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Started July 27 now it's vacation time


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I'm on week 2 and I am rocking this program. However, we leave for 2 week vacation next week. Going to the mountains then end up in San Diego for family affair. I knew when I started this was going to happen but all material says "Get Started!". When we return I have horseshow, then Opening Day of Dove Season (National Holiday around here and huge party), then Labor Day, then all the other Fall, Winter stuff that doesn't bode well for eating healthy.

I read Melissa's vacation blog and it looks doable for AFTER 30 days. I need help staying with the program DURING 30 days. There is hardly ever a straight 30 day stretch that there isn't something going on. Oh, and did I mention, my husband is hugely obese, has no interest in doing any of the fun mountain stuff like hiking, biking, white water rafting. His idea of a fun time is sitting around drinking beer, then heading to a buffet. A good greasy diner with tons of cream in the coffee and a stack of pancakes is the ideal start to his day. So do the best I can and restart when I get home? Then a week later restart again? Will I ever get to the adding in legumes and milk part? Help, help!

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I've gone on vacation and stayed compliant. It can be hard but it is doable. If you're going to the mountains and bringing your own food, then just do lots of prep and planning and ensure that there is plenty of compliant food for you to eat. I've been eating Whole30 since January 1 and have gone through vacations, birthdays, death/funerals etc and managed to stay compliant. I did a Whole90 last year from September 1 to December 1 and went a cruise leaving December 1. I stayed compliant for much of the cruise and only ate other things out of choice, not because I didn't have any other option.

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I recommend not attempting a Whole30 while on vacation. It is one thing to eat a few meals in restaurants or the homes of other people and another thing to eat all your meals away from home where you have less control. You can focus on eating meat and veggies as best you can, but that is all I recommend.


You can stay compliant through local events by planning in advance and making sure you have tasty, compliant food to eat. I say find a 30 day stretch when you will at least be in your own home every night and do a real Whole30 then. 

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Vendors add different ingredients to chicken to make it taste better and to have a longer shelf life. That allows them to sell lower quality product at lower prices. Most people never investigate to find out that lots of chicken is not just chicken. 

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