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Day One....


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Hi All:

Looking for some fellowship and support. Today is Day One and I need to straighten out my errant ways. Picked the sugar dragon back up on a cruise ship 3 wks ago and it was off to the races....So another Whole 30 is definitely in order! Thank you for being here and I am in need of your wise ideas and support. Day one here I come. Eggs it is....Back to report at evening time what the food looked like but here is my plan:

Breakfast: 2 eggs

Lunch: salad with last nights left over grilled pork and tons of veggies

Dinner: Grilled chicken salad with tons of veggies and some steamed spaghetti squash

Snacks: Fruit and Cashews and I just ordered my Bold Original Beef Sticks and can't wait till they arrive.

Have a fabulous day everybody!!!!


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This looks like a good first day. Welcome!

Just be sure you are getting enough fat in each of those meals…i.e. cook those eggs in coconut oil, add some avocado and/or olive oil to that salad, etc. And, don't be afraid to go crazy on the veggies!

Looking forward to reading your log!

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