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Day 1


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My husband thinks I am crazy for starting right around the holidays, but I have been feeling so crappy and watching the scale climb was making me depressed. Since I have this week off and part of next week off I figured it would give me the time at home I need to start off right by cooking and learning about the ins and outs of the program.


I'm really excited about the next 30 days and have been reading and studying up for the last few weeks so I feel pretty well prepared with information. I think my biggest challenge is that I only eat fish and eggs so I'm going to have more limited options than people that eat a more variety of meats. 


One question I had is about the amount of fat. This morning I had coffee with a few tablespoons of coconut milk, eggs with a couple tablespoons of coconut milk cooked in a tiny bit of avocado oil, sweet potatoes cooked in a tablespoon of avocado oil, and a few tablespoons of guacamole. Does that sound like too much fat? The suggested meal plans have me a little confused on the amount of fat to eat vs. cook with. I ate all of it over a plate of baby spinach. 

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In general, we don't really count the cooking fat as part of the intake of fat in each meal as most often it stays in the pan.  What you ate does not sound like too much fat.  Fat is what keeps you satiated for 4-5 hours and is not something to be feared...


I haven't seen the suggested meal plans but linked below my post is the meal planning template and it will help... don't consider the cooking fat when reading it.

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Hi Beccabee.  Your post sounded like I was writing it...  I also started today.  I work sort of long days and anticipate I will be home a bit more than usual these next two weeks, so I didn't want to wait until Jan 1.  I also read up a lot the past several weeks and cooked a few complaint things to have in the freezer.   Good luck!!!

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Day 1 was fine but I was really hungry in the evening. I think maybe I wasn't adding enough protein to my meals. 


Yesterday I had two meals with eggs as my only protein and used 2 eggs but this morning thought to try 3 since in-between meals i would start to get hungry. 


Does this meal sound like it is following the meal template? I couldn't eat all of it i was getting seriously full (and that is really saying something for me as it takes a lot to get full):


3 eggs w/ coconut milk scrambled with some veggies (onion, bell peppers, mushroom) cooked in avocado oil and served over baby spinach, 1 whole avocado, 1 handful or so of sweet potatoes rounds cooked in EVOO, and 4-5 raspberries. Also a cup of coffee with some coconut milk blended in. 

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