#), 15 banded ring dips, and 40 wall balls at 6#


Ground beef with mayo



Coconut butter

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

Day 2/39 (9/8):


3 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and avocado

1 hour strength practice - squats, thrusters, and snatches. Didn't think this would make me sore, but I'm feeling it today (9/9).


2 fried eggs

Salmon cake

Hot dog

Sweet potato fritter

Broccoli and squash with clarified butter

Frozen raspberries

Coconut butter


Communion Antiphon: "LIke the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God; my soul is thirsting for God, the living God." - Psalm 42 (41): 2-3

I prayed that God would take away the craving for sugar and ice cream, since I obviously don't have the strength to resist it on my own!!

All day I had a hideous headache. Felt like sinuses or allergies - not sure what it could've been. Entirely possible that it was sugar withdrawal.


Salmon cakes (1 1/2) with mayo

Lettuce and tomato with mayo


Took my magnesium and an allergy pill and went to bed early.

Day 3/38 (9/9):

Slept very late - it was close to 8:30 before we got up.

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous day. Cool, sunny, the waterfall behind our house has been running since Friday for the first time in months. Blissfully grateful for the rain we received Thursday and Friday that hopefully has renewed our parched ground.

Our water was off last night but came back on this morning, and actually didn't require an hour of running rusty to run clean again. Hallelujah!


2 fried eggs

Hot dog

Sweet potato fritters (2)



Also enjoying one of my new indulgences: an absolutely delicious loose vanilla tea that I found at Whole Foods (I think) and really really like.

Getting ready to make some new foods today...squash chili and moroccan chicken, yummmm. Am utterly tired of veggies as usual, but want to watch my beta carotene intake since I think I finally got the yellow out for the time being!

Today's verse seems pertinent for the political discussions that have been going on: "I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who create dissensions and obstacles, in opposition to the teaching that you learned; avoid them." - Romans 16:17.

Happy day, everyone...

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Rest of day 3/38 (9/9):




Small amount of tuna salad

Frozen shrimp (yummy!)


Blackberries with coconut butter


Moroccan chicken from the Success Guide

Cauliflower couscous from the Success Guide

Blackberries with coconut butter

Our house has cooled off, so the coconut butter has hardened. I don't care for it solid, so I have been heating it and the berries up in the microwave. The butter melts and mixes into the blackberry juice, and it's delish. Last time for two fruits a day, though...going for one fruit a day starting tomorrow.

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Day 4/37 (9/10)


Breakfast hash with pork sausage, squash, mushrooms, and apples



Felt hungry still. Hmmm.


Squash chili from last night

Lettuce and tomatoes with mayo


Blackberries with coconut butter

Still felt a bit hungry. Had a few mac nuts


1 hardboiled egg

Handful of mac nuts

Crossfit workout: 600m run, followed by stations warmups (battle ropes, good mornings, back squats, inchworms, kipping swings, abmat situps). Reviewed hang power snatch. Practiced deadlifts 7 x 1 rep max - bettered my PR by 5 pounds, LOL - I'll take it!. WOD was AMRAP 10 minutes - 200m run, 7 jumping pullups (for me), 200m run, 7 hang power snatches (I did 25# - will have to try 35# next time). I completed two rounds plus one additional run and pullups.


1 1/2 salmon cakes


Pork steak

Lettuce and tomato with mayo

Very tired!

Day 4 done!

My favorite random verse for today was Colossians 3:1-3: "If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth. For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God."

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Arrrggghhh. I was feeling so incredibly good yesterday. Exhausted, but mentally happy. Today I am just exhausted. Have felt tired all day. Not sure why. I didn't sleep very well last night, which I am attributing to the Alleve I took. It helps ward off any inflammation in my back (which I anticipated due to running 1400m yesterday, more than I have run in a while), but I think the NSAID somehow keeps me awake, even after I took my magnesium. Also very, very, very hungry...which I attribute to not eating enough last night.

Today: a sad day of remembrance, 9/11. Day 5/36.

The verse for today was interesting, in light of the day: "Whoever sins belongs to the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. Indeed, the Son of God was revealed to destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8.


Breakfast hash



Still sluggish and hungry...however, that was partially because it was time for lunch, LOL.


Tuna salad

Lettuce and tomatoes with mayo

Green beans


Blackberries with coconut butter

Went to physical therapy, and when I was done, I was wiped out completely. Not that physical therapy is easy, but it seemed a bit much to be so tired. Really struggled to stay awake on the way home.

Had a salmon cake and a prune when I got home.

Had a silly bickery argument with my husband about getting carrots tomorrow, :(

Took a nice hot bath.


Three eggs with: a half dozen shrimp, some mushrooms, red bell peppers, acorn squash from the other night, in olive oil

Frozen raspberries with coconut butter

May go to bed early. As soon as I make up to my husband. :)

Random verse: Oh, I like this one: "We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28.

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9/12 - Day 6/35

Breakfast hash (sausage, squash, mushrooms and apple - on workout days I mix in half an avocado)




Squash chili

Lettuce with tomato and mayo





2 hardboiled eggs


Workout: Crossfit. Was feeling really awful. Almost skipped the workout, but I figured I'd at least go and give it a try. Ran 400m, then did our favorite warmup, Everett. It's hard to describe if you've never seen it...I can only tell you it looks really silly if you don't know what we're doing. And we did it outside, on the street, LOL...Which I'm sure either surprised the heck of people or made them yawn because they're so used to it. I was afraid I was going to throw up all during the warm-up, and was grateful when I made it through.

We practiced overhead squats, which is somewhat discouraging because I can barely do them with any weight at all. I tried to lift a little more but I ended up straining my arm, so I had to stop early. WOD was a nice team WOD with rowing, burpees, wall balls and body rows...I managed to use the 10# wall ball with my partner, so I was happy about that.

Had a raging headache as soon as the WOD was over. Drank some water, wondering if it was just dehydration. Made it home but did not want to eat anything, so I just had my two salmon cakes.

Verse today: so very fitting:

Jesus said to him: "'If you can!' Everything is possible to one who has faith." - Mark 9:23

I used this a lot today...

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9/13 - Day 7/34

Still feeling unwell today, very headachy and kind of unhappy stomach. Wished I could've just stayed in bed, but I had stuff I had to get done today.

This morning's verse: "What then shall we say to this If God is for us, then who can be against us?" - Romans 8:31. Very, very comforting.


Breakfast hash



(I know...I'm a creature of habit when it comes to my breakfast...)


Tuna salad

Lettuce and tomato with mayo

Broccoli and green beans



Mid-way through the day, was just feeling discouraged and tired. Thought about ice cream. Used one of my distraction techniques: made five reasons why I wanted ice cream, and five reasons why I didn't. I think they were:

1. It tastes good.

2. It'll make me feel better in the moment.

3. It'll give me something fun to do while I watch Project Runway.

4. I want it.

Reasons why I didn't:

1. I can have it in 34 more days. It's not like I'm giving it up forever.

2. It will be so late when I get home, it'll keep me awake.

3. I really want to see what happens when I make it through 30 days.

4. I'm just lonely and hungry (it was before lunch).

5. I don't HAVE to have it.

Seemed to work...

Went to physical therapy. Still feeling icky. When I was done, I had to go back to work for administrative rounds (the administrative executive staff take turns going around to all the wards - ask a few questions - chat with the staff and see if there's anything they need). Left about 8:00.

Got home and really not very hungry at all. Ate two salmon cakes with mayo and some prunes.

Just took my magnesium, and I'm heading for bed. Hope to feel better tomorrow.

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Well, I certainly have had some days of slips. I had three good days this week and two awful ones. More about the awful one later.

BUT. Today is a new day. Today is day one of 60, for the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge for my gym! There will be one treat day in the middle, for our first wedding anniversary <ggg>

Today's meals:


Breakfast hash




Chicken salad plus one egg

Cauliflower couscous



Salmon cakes (2)

Cauliflower couscous


Coconut butter

Today's verse:

Then he said to the crowd, "Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions." Luke 12:15

Greed...I definitely need to curb my greed...not necessarily for material possessions, but for SUGAR. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't really feel like eating. So I sort of..."bribed" myself into eating by having sugar. Some donuts and some ice cream. I also bought a Sierra Mist Diet Cranberry soda...but after a couple of sips, I capped it. It tasted dreadful.

Even as I was eating the donuts, I was thinking, "I really, really, really want to stop this! God, please help me...please take these cravings away from me. I'd even be grateful if I got sick from eating this ice cream.

So I ate the ice cream. And when I got up from my couch about an hour later, I had the worst stomach cramps. I was in absolute agony. I finally managed to get to my bathroom, take some Pepto, and lay down, and it finally dissipated.

So this morning, my way of characterizing this experience is this...God saying to me: "Sugar. makes. you. sick. DO I STUTTER???"

He's pretty funny...and his point is well made. Through His grace, I made it through today. Thank you, Lord.

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Saturday, 9/22. Day 2 of a Whole 30 scheduled to end October 20th - which is when we are planning to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary (the actual anniversary is October 15th)! Then followed by another Whole30 to end November 20th, as part of a new Paleo Challenge with my gym that ends in November. Not really sure what I ate today, but I know it was clean!

I didn't have much for breakfast, because I got up early (for me on a Saturday) and went to the gym for a workout. I've been sick all week and hadn't been since Monday, which was killing me! On the other hand, it was very tempting to stay in bed with my warm hubby Saturday morning, but I knew I'd regret it if I did, so I dragged myself out of bed and went.

I ate one hard-boiled egg on my way to the gym.

It was just me and one other person with the coach, which is unusual on Saturday morning - usually it's a team WOD. So we decided to do the second Benchmark WOD for the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge.

We ran 200 meters, did our favorite Everett warm up (minus the inchworms, thank goodness) and practiced a few deadlifts. The WOD was "Christine":

3 rounds for time of 500 meters rowing, 12 half bodyweight (65# for me) deadlifts, and 21 12" box jumps. NOTE: the Rx on this was bodyweight deadlifts and 20" box jumps, but I can't lift 130# yet, so I did the official scaled version.

I was very glad I went!

Ate a salmon cake on the way home.

I really can't remember what I had for lunch! Maybe some leftover squash chili on lettuce with tomatoes and carrots?

For dinner, we had pork steak and some sauteed veggies, and I had some raspberries and coconut butter.

Not a bad day.

Today's verse was: "Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruits of the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains." - James 5:7

I am so grateful for God's grace. Thanks to Him, I had great energy. Mass was very special and I felt like I was really "praying twice" with my singing. I had a nice evening with my husband, and slept so well.

He is Good.

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Sunday, 9/23, Day 3.

Got to sleep in a little bit today. There's just no feeling like curling up next to my husband on a chilly morning! Happy sigh.

Had to get a lot of cooking in this morning. Yesterday I cooked up my ground turkey and made some cauliflower couscous. Today I made a bunch of stuff - sort of experimenting. Have a cube steak stew in the slow cooker, made some broccoli slaw with crushed tomatoes and mayo (that's a real experiment - we'll see how it goes!), some beef and veggies that my husband really likes, and sauteed a bunch of remaining veggies. Doesn't seem like much but it took a while!


3 eggs with kale, olives, and mushrooms - it was very good.



2 salmon cakes

Various veggies sauteed in coconut oil with coconut aminos

Grapes (fresh grapes from the farmer's market yesterday - delicious!)

Today's verse: "I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd." - John 10:16


Finished making all my food for the week. I hope. Hungry mid-afternoon. Had a hot dog and some prunes.

While I was in the shower I had some thoughts of ice cream/sugar...so I said a portion of a Rosary. Helped a lot.

"Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."


Paleo beef stew - cube steak cooked in the slow cooker with beef broth and acorn and summer squash


Tummy's a bit upset tonight. Not sure why...possibly too much coconut. It does that to me from time to time.

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9/24 - Day 4.


6 ounces ground turkey with 2 tbs avocado and 1 tsp mayo

1 cup cherry tomatoes

1 cup carrots

1/2 cup blueberries


Tuna salad (4 ounces) with mayo and mustard

1 1/2 cup green beans

1+ cup cauliflower couscous

3/4 cup blackberries

1 tsp coconut butter

A very filling lunch!

Went to Crossfit - I tell you, this WOD scared me to DEATH! It was the last Benchmark WOD for the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge - 5 rounds of 20 burpees and 20 kettlebell swings. Thought I was going to throw up, die, or pass out, but I didn't! I made it - and faster than I was afraid I would. So I have officially completed all three Benchmark WODs. I will be interested to see how those times change at the end of the Challenge.


Hot dog

Salmon cakes (2) with mayo

Just can't face fixing anything else to eat!

Today's verse: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." - Matthew 24:35

The grace of God carried me through another day. Thank you, Lord!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have had a week or so of on-again, off-again, bleh, ick. Happens when I take my eye off the prize and try to rely on myself and not the grace of God. Yesterday, I heard a program on EWTN when they were talking about "sacrifice beads," and seeing every sacrifice as an offering up to the Lord. I like that. I'm going to find some beads and make myself one, and every time I think about a sweet treat and decide NOT to have it, I'll reward myself with a little bead, and a reminder of why I'm doing it.

My current goal is a Whole16...my husband and I are nearing our first wedding anniversary. The actual date is October 15th, but that's a Monday, so we're celebrating the following Saturday, the 20th. My plan for that day is to eat clean all day, then treat that evening. Then right back on it on Sunday, through November 19th, which is the end of my current Paleo challenge - Lurong Living.

Yesterday was day 1; I don't recall exactly what I ate but I know I ate clean all day.

Today, day 2, 10/6/12:


I ate an organic hot dog before going to the gym. (We were out of hardboiled eggs).

Went to the gym, ran 1000 meters, did a warm-up, then sort of a WOD and a half. Went to the farmer's market, the local health food store, and the local meat market. Spent big bucks, but it was worth it to stock up on food and not enter a Walmart!!

Brunch (LOL):

Sweet potato fritters

2 fried eggs



Blackberries with coconut butter


Had some primalpac jerky

Hamburger with small amount of mayo

4 prunes


Acorn squash chili (from the success guide)

Frozen raspberries with coconut butter

Pretty good day!

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You are working hard; it's impressive! It seems like you might be hitting the same obstacle everytime in your Whole30s... Do you have more information on what happens when you get off-track for a bit? Is it always sugar? Is it the cooking? Food boredom? Maybe if you can pin it down a little more we can help you with ideas or support or something.

I suspect that if you can manage to get through that hurdle there could be some great stuff for you on the other side! Also, I really liked the bead idea.

I'm not especially religious but I liked how you were thinking about the 40days. Keep going... you will get this figured out!

Your workouts sound really intense!

And for the record, I'm all about not entering Wal-Mart! :)

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Emily - it's always sugar. I don't miss general dairy like milk or cheese, and I don't miss bread or pasta at all. I think it's partially loneliness and partially food boredom and exhaustion. Sometimes I just don't feel making a meal, and it seems like no matter how much food I make on the weekend, there's not enough to stick in the freezer to save for the nights I don't feel like cooking.

When I have off days, I usually do fine during the rest of the day. And in the evening, I still have a compliant dinner - though it probably skirts the edge of the Whole30 - then I have my ice cream.

I do better on the weekends when my husband is here, because I have time to make my breakfast and lunch as I go, instead of having to cook and think about it the night before. I'm trying to mix it up a bit with some new recipes this weekend, since I have an extra day.

I've seriously considered that Premade Paleo, but it's $450 for 15 meals (which would last me three weeks since I'm usually okay at dinner) and I live in the boonies, so am not sure how the delivery would work.

So that's sort of the mix...loneliness and just being sick of cooking!

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This is good-- you know your where your struggles lie!

I hear you with sugar! I used to really treat myself with sugar and feel like I "needed" it.

I guess my thoughts on the Premade Paleo are that it would help you for that three weeks, but if this is really going to be a lifestyle thing you have to learn to do it yourself.

It sounds like you know your triggers-loneliness, food boredom, and exhaustion. Do you have a meal that you can make in 5 minutes? It doesn't have to a great culinary feat, just something that you can eat when you are really hungry and tired and don't want to cook. For me this might be lunchmeat wrapped in a lettuce leaf with avocado on it. I realize it has problems, but it's not sugar and it is something.

Loneliness... this too is a hard one but I would suggest it is really worth dealing with the loneliness in a way other than food. What are things that you could do instead of eat to soothe yourself? Call a friend? Can you call your husband (or is he working?). Write a letter to a friend? Read a book? Watch a movie? Take a bath and read a book (one of my favorites!). I lived alone for a long time and loneliness would sometimes get the better of me. Do you have any pets? My dogs are still great companions, but when I lived by myself they really helped.

Good for you for trying new recipes! Do you have Well Fed? Some people try a new recipe every week or so... Or what if you bought one new fruit/veg every week? A new tea? A new teacup (see Nancy H's log)? Avoiding boredom for me is about really enjoying my meals (which I do!) and staying out of ruts... which takes time to cook! I do also cook a big eggplant strata every so often and stick it in the freezer as an easy meal (it heats up nicely).

I hope some of this helps or that you have ideas! I'd love to see you get past that sugar hump, and I know it is difficult!

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Today's log (10/7/12) - Day 3

Was nice to sleep in this morning...spent the day doing laundry and cooking some things...starting with a crockpot pulled pork that I haven't tasted yet. Am hoping it turned out okay - it would be a shame for something to cook all weekend and be awful!


Sweet potato fritters

2 fried eggs


Raspberries with coconut cream


Tried a couple of new things - tried to roast a chicken breast with olive oil and rosemary. It turned out a lot drier than I would've liked, but it wasn't too bad. Baking would be a whole lot easier! But anyway, I had about 4 oz. of that

Then I had some fresh green beans that I got at the farmer's market. I snipped and rinsed them, then put them in a bag with olive oil and salt. Sauteed them up in coconut oil - they were delicious.

That was a very filling meal!

Then I went to my church's Oktoberfest for a little while and was proud of myself - there was fresh baked bread and all kinds of goodies, so I was glad I was full from lunch.

When I got back, I made some salmon cakes and chicken salad for the week.

Getting ready to test my pork! With some steamed cauliflower

It was DELICIOUS!!! Oh my, I can't believe how good and tender it was. It could've been a bit moister, but dang, it was good.

With steamed cauliflower

Finally, frozen raspberries and coconut butter

Now we have some pork for several days, and it's quite good.

Day 3 down...

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Good luck on the pork! How did it turn out?

Eggplant strata is like lasagna, but uses eggplant instead of the pasta. The recipe is in Well Fed. If you don't have Well Fed, I highly recommend it- great food and great idea generator! It would be worth the cost (I've forgotten how much it is... $15-$30, especially if you are considering a $450 cost...)

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10/8/12 - Day 4 of my "Whole 16"

Today was not a bad day at all! Busy, busy, busy, without a doubt.

Had the day off work so I got to sleep in a little. Got up around, oh, 7:45 or so?


2 fried eggs

1 organic hot dog


Went to the chiropractor who is totally saving my back. He's a Crossfitter too, so that's been absolutely awesome. Then I went to Crossfit - with my chiropractor and his wife, LOL. The workout began with a 1000 meter row (yikes!) followed by 3 rounds of 10 pullups (I started with banded ones but the last ones were jumping), 15 pushups, and 20 squats. Then we practiced 3 x 5 snatch pulls. We did a nice stretching warmup, then the WOD was:

3 rounds for time:

200 meter run

20 sumo deadlift high pulls

Rx was 50 doubleunders, which I cannot do yet, so I did 150 singles


Had to go to the grocery, so by the time I got home I was STARVING.


2 salmon cakes with mayo

Cauliflower couscous

Made some Moroccan meatballs from "Well Fed," and...the fudge babies from the "Clothes Make the Girl" website. They both were incredibly delicious!


Moroccan meatballs

My newest veggie favorite: fresh green beans with mushrooms and a bit of kale. Throw it all in a ziploc with some olive oil and salt, shake it up a bit, then throw it in the pan. Delish.

And had one of the fudge babies!

Did the dishes just as the Cardinals kicked butt in game two of the NLDS. Now me and my honey are relaxing...on to Day 5, with thanks to the Lord.

Today's verse: "If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries." - Hebrews 10:26-27. Yikes!

Another random one was: "From the fruit of his words a man has his fill of good things, and the work of his hands comes back to reward him." - Proverbs 12:14

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Day 5 - Tuesday, 10/9 - back to work, sigh.


Turkey patty




The pulled pork was FABULOUS. I had it for lunch with some mayo

Frozen green beans




Salmon cakes with mayo

Cauliflower couscous


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Wednesday, 10/10/12 - Day 6

Crazy day.

Went into work for the start of a day that ended with a three hour drive for a business trip.


Turkey patty - these are sort of my own "turkey burgers" with ground turkey rolled in spices then made into patties. I love them.



I leave work about 11:20 so I could go to Crossfit; I didn't want to miss because of the business trip! It wasn't a bad workout - 400 meter run, followed by an Everett warmup, then we practiced overhead squats. I was happy to reach a new PR - 20#, which isn't very much, but it's my best so far. I learned that by keeping my eyes forward, my squats improved TREMENDOUSLY. I then did our newest performance WOD for our current paleo challenge - banded pullups. I actually managed one really pretty kipping pullup, which now has me inspired to practice them like a fiend!!


Meatballs (still incredibly delicious...and so easy. I will have to make these again)

Frozen green beans



On the road, I tried but I was so hungry. I had some jerky, so I had that, a few mac nuts, some prunes, and a Larabar. Maybe not the best to eat, but it beats the snacks I used to eat on the road - donuts, chips, hot dogs, diet soda. And I usually don't snack at all.

Got to the hotel and went out to dinner with my colleagues:

Gigantic ribeye (so yummy)

Asparagus (grilled and not as good as I'd hoped - the ends were great but the stalks were way too tough)


Had a few prunes when I got back to the hotel.

All in all, not a bad day. However, I had one awful time falling asleep. It's hard when I'm not with my husband - we already are separated a couple of nights a week because of his custody arrangement, and an extra night of that was kind of a bummer. In addition, our bedroom is in the basement and it is essentially a cave at night - no light at all, so lovely cozy and dark. Hotel rooms, needless to say, are not so much. I finally took the case off one of the pillows and kind of wound it around my eyes. That helped a ton.

My friends also had gotten some wine, and I wanted some so much. It's allowed on our current paleo challenge, but not on my Whole16. I dithered for a while, then decided not to. They were kind enough to give me the bottle for us to have at our anniversary celebration a week from Saturday.

Was happy to have made it through this situation. I ate a little more than I usually do, but I was really hungry!!

Today's verse: "Do to others as you would have them do to you." - Luke 6:31. Sweet and simple.

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Thursday, 10/11/12 - Day 7. This is further than I've gotten for a while, so I'm pretty psyched!

Breakfast: Was grateful to learn that the hotel room had a refrigerator and a microwave! Yay! So I took my turkey patty and some hardboiled eggs with me.

It is so hard for me to resist breakfast foods. They are my absolutely favorites - sweet rolls, pancakes, donuts - yowza. But I did. :)

I had my turkey patty

2 hardboiled eggs

Tomatoes and carrots



Now you'd think all that would last me, wouldn't you? But we weren't doing anything - we were just sitting and observing, and I was bored silly. So I was hungry by 10:30. Fortunately, there wasn't anything I could do about it but suffer, LOL.


Went to a local place and had:

Pulled pork


Now that really wasn't enough. I wolfed down some olives when I got back to my car.

Left about 3:30 after a much better afternoon!

On the road:



Tomatoes and carrots


I did resist having any more prunes. They were right there, but I knew it wouldn't be good to satisfy my boredom (I hate driving that far - thank God for audio books is all I can say) that way, so I toughed it out.

My biggest victory, by far, was NOT stopping on the way home to get ice cream. I really wanted some. But instead I called my husband and posted a plea on the Facebook page of my Whole30 support page. A friend suggested an alternative; I still was very, very tempted, but I managed (thank you, God!) to drive by the last place I could've bought the ice cream. Woohoo!!


Salmon cakes (1 1/2)

Cauliflower couscous (yep, I love this combo)

Blended frozen raspberries with coconut milk and a dab of coconut butter - BEST substitute for ice cream EVER. So delicious.

Today's verse was so appropriate, it kind of left me speechless:

"The woman saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." - Genesis 3:6


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It is Sunday, 10/14, and day 10 is done! I don't remember what I ate Friday or Saturday, LOL. I do know I went to Crossfit on Saturday, and that was fun.



Sweet potato hash browns (I love these)

2 fried eggs



Didn't really get to have lunch; I was driving home from our "other house." (My husband has partial custody of his son, so he rents a house near his school and goes there when it's his time. I spend every other weekend there with the two of them.)

On the way, I had some carrots...and when I got home, I had an organic hot dog. I really do think that's all I had!

For dinner, I had:

Moroccan meatballs

Frozen green beans (delicious in the meatball sauce)

A wonderful concoction of a frozen banana, in coconut milk, with a half-tablespoon of 100% cocoa powder. Yum!

Watching the Cardinals...the comeback kings of baseball!

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