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Starting February 29th...tmrw!!


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My name is Amanda.  This is my first time doing the whole30.  I am starting tomorrow, February 29th.  I've been trying to lose weight now for almost five years.  I have tried the 21 day fix several times with little success.  I was excited to read about the whole 30 and their tough love approach when it comes to snacks and certain food groups.  My goal is to start a new healthy lifestyle, losing the weight and enjoying other non scale victories.  

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Hi Amanda & Erica!  It's day 1 for me as well.  This is my 2nd Whole 30.  I did my first in October with great success and kept up really well through December. Plan was to eat W30 at least 90% of the time but over the past 2 months I've gotten off track.  So....it's time to reset!


Today's meals:

M1:  2 fried eggs & sweet potato hash with peppers and onions, cup of tea

M2:  1/2 pan roasted chicken breast, roasted butternut squash soup, cut up cucumber/tomatoes

M3:  Crock pot - pot roast, potatoes, carrots and an additional veggie (not sure what yet....maybe salad)

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