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Confused about how reintroduction is supposed to work

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I've read both of the books (ISWF and Whole30) but I'm still confused.


When I started my Whole30, I had digestion issues and felt bloated and "off" for about 10 days or so, starting from day 1 when my diet changed.


Also, way back when I started transitioning to vegetarianism, I found that if I'd not eaten meat in the past couple weeks, eating it would REALLY upset my stomach, but if I had it again a day or three later, the second time wouldn't bother me at all.


So my question is, why do you only reintroduce something for one day? It seems like you should give your digestive system a little while to adjust. Otherwise you might get a false positive on a food sensitivity, no? Maybe I'm just notably sensitive to any dietary change?

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You're quite right. If you already know you have a sensitive digestion system or have had indications in the past that you have delayed results, then you should fashion your re-intro to suit yourself.

What is listed in the book is the fastest way to re-intro but if you have the time and inclination, the slower the better to get good data.

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OK cool! That answers my question.


I might do something like reintroduce a food, continue to eat it in moderation until digestive symptoms subside or 10 days, whichever comes first. If symptoms subside then all good, if not, probably a sensitivity.



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