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Ok, feeling like I need to kick these Demons out of my head but what's happening as i'm rounding the last half of the whole 30 is that I'm afraid I'm going to fulfill my fantasies of adding too much of my old eating habits back into my new life then my new habits will fade back into pizza and macaroni and cheese! I did the perricone diet for 3 or 4 weeks once and it was good but it EVENTUALLY faded back into behaviors which got me back here seeing that I needed to do something drastic again. I got bored with the food and didn't seem to sustain it. The sauces in this whole 30 have been a life saver and it's what keeps the food interesting. I'm just having trepedations about reintroducing too much of my old life back in at the end and it taking over again! hELP, these are my nightmares!

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I'm feeling pretty good on day 24 and still feel strongly about remaining on this plan. I am going to have a blood test done when I've completed the 30 days because it showed that I had some inflamation around my heart and I want to see if this has made a difference to those inflamation markers. If so I know that will cinch it for me although I won't know exactly what all was contributing to the inflamation, maybe the wheat, gluten, dairy or sugar but I'm not willing to find out speciffically because it's not worth regalining the inflammation. There's certain things that I will reintroduce like butter, carbs on special occassions but the majority of the time this is a very healthy food plan AND I would like to lose more weight. I don't know that number yet but I'm not done yet.

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Ok, feeling like I need to kick these Demons out of my head but what's happening as i'm rounding the last half of the whole 30 is that I'm afraid I'm going to fulfill my fantasies of adding too much of my old eating habits back into my new life then my new habits will fade back into pizza and macaroni and cheese! I did the perricone diet for 3 or 4 weeks once and it was good but it EVENTUALLY faded back into behaviors which got me back here seeing that I needed to do something drastic again. I got bored with the food and didn't seem to sustain it. The sauces in this whole 30 have been a life saver and it's what keeps the food interesting. I'm just having trepedations about reintroducing too much of my old life back in at the end and it taking over again! hELP, these are my nightmares!

You're under no obligation to add anything back in that you don't want to.  There's no requirement to fall back into bowls of pasta, pizza, bread and cheese.   You already know these are your trigger foods. 


Some may be under the assumption that their body will handle everything differently after 30 days.  On Day 31,  they return to their former eating or grazing patterns without bothering to complete a reintro.  Do a slooooow roll.   Everything may taste just grand on Day 31...but in one day all former foods should not be so tasty that all are mainlined in one day or two days.


Not only for the physical symptoms but all of the emotional attachments can come roaring back.  Within 24-48 hours..it can all come undone, emotionally.  A quick food bender is never quick and stress eating only helps for 5 minutes then it adds to the stress. 


Save yourself the angst and emotional struggle.  Some do all of the above then immediately restart another Whole 30 trying to wipe their slate clean.   Many actually say..."well,  I've eaten all of the nuts and got those out of the way or they go on a thrill eating ride through the drive-thru's then start over".   "I've eaten all the cinnamon rolls and got those out of the way...now time for another Whole 30".  


You'll have to create your own food management plan after a Whole 30.  It will take testing and experimenting with your foods.   The Slow Roll guidelines will help you.  If you want to maintain what you've accomplished...your good habits will have to continue.  


Any branded diet fails and some are epic failures.  You can drop it like it's hot on a branded diet.  Maybe even whopping boatloads of weight are released but without a food management/maintenance plan - and the body already being in a sensitive receptive state...rebound weight gain can happen so fast.  The pump is primed for latching back onto all of those trigger foods within days and weeks.   


It comes with a very high price.   Rebound weight gain does not return as lean muscle mass.  It comes back as fat and usually stacks back on in the belly.   Constant dieting over the years...losing the same 10 or 20 lbs over and over,  stacks it back on the belly every time an individual diets and regains every pound.


Eating the old trigger foods is exhausting.   Fighting off the urges to keep eating sugar once that door is blown wide open is once again falling victim to the trickery triggery.  


Use this Whole 30 to develop coping skills and better ways to self-soothe than food.  It's not easy to develop an emotional coping arsenal but it is doable.    Your mileage may vary.  It may take you longer than 30 days to find them. 

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Thanks for your wisdom in all of this, I KNOW just behind this fragile veil of commitment is a raging physical and emotional pull to give it up for ..... What? A moment of spiked insulin euphoria??? I see that hand writing on the wall!

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Now you're talking, Sadie.   Another binge is not a cure for a food addiction.  There's not enough food that you can wipe the slate clean with that will ever repair what you're trying to fix.  Develop your coping arsenal without play foods. 


For many who've used food for self-soothing...it's only the full to the brim feeling you want.   It's not the quality of food but quantity.   So use your Whole 30 Toolkit.   Roasted vegetables and an enormous power salad will give you that stuffed feeling you might be going for as a way to satisfy emotions.


Add a protein and a fat, too.  That will send the Sugar Dragon packing...dragging his tail behind him. 


Do this for awhile.  Work with what you have.   Swap out play foods for the whole foods until it becomes second nature.  Eventually, and maybe months from now...your mind and body will settle into your positive food management skills. You'll have an entirely new set of skills to deal with emotions.   


Roasted vege and power salads won't hurt you.   They'll help your bones and while your jaws are getting tired from all of the greens...you've just bought yourself some time to walk away from all of those highly engineered to be craved foods.   Trade UP for the BIG WIN.    Tell those tricky triggers where to stick it.

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This is so helpful. I'm on day 30 (Yay me!) and I'm nervous about "what next." Total disclosure, my main motivation was to lose weight and jump start my metabolism. Yes, I've had some NSV's but I know I've lost quite a bit of weight by the way my clothes are fitting. And I need to lose a LOT more. I don't want to stop the momentum. 


My husband's been doing this with me and he's planning on reintroducing some things tomorrow - he's not following the reintroduction plan. He doesn't care, but that's his issue, not mine. He's totally supportive of however I want to do this. And will continue to have the food I cook for him! :) And we're not going to be eating cheese & crackers and cookies and chocolate. So there's no temptation there.


I'm planning on keeping going with this until Friday night. I really want a glass of wine. But that will be the ONLY non-plan thing I have. I have a few "special occasions" coming up - Anniversary in August and Big HUGE work celebration in September -- and I have those dates as my "non-compliant" days. 


I guess I'm just nervous about moving forward. But, I know I'll do fine. I'm motivated and I feel great. I don't want to go back to how it was. 

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This is so helpful. I'm on day 30 (Yay me!) and I'm nervous about "what next." Total disclosure, my main motivation was to lose weight and jump start my metabolism. Yes, I've had some NSV's but I know I've lost quite a bit of weight by the way my clothes are fitting. And I need to lose a LOT more. I don't want to stop the momentum. 


My husband's been doing this with me and he's planning on reintroducing some things tomorrow - he's not following the reintroduction plan. He doesn't care, but that's his issue, not mine. He's totally supportive of however I want to do this. And will continue to have the food I cook for him! :) And we're not going to be eating cheese & crackers and cookies and chocolate. So there's no temptation there.


I'm planning on keeping going with this until Friday night. I really want a glass of wine. But that will be the ONLY non-plan thing I have. I have a few "special occasions" coming up - Anniversary in August and Big HUGE work celebration in September -- and I have those dates as my "non-compliant" days. 


I guess I'm just nervous about moving forward. But, I know I'll do fine. I'm motivated and I feel great. I don't want to go back to how it was. 

pzMimi - meal by meal and mile by mile...with every passing day it does get easier.    You will do it. 

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You guys are great! My 30 days is just around the next week and I know I would like to share a glass of wine with my good friend but the rest of the meal that I plan for that is compliant. So once we've completed the 30 days can we share our scale experience? I'm sorry but I am curious since I know that weight is coming off and I'm glad about that!

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You guys are great! My 30 days is just around the next week and I know I would like to share a glass of wine with my good friend but the rest of the meal that I plan for that is compliant. So once we've completed the 30 days can we share our scale experience? I'm sorry but I am curious since I know that weight is coming off and I'm glad about that!

There's a section on the forum for your Success Story....towards the bottom of the home page.  

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So once we've completed the 30 days can we share our scale experience? I'm sorry but I am curious since I know that weight is coming off and I'm glad about that!

I lost 11lbs.  :D


And I only started working out the last week. I wanted to get the food part under my belt before tackling another major change!

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