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My Whole30 & My Husband's


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This is our first Whole 30 and we are on Day 8. I am really proud of both of us. I have battled my weight as long as I can remember. I have tried several times to change my food habits but nothing has ever worked for me for any length of time. I am really hoping can maintan the habits I am building with the Whole 30.

I have never been this disciplined with food. Even survived 2 birthday parties over the weekend without giving into birthday cake or the obnoxious brother in law that kept recommending a drink. All in all, I have been feeling great until this morning... I woke up super tired and even after breakfast; a banana, a hard boiled egg, and 2 strips of bacon, I still felt incredibly drained and starving. I managed to make it to lunch with the help of cup of tea. My lunch was a salad that included half of an avocado and now I feel great! Planning to re-read the meal planning section of It Starts with Food. I am guessing I haven't been balancing my meals quite as well as I thought.

My husband is taking this journey with me and has been doing a great job but he is seriously craving sugar. He does not like sweet and savory food combinations so I can't figure out how best to help him. If anybody has any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Right now, he tends to be finishing every meal with a little bit of fruit which might be bad long term but it is better than the ice cream he used to want after dinner every night.

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A banana, a hardboiled egg and 2 strips of bacon does not seem like enough food. If this is how you have been feeding yourself for the past 8 days, it makes sense that you are tired. The recommended potions size for protein is the size of your palm. One egg is not enough protein. I usually go with how many I can fit in my hand which is about 4 (maybe 5 if I am really hungry). Keep in mind each meal needs to contain all of the nutrients…veggies, protein and fat. Including snacks. Snacks are just mini meals and should also contain veggies, protein and fat.

For your husband, take a look at the recipes in the book and also pick up WellFed. Lot's of good ideas. When he gets those sugar cravings have him eat fat or protein. Giving into those sugar demons is the last thing you want to do. If possible, switch out the fruit with nuts or olives or some sort of protein or have him go for a walk with you…

Hope this helps.

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Thanks, I was definitley still not eating right at breakfast even though it was compliant. The thought of eating more than one hard boiled egg at a time is just not very appealling and my work day starts at 5:30 am so it can be a little tricky. Last night I got creative and I made hash with sweet potato, zuchinni, and eggs so I would have that for breakfast the next couple of days. It made a delicious breakfast this morning, I had more than I could eat, and I feel great.

I picked up the Well Fed cookbook nd have already found some great recipes we both like and a couple that didn't work for him at all. The good news is he isn't giving up and I think I have him convinced to cut back on the fruit since it is likely contributing to his cravings

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Another Major Win for Me! We were supposed to have a going away party for someone at the office tomorrow, I thought, but somehow it was today. Needless to say I did not bring anything compliant to contibute. So I ate my lunch before I hand. Everyone tried to get me to eat; I did my best to just say I wasn't hungry. Then they started well you can have dessert, you haven't had that yet... :angry:

Really!!!! When people say no thank you, why is hard for everyone else to just drop it? I realize I have probably been guilty of that same sin in the past but never again will I encourage anybody to eat anything when they say no. And, I am so proud of me! Despite all that crazy food, I did not eat a single bite.... not even of the homeade cream ouffs or 4 cakes sitting on the table. If I can conquer that then I have day 9 oin the bag for sure and I am looking forward to the next 21. :D My sugar dragon will be a thing of the past soon.

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Nice job! Keep it up!

I especially liked this...

I realize I have probably been guilty of that same sin in the past but never again will I encourage anybody to eat anything when they say no.

I like that you are looking at and changing behaviors (food related and social). I'm not trying to comment on your behavior (I don't know you at all) I just think that for any of us realizing how something feels and changing is a great skill to be able to have.


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Wow! Definitely feeling the magic, today is day 11 and I feel great. My husband feels great and I am just so thrilled. We have already seen a health issue unexpectedly get fixed. What an amazing difference the right balance of food makes. Looking forward to grocery shopping tomorrow so I can keep us on track.

Today's breakfast was zuchinni and butternut squash hash that turned out great. Lunch is squash and zuchinni, and bell pepper stuffed with groud pork and shrimp.

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Ok, so now we are on Day 15. He still misses sweets but I find that I don't miss them that much at all. Struck me as odd because I always thought I had a major sweet tooth. I think eliminating the diet dr. pepper from my life has helped tremendously with that. We managed to eat out twice over the weekend and stay Whole 30 compliant. Friday night we went to a steakhouse and Saturday we had seafood for lunch. It felt good to leave a restaraunt without the oh my gosh, I ate too much feeling.

My wedding ring is so loose that it spins on my finger all the time now. I am really looking forward to getting on the scale.

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Day 22 already! I can't believe I am still on track with no slips. Spent the weekend at my mom's house and I took all the food and prepared all the meals while I was there. Everything turned out great; nobody felt like they were missing anything and nobody felt like they were eating "diet food" because of me and my husband. It was a great weekend.

I also had a doctor's appointment yesterday so I kind of got a sneak peek at the scale and I am really looking forward to day 30. Planning salmon for dinner tonight alongside squash and zuchinni.

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