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My 1st 30........

Jon Ball

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Today was day 1. 

breakfast was the same as usual.  1/2 baked spud, 1 habanero, about 1 T onion, 1 clove garlic  --- all chopped up and cooked in coconut oil with 2 eggs.


took a couple of carrots and an apple for lunch.....i ended up being out 'til dinner.

dinner was a ground turkey patty.  1/2 of it on a loose leaf green salad with green onion, broccoli, and shredded carrot.  The other 1/2 cooked into a frittata made with 2 eggs, jalapenos, onion, garlic, sambal oelek.


desert was a small glass of apple cider.


feel good.  1st day is easy.  already craving potato chips and a corn dog.



I just realized that the oelek has potassium sorbate in it.  Guess i will have to make my own.  I am still counting this as day 1.

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so, I have to start over.  seems that peanuts are not on the list.  I goofed.  been doing very well except for that.  so, 30 more days, this time with no peanuts, starting now.


eating a lot of veggies, some fruit and healthy meat.  still no caffeine.  working a lot of shift work = 16 to 18 hour days.  makes it difficult to maintain.   plus at work seems to be bringing in my favorite non30's. 


I am always hungry.  but have plenty of energy, cant sleep well.

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I am always hungry.  

There is no reason for you to be hungry on a Whole30 unless you've been eating lunches like the ones you described above with the carrots & the apple - I'd be chewing on my desk if I was relying on that to keep me full!!

Follow the recommended meal template of 1-2 palm sized (YOUR palm) pieces of protein, 1-3 cups of veg (with 3 being optimum) and a generous serving of a healthy fat at each meal & you won't be hungry any more.

Honestly, eat (although do try to move away from the dessert mindset) - you'll feel SO much better.

Shame about the peanuts, but good on you for committing to start over - positive mental attitude!!


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so, day 2 of my restart.  feeling good.  The previous post about my "lunches" were because i was caught out longer than planned for, so my snack became lunch.  i always carry a snack in case the day goes long.  usually carrots, sliced raw yams, and an apple.


i made my own sambal oelek for flavoring - used habanero (I like caribbean spice/heat), white vinegar, salt, and a bit of garlic.  yummy.  should last a month or so.  also made my first batch of homemade mayo and avocado mayo for spread and salad dressing, made with light olive oil.  learning some new things. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

still  going strong.  day 15 of the restart.  had thai red curry w/chicken for dinner/breakfast (depending on whose schedule you're on)  will have a giant salad with turkey lunch - around 2 am.  raw almonds and an apple for a snack.  have only had caffeine once since November, and that was because  I had to pull an unexpected double.

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well, it is the 21st day of my  30, and I feel like crap.  had chicken soup at a Mexican restaurant with the mrs.  I checked and it looked perfect for the 30.  Something must have been in the soup, today my stomach is hard as a rock and very tender.  No energy, feel terrible.  could be getting sick, but the hard belly tells me it is food related.  Going to a naturopath next week for a blood work-up on  food allergies. 


I am not starting over at this point.  just being careful to be very diligent about the next 11 days.

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  • 1 month later...

So I fixed the trouble by cooking my veggies except for the salads of course.

I fished my 1st 30 a couple of weeks ago. It is going ok so far.

However, I got the results of my for allergy test back. Gluten,dairy, shrubs,radish, and......eggs. eggs are severe on my list. The naturopath say that my body might reset itself if I go 90 days with out eating my trigger foods. This does not apply to eggs because they are too high on my reaction list. I am at a bit of a loss. I've eaten eggs all of my life. They are a staple food for me. At least goat cheese is ok. I am wrapping my head around a whole 90. Not exactly ready to commit yet. I am still going over my diet plans. After I get a semi-90 day menu worked out I will give it a go.

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