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Starting Whole30 in January but doing a Whole14 until Christmas party


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Hi all,


I have been semi-interested in the Paleo diet for a while now, but hadn't made the leap. Then I saw the Whole30 book at Barnes and Noble a couple of weeks ago, and it was like it called my name from the shelf. It's a gorgeous book! I couldn't get enough, and all the food looked amazing.


I'm taking Melissa's advice NOT to start Whole30 over the holidays (though kudos to you who are!) and I'm doing as much Whole30 as I can between now and January 10, after the holidays and a trip to Florida (in which I will eat well but not restrict myself completely).


In the meantime, I'm doing a Whole13/14 between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I actually had already given up sugar in November, with the exception of Thanksgiving, and I feel so good without my sugar addiction that the Whole30 is just taking it a step further.


Things I've noticed since Sunday, when I started (just 4 days ago):


  • WAY less of my long hair came out in the shower yesterday. (Can this be real? Is it from just a few days of eating way more protein and fat and no bread/oats?! I usually lose a handful of hair, but yesterday it was just a few strands.)
  • A few days of constipation but now twice daily poop that doesn't float! (I hate this subject and feel like it's sharing TMI, but my poop has always floated and I've known a long time it's a sign of not absorbing fat well, but nothing has helped in the past, including giving up gluten at times.)
  • More energy (which started with giving up sugar November 1).
  • I felt so much stronger and more energetic when I had to shovel 4 inches of wet, sticky snow off my sidewalks yesterday.
  • I've already gone from a bread/granola craver in the mornings to a person who misses veggies and meat/eggs for breakfast if I don't get them in. This one blows me away!


That's just the start! I'm really excited to see what a full Whole30 brings, but even this Whole14 is totally worth it and makes me feel great!

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