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Weighing at a doctor


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Hi I know it is forbidden to weigh yourself during Whole30. I started the program because of health issues with my digestion. Today I also was at a doctor with it and they needed to weigh me. I have 168 cm and 52 kg so loosing weight really isn't my concern. I am on Day 6 and don't see this as a reason to start over but I would like to know your opinion. Thank you!

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If it were me, I wouldn't start over. Dr's. scales are always five pounds heavier than my scales no matter what scales I have ever weighed on. The numbers mean nothing. That's why I don't weigh myself anymore. Who knows which numbers are correct. They even fluctuate at different times of the day.

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Thank you for your messages. I really even don't care how much I weight never weight myself at home for as you wrote it doesn't samy much. I really hope the program will help me with the digestive issues. I have had abdominal pains and diarrhea for a few months now and it's still the same now but I ate a lot of sweets and before sleep my whole life so I guess it wants more than six days to fix it

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