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Started today 2/1 and mints...


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After reading and prepping the last two weeks, I've started my Whole30 today.  I had moments of panic last night as I was preppering food for the day but I fought past it.  It's not the food committment that was stressing me, but rather the time committment of all the food prep and subsequent kitchen clean up... :rolleyes:


Questions, if anyone should read this.  As I'm sitting at work today I realize that I have not accounted for my mint habit.  I frequently have a peppermint throughtout the day and I'm missing it.  Is there any good alternative to mints that is Whole30 appropriate or do I just need to white knuckle past it?


Minnie :P

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For me, mints and gum and snacking in general were all related to keeping my mouth busy. I had to retrain my mouth! :) My solution was water. I drink plain hot water instead of coffee now to keep me warm, cold water during the day, and herbal tea in place of dessert and evening snacks. I miss nothing about snacking or gum or mints.

Good luck with your 30 days!

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For me, mints and gum and snacking in general were all related to keeping my mouth busy. I had to retrain my mouth! :) My solution was water. I drink plain hot water instead of coffee now to keep me warm, cold water during the day, and herbal tea in place of dessert and evening snacks. I miss nothing about snacking or gum or mints.

Good luck with your 30 days!

I ran an bought a package of mint tea.  Should have thought of that earlier!  Thank you!!


Brushing your teeth after your meals is one popular option.  

This thread has some other ideas.

After mentally scoffing at this tip, I tried it and it was actually helped.  Sorry for the initial scoff and thank you for replying!  ;)  :D

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My husband and I started today as well. He is in sales and uses mints a lot too so we're trying to figure it out too. I told him to feed a little bottle of mouthwash with him so he could do a quick swish before meeting with people. Good luck!

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