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The Grieving Process

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After 23 days of working very hard to be fully Whole30 compliant, I have definitely noticed many benefits (no sugar cravings, better meal planning with loads of real cooking, an actual exercise routine and looser clothes). That being said, I have not experienced any sort of energy increase or much internal joy during this journey.

I also wake up In the morning feeling crabby, out of sorts and pretty down about the entire journey. This has been going on for the past 10 days or so, although I'm usually feeling much better mentally after Meal One is over and the day moves forward.

Well, this morning again- same thing. Crabby. In a bad mood. Then, as I was journaling (which I do each day since beginning), I had a sort of a-ha moment when I realized that I am probably going through The Grieving Process. That's it for sure. Despite the benefits since July 1, I'm actually feeling really sorry for myself. I have to plan and cook and be super careful when eating out or even eating one bite of my husband's amazing Thai Ribs. Not that I was a big drinker, but not a one since July 1st. And on and on and on ... So, in summary, relating this to the 5 Stages of Grieving (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) really gave me hope today and a serious attitude adjustment.

I remain committed!

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You're not the first to make this connection -- there's even an article about it. 


Having said that, the waking up feeling crabby and down, and not having more energy makes me wonder if maybe there isn't something you could adjust, food-wise, to help. Those are common feelings in people who aren't getting at least a serving of starchy vegetables each day, or in people who just aren't eating enough period. If you wanted to list a couple of days' worth of meals, including approximate portion sizes, we could look and see if anything stands out. 

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I'm in the same boat - I feel the exact same every day. Maybe it is grief, loss. I have been incredibly stressed out the past few days, clenching my teeth to the point of eye strain and headaches, wake up with headaches - and I had no idea why. Could not figure out what is stressing me - other than sadness at the things I did not get to do the past 24 days.


Don't get me wrong - I know it is what is best for me. And I am proud of my journey so far. But dang, I wish I was not in this boat! I wish I had paid better attention to my body before now, and taken better care of myself.

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