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February 15th Start Date!!!


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Hi friends! It has been a while since I have been here. I did my first round of the whole 30 in April of 2015 and went right in to round 2 through May 2015. Since then I have completely fallen back on terrible habits. My weight has shot back up, my stomach and acid reflux are a complete mess to the point where I am waking up in the middle of the night and vomiting or nearly vomiting mouthfuls of stomach acid. My mind is foggy, I am completely lethargic and just generally feel like crap. 


I have begun with a 21 day fix as we are going on vacation out of the country January 30th and I do not want to set myself up for failure midway through. We will come back and I will jump in to round 3. 


Who else is starting in February!?!?! 

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Ladyshanny, This will be my first 30 and I chose February 15 as a start date so I have time to learn about the program. I am curious that you are having such stomach issues after having done the Whole 30. It makes me wonder what the advantage is to doing the program. I mean, do you have to really keep following the rules faithfully or else you slip back into an unhealthy state? I am hoping that doing the 30 days will help my carb and sugar cravings and bingeing...

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Ladyshanny, This will be my first 30 and I chose February 15 as a start date so I have time to learn about the program. I am curious that you are having such stomach issues after having done the Whole 30. It makes me wonder what the advantage is to doing the program. I mean, do you have to really keep following the rules faithfully or else you slip back into an unhealthy state? I am hoping that doing the 30 days will help my carb and sugar cravings and bingeing...

Hi Kathy, I think you meant to address your post to Sarah Rosey Cheeks. I understood her post to mean that she had done a couple Whole30's and then drifted back to old habits involving bothersome foods so her stomach is upset.

You can do the Whole30 to help heal stomach (and various other) issues as well as cravings and sugar issues. But if you then go back to the things you were eating before, you'll end up in the same position you were in before you started.

Feel free to read the resources linked in my signature below, they are some of the most popular.

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