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Mother Nature's 2nd whole30


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Ok. Day 1. I got this down. I did it before and can do it again. 50# to lose and no turning back. Im going to be 40 soon and want a healthier, more energetic me. I have the power!

Workout 3 miles elliptical

B- coffee w coco milk, epic turkey

L- tuna w herb parsnips (so delish) and herb cauliflower salad. Both recipes from mel joulwan.

D- tuna w parsnips and homemade salsa

Water thru out day

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Glad you have begun, but you need to work on your meal composition and volume of food. Coffee and an Epic bar is not an acceptable breakfast. Review the meal planning template:


How much to eat
When you do not eat enough as you did this first day, you sabotage your success. The Whole30 works because it gets your hormones to help you with weight loss, but if you under-eat, your hormones will fight weight loss. 
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Sounds like you need to do a cook up - maybe roast a chicken or throw some meat in the crock pot, roast a few sweet potatoes, roast or steam some veggies.  If I didn't have food in my fridge ready to throw on a plate and call dinner, I'm not sure I'd make it.  I save the fancy cooking for the weekends and just make "hot plates" during the week.  Melissa Joulwan has some really good ideas for batch cooking.  Nuts and olives really don't cut it as a M3 :)



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