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Coconut Milk and Cream Brand Suggestions


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It's day 7 and things are looking good! I made it through being very sick all week and feel better. I just finished egg salad (2 boiled eggs and basic mayo) on 3 cu. organic mixed greens. I still have a hard time eating all that in one sitting...

ANYWAY, my big question is what is a brand of coconut milk or cream that is really delicious? Prior to W30 I had a can of coconut milk from the grocery store that was about 1/2 full of thick (like cold butter) cream at room temperature. I can't remember the brand and what I have now (Arroy-D) is not quite the same. :( Suggestions??

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I have found that I prefer the texture and flavor of Native Forest. My local natural foods stores carry them (Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, New Seasons). I can use Arroy-D in a cooked dish pretty effectively but it was terrible use in place of milk in something like coffee. It's grainy in comparison to Native Forest.

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