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Seafarer's Post-W30 Log


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Day 55 of Whole 30.... or I guess Day 1 of Post Whole 30.  :)


Sleep: 7 hours


Day 1:

M1: 3 scrambled eggs, sauteed hot peppers & carrots/ghee, spoonful of "Just Peanuts" peanut butter (no sugar, no additives)

M2: salmon, peas, coleslaw

M3: chocolate chili, sweet potatoes, swiss chard


Water: 40 oz  :huh:

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights, outdoors all day either in the garden or painting the shed.

Stress: enough that my sleep was disturbed last night


Note: Energy, mood, craving, elimination, tinnitus, congestion, headaches, skin.... all same as before today. No changes.

Tummy feel: a bit of tightness or "heavy" feeling after lunch & after supper. 


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Sleep: 7.5 hours with no interruptions.  :) 

Day 2:
M1: coleslaw, boiled eggs, cauliflower soup
M2: salmon, mayo, potatoes/turnip
M3: haddock, potatoes, carrots, ghee


Water: 50 oz
Activity: yoga/weights. Outdoors all day gardening/weeding/mulching/hoeing/lifting & lugging
Stress: zip


Note: a small amount of tummy discomfort for most of the day. A bit gassy. 

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Sleep: 6 hours. Why? No idea.


Day 3:

M1: eggs, cauliflower soup/ghee, coffee

M2: salmon, mayo, string beans

M3: mussels, ghee, small zucchini, carrots


Water: 50 oz

Activity: yoga/weights: 20 minutes. Clearing brush piles & mulching: 90 minutes

Stress: none


Note: back to normal, in spite of the short sleep.


Result for legumes: relatively minor tummy discomfort, plus gassy, for 24+ hours. Can handle it if served legumes, but won't actively add them to my menus. 

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Sleep: 7.5 hrs, interrupted


Day 4:
M1: Eggy oatmeal, sausage, shredded cabbage/carrots
M2: Salmon, rice/ghee, salsa 
M3: turkey, potatoes, carrots, turnip, squash, corn.


Water: 50 oz

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights

Stress: not much


Note: Happy tummy but tinnitus is loud.

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Sleep: 6 hours


Day 5:

M1: sausage/egg/swiss chard strata, coconut milk, carrots

M2: omelet: eggs, onions, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes. Coffee.

M3: turkey, potatoes, carrots, squash, turnip.


Water: 65 oz

Activity: 10 min yoga/stretch + a couple of 15 minute brisk walks

Stress: minimal


Note: Feeling good but could have snacked today. Probably related to the lack of sleep rather than the food choices.

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Sleep: 6 hours


Day 6:

M1: haddock, potatoes/ghee, canteloupe

M2: ground beef, onions, hot peppers, sweet pepper, string beans... sauteed in ghee

M3: steak, onions, string beans, carrots


Water: 60 oz

Activity: gardening (lots of lifting & lugging) - 2 hrs.

Stress: more than I would like!!!


Note: cranky pants today, but I think that's related to stress and two nights of not enough sleep.


Results for non-gluten grains: Seems to be a-okay.  :) 

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Sleep: 6 hours


Day 7: Re-introducing dairy

M1: hamburger, onions, hot + sweet peppers, string beans. Small glass of milk. Coffee/cream

M2: hamburger, onions, hot + sweet peppers, string beans with cheese melted on top.

M3: steak, string beans, carrots, ghee. Coffee/cream

S: small glass of milk


Water: not nearly enough

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights

Stress: relatively high


Note: Tummy felt happy all day. I also felt slightly hungry and like I could happily devour an off plan snack, but I am also fairly stressed and getting cumulatively short on sleep, so I think those issues are probably not caused by the dairy. Something to watch for going forward though, just in case.

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Sleep: 8 hours


Day 8:

M1: haddock, carrots, mayo

M2: hamburger, onions, hot + sweet peppers, string beans

M3: steak, coleslaw


Water: 50 oz

Activity: 10 min yoga/weights; baling water, shoveling sand & muck, and swinging a pick-ax - 2.5 hours. Yup, it was a day.  ;)

Stress: moderating


Note: knees not happy today. Otherwise a-okay.

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Sleep: 9 hours


Day 9:

M1: haddock, green/yellow/red pepper strips, carrots, tomato/mayo

M2: steak, onions, beets/ghee

M3: spaghetti sauce* with tomatoes & broccoli & cauliflower & lots of peppers.


Water: 50 oz

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights, 1 hour painting, 1 hour weeding

Stress: reasonable


Note: * Well, I finally got blindsided! 65 days in..... my son & g/f cooked supper tonight. I avoided the pasta and ate the spaghetti sauce, only to discover part way through that it was made with TVP. Darn it! Tomorrow was supposed to be re-introduction of gluten, but I guess I'll make it re-introduction of soy instead. I keep telling myself it's only one meal early for what was meant to be a re-intro day anyway.... but. You know. Darn.


This was Day 2 of Dairy introduction.


Results for Dairy: My tummy felt happy, but my knees ached more than they have been, my mood was a little iffy, and I don't think I have had a bowel movement in two days. I was also accumulating several nights of short sleep, and a fairly high level of stress, so the changes might be dairy, or partly dairy, but I'm not positive. Will avoid for now & re-introduce at a more optimum time.

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Sleep: 8 hours


Day 10: continuing Soy re-introduction from yesterday's M3

M1: Scrambled eggs, sauteed edame, onions, peppers in coconut oil

M2: Stir-fry: turkey, onions, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, and lots of soy sauce

M3: Turkey soup


Water: 70 oz

Activity 20 min yoga/weights

Stress: nil


Note: Tummy in knots in the morning and after lunch. No soy for supper & my tummy is pretty happy. If that was a reaction, it was quick.

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Sleep: 6.5 hrs


Day 11: 

M1: Stir-fry: turkey, onions, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic (no soy)

M2: Curried cauliflower soup, plain raspberries (very yummy!), tea

S: salmon

M3: Salmon/mayo, beets/ghee, string beans/ghee, apple, tea 


Water: 60 oz

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights

Stress: very little


Note: My family was here for lunch and since everyone else (except the lone vegetarian) wanted the turkey/veg soup, I had the curried cauliflower soup, which left me short on protein, hence the mid-afternoon snack after everyone went home. They all had chocolate cake with lightly sugared raspberries, topped with chocolate drizzle. I made the cake, & the raspberries were from my garden, so of course I wanted both, but the chocolate drizzle was made from a store-bought fondu mix that was in the cupboard. HOLY! It didn't even smell chocolate-y to me. It just smelled of chemicals. Everyone seemed to like it, so I assume it was okay, but wow.... my reaction blew me away. 


I felt vaguely snack-y today, which I assume was related to the 6.5 hours of sleep, no time outdoors, lack of fat at breakfast, and lack of protein at lunch, and not to yesterday's soy. So I overloaded on supper and will head to bed earlier than usual.


NSV: My hubby pointed out tonight that he has not had potato chips since Sept 12. I knew he had not been eating them around me, which I appreciated (he often takes his nightly glass of wine out to his workshop), but I had not realized he'd dropped them entirely. Surprise. And progress.  

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Sleep: 7.5 hours. And then I fell back to sleep for an extra bonus hour. :) Going to bed early seems like a good idea.... lots of night left when I wake up.


Day 12:

M1: eggs/ghee and zucchini soup

M2: salmon & string beans/ghee

S: pre-supper: macademia nuts/raisins, club soda/grape juice. Not for any good reason except Sunday afternoon habit while lying on the couch & living in a good book.

M3: steak, sweet potato, coleslaw


Water: 50 oz

Activity: none

Stress: none


Note: a very, very lazy day....  


Soy results: Early reaction appeared to create tummy stress. I will continue to use coconut aminos instead of soy sauce at home, toss out the edame, and try to avoid eating soy when possible, but will probably just suck it up when family is involved.

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Sleep: 8 hrs


Day 13: Gluten Re-Intro Day

M1: string beans, poached eggs on toast, ghee

M2: salmon, sweet potatoes, ghee, dinner roll

M3: chicken, sweet potatoes, ghee, dinner roll


Water: sighhhhhhhhhhhh

Activity: pruning shrubs & trees, 2+ hours

Stress: zip


Note: Adding back in the reintroduction foods certainly has the effect of pushing other foods off my plate! Even if you want them back in, and they have no obvious negative effects, do you really want them? How will it affect your devotion to nutritious veggies? (Enquiring minds want to know. LOL!) So. Today.  I started to have really significant tummy discomfort mid morning, but realized I was also drinking a black coffee, which is no longer normal for me. Thinking it might be the coffee, I dumped it out, and for lunch had foods that normally soothe my tummy (plus the roll). Things settled quickly after that, but the slight tummy stress never did go completely away.


NSV: Someone told me today "You have lost weight!" Not a question... a declarative statement! Woohoo.  :)

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Sleep: 6.5 hrs (stayed up too late watching election results!)


Day 14:

M1: sausage, eggs, onions/peppers sautéed in ghee

M2: salmon, coleslaw with mayo

M3: chicken, carrots, potato, ghee


Water: 90 oz :)

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights; 90 min weeding/hoeing/raking

Stress: moderate​


Note: Yesterday and today... no bowel movement. :( Could that be from the gluten???? ​

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Sleep: 8 hrs :)


Day 15:

M1: cabbage, onions, peppers... sautéed in ghee; eggs

M2: zucchini soup & mayo (at home) followed by steak, potato, carrots, broccoli (at restaurant)

M3: shredded beef in tomato sauce, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli


Water: 90 oz :)

Activity: about an hour of garden things

Stress: fairly low


Note: Still not much of a bowel movement, but I do feel really good tonight. So far I have made grape jelly (for a fundraiser), dill pickles (the last of the small cucumbers from the garden), the base for a tomato soup, and cleaned the kitchen. What's next?

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Sleep: 7.5 hrs


Day 16:

M1: sweet potatoes, onions/peppers/cabbage cooked in ghee, eggs

M2: salmon, cauliflower soup, mayo

M3: pork roast, carrots, potatoes, beets


Water: 60 oz

Activity: 10 min yoga/weights; garden: pruning & digging vegs

Stress: fairly low


Note: still constipated so have not re-introduced anything.

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Sleep: 7 hr


Day: Oct 23 <-- I find myself tired of counting days, b/c the length of time doesn't really matter to me, so I'm switching to dates.

M1: 2 eggs, carrots, ghee (planning for an early lunch)

M2: steak, baked potato, carrots, turnip, ghee

M3: shredded beef in tomato sauce, carrots, sweet potato mashed with white potato, ghee


Water: 90 oz

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights; 70 min walking

Stress: nada


Note: Just before bed last night, the constipation issue finally resolved. Yay! I will be away from home over the weekend, and so have chosen to not reintroduce anything in case something non-compliant shows up over the weekend, as we will be visiting friends for dinner, staying in a hotel & eating in restaurants. My cooler is packed.


Results of gluten: Sadly, the constipation that followed immediately on the heels of reintroducing gluten makes me really cautious about ever eating gluten again. Fortunately, it didn't make me physically ill, or any of the other horrible things that some people endure, but from now on, gluten will be off the menu unless it's in very small quantities, served at some sort of celebration. And immediately followed by probiotics & some vegetable or fruit that will quickly help alleviate the constipation.

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Sleep: 7.5 hr


Oct 24:

M1: salmon, mayo, carrot/turnip, sweet potato/potato

M2: steak, turnip, carrot, garden salad/dressing

M3: chicken, garden salad/dressing, carrots, turnip, spaghetti squash, ghee


Water: 70 oz

Activity: walking 60 min

Stress: high


Note: M3 was eaten at a friend's, who knew the non-dairy request. Right after supper she went "Oops! There was butter in the spaghetti squash. I forgot." Sigh.


Sleep: 7 hrs (not bad for sleeping in a hotel)


Oct 25:

M1: salmon, mayo, sweet potato/potato

M2: egg, tons of mixed vegs, some mixed fruit. This one was at a restaurant, where I forgot to order the dish to be made without cheese. Scraped most of it off but I'm sure a few bits remained.

M3: mayo, macadamia nuts, pork, cauliflower soup. This one started at 3 pm & finish about 7 pm, so it was more a running series of snacks than a meal.


Water: 40 oz

Activity: about 1.5 hrs walking, with 3 x 15-min very brisk portions

Stress: not much - mostly utter boredom on a long drive home


Note: M1 was compliant, because it came from the cooler in my car. The rest of the hotel guests were inside eating continental breakfast, while I was wielding a spoon in the trunk of my car. :)  Then I took my water bottle inside to the continental breakfast, added a tea bag that I had brought with me, and filled it up with hot water, which was a great hand warmer since the next 4 hours were spent outdoors. Then came M2 and the little bits of cheese in the dish. I also realized there was not enough protein and certainly no good fat source. Not to mention the fruit. By 3 pm I was heading for a major struggle with being hangry, so started snacking on mayo & nuts until I could get home, which meant I was not at all hungry on arrival. I ate some pork & later forced in some soup, but nothing was in my normal quantities. Early to bed, methinks, aiming for a good night's sleep to refresh.

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Sleep: 7 hrs


Oct 26 (Mon):

M2: eggs, onions/peppers, coconut oil

M2: tomatoes/mayo, tuna salad: tuna, onions, peppers, mayo

M3: pork, GG Cookies, wine, thin sliver of pumpkin pie, popcorn/ghee


Water: 60 oz

Activity: nada

Stress: moderate


Note: For the last week I have had serious food boredom, and today was a scheduled re-intro day, so tonight I made the conscious decision to re-introduce wine and, since I'm pretty sure I know what the results are already, to also eat anything else I have been craving while I am at it. It turns out I have better brakes than I thought I did. Although I sure wouldn't want to test that particular theory too often. ;)

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Sleep: 8 hours


Oct 27 (Tue)

M1: eggs, bacon, toast, coffee

M2: cauliflower soup, pork

M3: ground beef & veg scramble; veg patties


Water: 60 oz

Activity: 20 min yoga/weights; 60 min garden/pruning

Stress: relatively low


Notes: Where did that M1 come from? Leftover food boredom? Reawakened sugar dragon? I am assuming a combination of both. Moving on. I was a bit crabby today (assume from last night's wine + sugar fest) and have cramps in my stomach tonight (assume from the toast). Wish I had remembered the gluten <-> constipation connection before I ate the toast. Slow learner, apparently.

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Sleep: 8 hrs


Oct 28 (Wed)

M1: Fridge cleaning: 1 egg, some tuna salad, a slice of smoked salmon, cauliflower soup

M2: ground beef & veg scramble, 2 veg patties, ghee

M3: ground beef & veg scramble, 2 veg patties, ghee


Water: 90 oz :)

Activity: 25 min yoga/weights, 2 hours garden (pruning, shovelling, planting..... and throwing balls for the dog. The dog loves gardening. :D)

Stress: nil


Notes: Due to the toast, & the constipation which had previously been a problem after the gluten re-introduction, I took probiotics last night & again this morning. Success came after supper. Feeling good today.

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Sleep: 8 hrs


Oct 29 (Thu): Dairy Re-Introduction Day

M1: scrambled eggs with onion & cheese

M2: smoked salmon, tomatoes, mayo, 1 oz cheese

M3: ground beef scramble with veg, veg patties with cheese & ghee


Water: virtually none

Activity: none

Stress: limited


Notes: tummy felt tight most of the day but lo & behold the tinnitus disappeared just after supper. Hooray. It was back again before bed.

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Sleep: 5.5 hours (late night)


Oct 30 (Fri)

M1: chicken, tomatoes, mayo

M2: smoked salmon, mushrooms, banana, coffee

M3: grapes, beef with lime/cilantro mayo, cauliflower rice with onions


Water: 30 oz (head smack)

Activity: 10 min yoga/weights

Stress: limited


Notes: A bit tired due to lack of sack time & fleeting cravings which I assume is from the same cause, but otherwise feeling good. :)

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Sleep: 7.5 hrs


Oct 31 (Sat)

M1: eggs, cabbage/onions/kale sautéed in coconut oil

M2: smoked salmon, squash/apple soup (contains ghee)

M3: steak, potatoes, onions/mushrooms/ghee


Water: 50 oz

Activity: very active day but no targeted exercise

Stress: zip


Notes: Now need to pull it all together & plan for forward motion. :)

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Results of Re-Introductions:

1. I don't drink enough water, and need to constantly monitor that.

2. Sleep affects everything and needs to be a number one priority.

3. I think I have this right?.... any reaction, even if mild, is a body stressor. Stress to the body increases cortisol production which can increase insulin levels which means out-of-balance hormones and less than optimum results, no matter what other good fuel is being consumed.

4. For me, if the reaction was mild, I feel I can potentially continue to consume that item if served it at a friend's home, but will be aware that my body will need extra care in the next few days. Proper sleep + extra water + starchy vegs + limit raw vegs, for example, in order to mitigate the reaction & get back to an even keel as quickly as possible.

5. Results for legumes: tummy cramps & gas, which means they are a body stressor. Eliminate at home. Avoid elsewhere when possible.

6. Result for dairy: Cravings are not strong, but certainly rumble around in the background. Gas & constipation means gut disruption = less than stellar mood. Inflammation & joint pain increased. Sadly, good-bye dairy. (Note to self: not even in coffee. ;) ​)

7. Result for Non-Gluten Grains: A-okay. Can add them whenever there is room.
8. Result for Soy: tummy cramps & gas, which means they are a body stressor. Eliminate at home. Avoid elsewhere when possible.
9. Result for Gluten: Constipation which can last for days = body is stressed. Another sigh.

10. Result for Wine: Definitely a “food with no brakes”, plus it eases off “the brakes” on other foods. Tinnitus is far worse next day. Cravings last into the next day. Disrupted sleep + non restful sleep, which means body is stressed. The morning after having wine I felt like I was getting a cold. Good bye wine.

11. Sugars: creates faux hunger & cravings. No sugars. No fruits unless part of another meal.


All of the other foods that I thought I wanted to re-introduce have just been axed due to my total surprise as I pulled together a summary of my reactions to the above foods. Prior to W30#2 I really thought I had no food sensitivities. The slow roll on W30#1 did not give me the same information that I have gotten by doing the structured re-introductions. Interesting. VERY happy I took the time to do this.

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