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Reintro starts 2 days before Thanksgiving


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So... My Whole 30 ends the Monday before Thanksgiving (I didn't plan this very well and I'm pretty sure I did this last year as well.)

I'm flying to visit family that evening and know there will be parties an dinners and football games with lots of great home cooking.

Should I just wait to reintroduce after I get back home and do about a week of true whole30 again?

I'm also pretty sure even though I specifically asked for sauce with no sugar... Pretty sure someone still cooked me dinner with sauce with sugar around day 13 so I feel like I've already failed by no fault of my own.

Maybe just do another in January?

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So... My Whole 30 ends the Monday before Thanksgiving (I didn't plan this very well and I'm pretty sure I did this last year as well.)

I'm flying to visit family that evening and know there will be parties an dinners and football games with lots of great home cooking.

Should I just wait to reintroduce after I get back home and do about a week of true whole30 again?

I'm also pretty sure even though I specifically asked for sauce with no sugar... Pretty sure someone still cooked me dinner with sauce with sugar around day 13 so I feel like I've already failed by no fault of my own.

Maybe just do another in January?

Depending on what the outcome was you were hoping for with a Whole30 sort of dictates what you do... if you wanted to do a re-intro to see how your body deals with different food types, then you need a clean system... if you're eating soy, grains, dairy, booze, sugar, chemicals, then you're going to want to do another whole 30 ideally, and if not, then at least two weeks of Whole30 to clean your system out again in order to get accurate results from your re-intro.

If, on the otherhand you've done re-intros or you're planning on doing a Slow Roll Reintro, then you can likely just hop right back onto the Whole30 Lifestyle train after TG and manage your re-intros as they come....

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