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Day 3 ... and I feel ... GREAT ?


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I subscribed to the Whole 30 Daily newsletter, and according to today's e-mail i am supposed to be lethargic and feel like crap. Except ... I feel just fine. Maybe I'm doing this wrong ?

Kidding ! I know I'm following all the rules, and I'm sure that I should be anticipating detox symptoms and adjustments as bad as anyone else's, based on my eating history. In yesterday's e-mail they noted that "the amount of suck you experience in your Whole 30 is directly proportional to the amount of crap you ate before." I ate a lot of crap. I/m anticipating some suck.

I guess it just isn't hitting me today. Maybe tomorrow ...

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Thanks Andrea ! I almost WANT to feel some bizarre symptoms - SOMETHING - as validation that my body is actually going through these changes. How sillly is that ? to WANT to feel crappy ? So far I feel great, but I'll keep you posted. Maybe I'm a "Day 5 detox" kind of person. Or, as you said, maybe I'll have a relatively symptom-free experience. Time will tell ...

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