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Accidental contamination paranoia?!


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Any body else out there stressing about accidentally ingesting gluten or other no nos? My family isn't doing this with me so we still have regular bread, etc. in the house. I've told the kids not to fix sandwiches or anything I can't have on the counters, to make their stuff on the dining table, but I still worry that they will leave crumbs on the counters, contaminating my food without my realizing it. I have the same concerns at work - I typically eat two meals a day at work and I worry about what may be on the table, counters, sponges, etc. I try to tell myself to just keep doing the best I can and get over being stressed about it, but I know I've used this as an excuse to give up in the past so I'd appreciate any input on how other people cope with this.

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Try to relax. All Whole30 expects is that you do everything you can reasonably do to ensure your food meets the rules. Don't sample your kids' sandwiches, don't use their dirty peanut butter knife to slice your food, but don't panic about the counters. By all means, give them a quick wipe down to remove visible crumbs, but if you can't see it, don't worry about it. 


You might want to read this Instagram post from Melissa for some perspective.

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