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Too easy?


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I just finished Day 13 and I have not been following the expected timeline at all. My clothes are way baggier, stomach way thinner; I can tell I've lost a lot of weight. My acne is all gone. I feel great. I have had no real cravings. I hardly had any cramps with my most recent period (mine are normally horrible) and PMS was a breeze (very unusual for me). This feels way too easy. Am I doing anything wrong or have some people found it easier than others and saw results really quickly?

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That's awesome!

There are people who feel the way you do. Basically the amount of suck you feel for the first half is directly related to how your diet was previously... if you were eating pretty close to Whole30 principles, then you wouldn't get too bad of a shock.

If you want to confirm, please list two or three days of your typical food and liquid intake along with meal timing and we can see that you're on the right track and ensure you have a great back half of your program as well!

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Hmmm, breakfast is normally 3 boiled eggs, 1-2 servings of vegetables, 1 serving of fruit. Lunch is normally a meat and 2 servings of vegetables and a fruit. Dinner is normally a meat, 1 starchy carb, and 2 vegetables and occasionally a fruit. The only thing I'm really lacking is fat because that's harder to get at work during the day. At the beginning I was adding fat to each meal, now it's more like 1x/day if that. I definitely need to get better at that. Perhaps that is why I lost weight so quickly, maybe I wasn't getting enough fat.

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I was wondering if this was the same for anyone else! I'm on day 13 now and I had hardly any of the usual timeline withdrawals! I mean it took a full 10 days to teach my body to burn fat & I may have gained a few lbs before I started losing, but it adjusted! And of course i have cravings especially at the beginning but those are under control. Glad to hear it's been a smooth ride for you too! I ate fairly healthy before starting whole 30 and was only 139lbs but was just unable to lose any #s or inches and my ideal weight is 120-125. So I started whole 30 to help with that and with some persistent stomach problems. So far I don't know how much Ive lost but my tummy fat is almost gone & my old jeans are starting to fit again!! I had a little case of the grumpies but not in line with the timeline. And I am not starving, I actually eat a lot! And a lot of good fats and I am only slightly missing cheese lol. But before reading this I too wondered if maybe I was doing something wrong. I guess I was just already eating whole 30ish. Thanks for posting this, now I know!

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Hmmm, breakfast is normally 3 boiled eggs, 1-2 servings of vegetables, 1 serving of fruit. Lunch is normally a meat and 2 servings of vegetables and a fruit. Dinner is normally a meat, 1 starchy carb, and 2 vegetables and occasionally a fruit. The only thing I'm really lacking is fat because that's harder to get at work during the day. At the beginning I was adding fat to each meal, now it's more like 1x/day if that. I definitely need to get better at that. Perhaps that is why I lost weight so quickly, maybe I wasn't getting enough fat.

You're going to want to put fat into your meals. It may not be bothering you yet and may contribute to dropping pounds but not eating fat with your meals will not be sustainable and it will not teach your body to become fat adapted.

Also, not sure if you started Whole30 with any sugar cravings but if you did, you should probably back off the fruit because it could be behaving as a stand in for sugar cravings, which is why if you started with them, you haven't seen any symptoms of withdrawl. We also want you to do 1-3 (3 being optimal) servings of vegetables, so you might consider replacing the fruit serving with veg... 

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