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Need to start right now..


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Hi all,


I've had several failed and very, very weak attempts (if I can even call them that) at the Whole30 in the past couple of years.  The truth is, I hide from the mirror because that's how much I hate what I see.  So many things in my life are nowhere near where I imagined they'd be at this point in my life but I know it all starts from within.  Four years ago, I was religious about my diet and exercise.  I loved what I saw and felt and then I don't know what happened... A job change, the end of my military service which led to me not knowing where I belong...And the truth is that I've been stuck in the same exact place for 2 1/2 years. I've gained thirty pounds and will continue to gain weight if I keep doing what I'm doing.  I need to make a change right now.  Every day brings an excuse.  There hasn't been a Monday in the last 2 1/2 years that I haven't "started a diet." Sometimes it lasts a day, sometimes it lasts just past breakfast.  It's horrible and disgusting.  I know how great I am capable of feeling and it disgusts me.  


I'm fat, miserable, depressed, have awful anxiety and I know that I'm damaging my relationship.  We will hopefully be bringing a healthy baby into this world (she's carrying, we are in a same-sex marriage) in June and it terrifies me to think that this person today is going to be a parent.  It's hard for me to get off of the couch.  I go to the gym maybe twice a month.  I can't bring a child into my world.  


Although not every single one of my problems can be blamed on my diet, I believe that most of them are stemming from there.  I used to be a fun, attractive (or so I was told), and happy person.  I don't even recognize who I am today.  I have to change right now.  

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Welcome back!

I hope you can begin by letting go of the dark feelings you have about yourself, and instead loving you and having compassion for you right now also. The real you is inside: it's not our body - that's just a "coat" we wear. 

Congratulations on expecting your future child, and the steps you are taking to create the health that you seek.

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Although not every single one of my problems can be blamed on my diet, I believe that most of them are stemming from there.  I used to be a fun, attractive (or so I was told), and happy person.  I don't even recognize who I am today.  I have to change right now.  

Hello bestme! Welcome! I hope you do begin (and complete) a Whole30. I can say from my vantage point of Day 30 that NOURISHING yourself with good food goes a long way toward loving and honoring yourself and that real change starts there.


I feel so much more energetic. And calm. And yes, joyful. I describe my "normal" now as "buoyant". I re-discovered something called "satiety." Who knew? :-) And these feelings are from having meals that are balanced and nutritious and healthy and yes, pleasurable, and from eating to nourish myself, without feeling guilty.


I have a ways to go toward optimal health and have been working toward that for "a while" but these 30 days have really given me a boost and have made me confident I will meet my health goals.


I encourage you to do the program, follow the meal template, and TRUST in the process. And, I strongly suggest you sign up for the Whole30 Daily emails. They are packed with information and are wonderfully inspiring. (And funny!)

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