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what to use in place of eggs

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I am thinking I may need to bite the bullet and cut eggs from my diet. Overall after completing my Whole30 I have seen a lot of benefits and I am feeling very good, but I am still getting pressure hives which are an inflammatory process. Since I am now very aware of what I am eating and the effects it has on my body I am noticing the hives seem to be worse especially after a day with a number of eggs! My question what can I substitute in salmon patties, meatballs and such or do I just omit them? Thanks, Kim

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How do you make your salmon patties? I have made fishcakes with cauli mash before and they were good.

I make the No Fuss Salmon Cakes recipe from the whole30 book. It uses sweet potatoes, but your fish cakes with cauli mash sounds pretty good too!!
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Mel Joulwan's salmon cake recipe should be similar to the recipe in the Whole30 book, and here's what she recommended when someone asked about doing them egg free:  (recipes are the only time on the internet I read all the comments -- they can be really useful)



Alice says:
JANUARY 26, 2015 AT 8:03 AM
I am in love with these! My husband and I are loving our Whole30 and these have been a staple. However, I am suspicious that I have an egg sensitivity. Could you recommend a substitute? I was thinking of simply adding more sweet potato as a binder.
Thanks! You are an amazing resource and so wonderful to share your passion with us!
Melissa Joulwan says:
JANUARY 26, 2015 AT 8:13 AM
Here’s what I suggest: Make a batch without egg, then cook just one cake in the oven and see if it holds together. If it does, you’re good to go to bake the rest. It should work without the egg, I think — just flip very carefully. If that doesn’t work, try adding 2 tablespoons arrowroot mixed with 2 tablespoons water. That should do the trick.




So you might try that.


You can also google AIP salmon patties or anything else you want to make that has eggs in it that you want to substitute for and read through those recipes for ideas on how to do it -- the AIP protocol cuts out eggs and other items, so recipes that are okay for it will automatically not have eggs in them.

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