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Finished Whole30 Yesterday and Afraid to Re-introduce


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My husband and I just finished our first Whole30 yesterday and we both feel great!  My husband has lost 28lbs and I am down 6 (of course he lost more ;)).  Now that we are done, I don't know if I want to re-introduce because I am a little afraid of how my body will react.  I don't really miss anything that was eliminated while doing this, so I am considering just continuing to eat this way.  Does anyone have any advice?



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Continuing to eat this way is not a bad thing. However, keep in mind that at some point, you're probably going to have a situation where you want something non-whole30. Maybe someone makes a homemade from scratch version of your very favorite dessert of all time, or maybe it's just that you're on a trip somewhere and trying to stay compliant is just not convenient. Reintroductions could be worth it so you have some idea what to expect when you do go off road.

You might also just prefer something like the slow roll reintroduction where you just wait until something worth it comes along. Read more about that here: http://whole30.com/2014/09/dear-melissa-slow-reintroduction-roll/

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