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Week One Complete. I am a Willpower Queen!


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I just completed Week one. My work often requires that I go out to eat. In addition, I had a big family weekend.. My kids and grandson were here from out of town and we had a big meal at my parents country club on Friday night and a big family party at my other daughter in law's house on Saturday night. The menu for Saturday night was eggplant Parmesan, lasagna, spaghetti and Caesar salad. Sweet potato pound cake, strawberry rhubarb pie. In addition to the food, we all like to sit around and drink white wine.

So I have to say I am so proud of myself and quite frankly--- I really don't believe this--- but I did not feel deprived and it was not so hard. The biggest surprise was how much I do not care about drinking.

Friday night innate delicious prime rib and 2 vegetables and ignored the ice cream bar ) my usual favorite. I concentrated on the utter joy of seeing my grandchildren and just how lucky I am to have them.

Saturday night I brought a baked salmon and an alternative salad with oils and vinegar dressing. What was a little difficult is that my parents and husband are disabled and so I has to serve them the food. I had to wash my hands each time so I didn't lick them. But it truly was not as difficult as I imagined.

So what does this teach me? I don't really care as much about food as I thought. I think I had a complete carb and sugar addiction. I have been eating low carb, gluten free, dairy free for 3 weeks before I started so maybe the transition from carb-burning to fat- burning kicked in for me this week and made it easier to stay the course.

Here's what I miss most--- almond milk in my coffee and chia seeds ( they really helped with my digestion.).

Here's what my biggest temptation was for the week-- Greek yogurt that I served to company for break the fast.

Looking forward to next week.

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