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Hello August 10-ers!


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How is it going for everyone.  I have been on the program since Aug 10 and have been doing generally well.  No cheats, but a lot of sort of foggy slow tiredness especially around days 2 and 3.  I feel pretty good now, but do miss, oddly, milk, which is not the thing I would have predicted.  That would have been wine!   I am going on a long car trip and then to a city to help with a move, so  it will be a challenge staying on the program, but I plan to do it.  I did find some Paleo/sugar free bacon. it was decent.   Going to try olives today.  I generally don't like them, or any squash.   Life is an adventure!  Stay strong everybody. 



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When you try olives, try different kinds -- I'm not a huge fan of them at all, but I like some called castelvetrano -- they're green but a milder flavor than other olives. I had no idea they even existed until I did whole30 and was looking for alternate fat sources. I can handle kalamatas in recipes, but not on their own, but the castelvetrano ones I can just eat out of hand when I just need another fat source to add to a meal quickly. (and I still don't even understand why they make those green ones with the pimentos in, yuck.)

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