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Starting the Whole30 August 24th


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Alright...here is my commitment! About time I make a commitment to myself...I figured my 9 year old starts 4th grade, mom can start a new lifestyle!


I will be working on cleaning out the pantry this weekend, separating kid food from mom food so if you have any advise please share.


Good bye best friend...I am going to miss you Queso!

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I am new to Whole 30 as well. I currently eat a primal diet (paleo + dairy), but I am curious to see what happens when I try a complete whole 30 and remove dairy and hidden additives.  

I am a college student living on campus which means I must eat in the dining hall a certain number of times per week. I expect the hardest part of my Whole 30 journey to be avoiding hidden ingredients in the cafeteria food. My plan for now is to mainly eat off of the salad and veggie bar and to eat chicken from the grill. 


I can't wait to see what happens!  :)

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Starting tomorrow also! I have lots of bags of veggies to grab for snacks, egg muffins for quick breakfasts, and a menu thru Saturday. My husband and 10 year old aren't doing it, but here's hoping I can keep focused (they are supportive)!

I'm anticipating this week to be rough - in the past I was grumpy and moody while adjusting to no sugar such. It will be nice to have people here who are on the same timeline. Keep me posted on how you're all doing!

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This is a total first for me as far as controlling what I eat. So far so good...but it is only 10:03. As a single mom I am very nervous about slipping as far as not having a lot of time to prepare but I am going to try my best. I went to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up on veggies, fruits, fish and turkey. This first week I am going to slide into this slowly...fresh smoothies and fish and turkey patties for dinner. Next week I will hopefully be more daring and try some of the recipes I have seen. Pinterest has a ton!


As far as working out...my son and I will be going to the park across the street every evening this week and walk the track and play basketball. He starts baseball on Saturday so time will be even more precious going forward. I did get talked into joining a 6 week CrossFit Bootcamp. I feel there is no better time then now, that starts next Monday.


This will be a HUGE test of discipline. I am thinking I will be a hermit the first few weeks so I don't have to resist temptation! Excited to see how this goes! I am anticipating...feeling better, fitting in more clothes in my closet, and saving money (I spend way too much on such unhealthy food!).


Good luck everyone!!! Cheers (water) to a successful 30 days!!

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ncliffe79 welcome to the Whole30! I wish you great success!


We really don't recommend you drink smoothies during your Whole30.



Smoothies: We’d rather you didn’t

This is a very popular question, with a very unpopular answer. Smoothies (generally made using lots of fruit) are technically compliant on your Whole30, but we strongly recommend against it. Food that you drink sends different satiety signals to your brain than food that you chew. So when you drink your meal, your brain isn’t getting the feedback it needs to tell your body that it’s had enough of what it needs. Plus, smoothies are generally really fruit-heavy, and starting your day off with a liquid sugar-bomb sets you up for cravings, hunger, and volatile energy levels throughout the day. In summary, we’d rather you just eat the food, and skip the smoothie.

- See more at: http://whole30.com/2013/06/the-official-can-i-have-guide-to-the-whole30/#sthash.3ZIAicHc.dpuf


You don't have to get fancy with your meals to meet the meal template. Keep things simple. Have a roasted sweet potato and some steamed greens with your fish and turkey patties for instance. To help with time I always cook more than what I'm going to eat at a meal so I have leftovers. You can do this and I can't wait to see how well you do!

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Great to know! I will skip the morning smoothie!


I have survived Day 2 and I am not as moody as I thought I would be....yet. Hope everyone is doing well and fighting the temptations. I am thinking the weekend is going to be the hardest.

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Welcome aboard... My biggest challenge was no added sugar, so that might hit you, but my advice is to read as much on these forums as you can / occupy your time as much as possible with what you love to do... It's Psychologically as simple as that... Thinking about addictions leads to making those addictions seem okay... That is the difficult part... Once you get past the brain addiction part, you will be amazed how you can walk right by that fast "food" / grocery store packaged garbage and not even think twice...


All I looked at was the $3 something price tag on whatever packaged garbage I looked at and related that to $1.79 a pound of organic broccoli... Winner winner, steak dinner!!!

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So far so good - now that my classes are in full swing, I don't really have much time to think about food! The only thing I've struggled with so far is cheese - I love, love, LOVE cheese! Other than that, it has been smooth sailing. I've discovered a few cafeteria tricks, too, which helps. For example, at the grill, they won't grill your meat in corn oil if you ask them not too and depending on what's available that day, you can actually ask for olive oil  :) - Hurrah for that! 


Keep it up, everyone! All things are possible! 

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